6. Lie in wait - Are designed to entrap others, and to destroy them. Deliver them - From those that lie in wait for them.

7. Are not - Both they and their families suddenly perish.

9. Despised - That lives in a mean condition. honoureth - That glories in his high birth or gay attire.

10. Regardeth - He will not destroy it either by labour beyond its strength, or by denying it necessary food or rest. Cruel - There is cruelty mixed even with their most merciful actions.

11. Tilleth - That employs his time in an honest calling. Vain persons - In an idle course of living.

12. Desireth - He approves those arts, which wicked men use like nets to ensnare other men. The root - That piety, which is the root of his actions, yields him sufficient fruit both for his own need, and to do good to others.

14. Mouth - By his pious and profitable discourses. Hands - Of his actions.

15. Hearkeneth - That distrusts his own judgments, and seeks counsel from others.

16. Covereth - The shame, or injury done to him, which he conceals and bears with patience.

17. Deceit - He who uses himself to lying in his common talk, will use falsehood and deceit in judgment.

18. Health - Tends to the comfort and benefit of others.

19. A moment - Liars, though they may make a fair shew for a season, yet are quickly convicted.

20. Deceit - They whose hearts devise mischief shall be deceived in their hopes, and bring trouble upon themselves: but they who by good counsels labour to promote peace, shall reap the comfort of it themselves.

23. Concealeth - He does not unseasonably utter what he knows. Foolishness - Betrays his ignorance and folly.

25. A good word - A compassionate or encouraging word.

26. neighbour - Than any other men. Seduceth - Hebrew. maketh them to err, to lose that excellency or happiness which they had promised themselves.

27. Resteth not - Does not enjoy the fruit of his labours. Precious - Yields him comfort and blessing with it.


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