II God's controversy with Moab, ver. 1-3. With Judah, ver. 4, 5. And with Israel, ver. 6-8. The aggravations of their sins, ver. 9-12. God complains of them, and threatens their ruin, ver. 13-16.

1. The bones - Or ashes, reduced them by fire into fine dust, and used these ashes instead of lime to plaister the walls and roofs of his palace, and this in hatred and contempt of the king of Edom.

2. Kirioth - A principal city of this country. Moab - The Moabites. Shall die - Be destroyed. With tumult - Such as soldiers in fight or assaults make, when they carry all by force.

3. The judge - The governor that is, every one of them.

4. Lies - idols. To err - Their idolatry blinded them, partly from the natural tendency of this sin, and partly from the just judgment of God. After which - idols. Walked - Successively, one generation after another.

6. Shoes - The smallest bribe, exprest here proverbially.

7. The people - That make a prey even of the poor afflicted ones, who walk with dust on their heads. Turn aside - Maliciously interpret the actions, words, and designs of the humble and meek. Will go in - These corrupt Judges commit also that lewdness which the Heathens abhor.

8. Lay down - The Jews of old did not sit upright at their meals, but leaned on one side. Upon clothes - Of which the law had expressly said, none should detain them all night, Deut. xxiv, 12, 13. Every altar - Of their idols. Drink the wine - They offer their drink-offerings in wine, which they bought with the fines laid on the innocent.

9. The Ammorite - The mightiest nation of all the Canaanites. As the oaks - Another proverbial speech denoting their great strength. His fruit - Their children. His roots - The old standards; that present generation.

11. Nazarites - Persons who bound themselves to a very sober and holy life; either for some certain time, or for their whole life.

12. Ye gave - Importuned them to drink wine, to violate their vow, and contemn God's law.

13. Under you - Under the load of your sins.

14. The swift - For their enemies shall be swifter than they. The strong - Natural strength of body shall not deliver. The mighty - The valiant man, the man of the greatest courage.


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