1 Titus is yet further directed by Paul, both concerning the things that he should teach and not teach. 10 He is to reject obstinate heretics. 12 He appoints him time and place wherein he should come unto him. VERSE 1 - Put. * Isa 43:26 1Ti 4:6 2Ti 1:6 2Pe 1:12; 3:1,2 Jude 1:5 - to be subject. * De 17:12 Pr 24:21 Ec 8:2-5; 10:4 Jer 27:17 Mt 22:21; 23:2,3 * Ro 13:1-7 1Ti 2:2 1Pe 2:13-17 - to be ready. * :8,14; 2:14 1Co 15:58 Ga 6:9,10 Eph 2:10 Php 1:11 Col 1:10 1Ti 5:10 * 2Ti 2:21 Heb 13:21 VERSE 2 - speak. * Ps 140:11 Pr 6:19 Ac 23:5 1Co 6:10 2Co 12:20 Eph 4:31 * 1Ti 3:11 Jas 4:11 1Pe 2:1; 3:10; 4:4 2Pe 2:10 Jude 1:8,10 - no. * Pr 19:19; 25:24 1Ti 3:3 2Ti 2:24,25 - gentle. * 2Sa 22:36 Isa 40:11 Mt 11:29 2Co 10:1 Ga 5:22; 6:1 Eph 4:2 * Php 4:5 Col 3:12,13 1Th 2:7 2Ti 2:24,25 * Jas 1:19,20; 3:17 1Pe 3:8 - all men. * 1Co 9:19 Ga 6:10 1Th 5:14,15 1Pe 2:17 VERSE 3 - we. * Ro 3:9-20 1Co 6:9-11 Eph 2:1-3 Col 1:21; 3:7 1Pe 4:1-3 - foolish. * Pr 1:22,23; 8:5; 9:6 - disobedient. * Mt 21:29 Ac 9:1-6; 26:19,20 Eph 2:2 1Pe 1:14 - deceived. * Isa 44:20 Ob 1:3 Lu 21:8 Ga 6:3 Jas 1:26 Re 12:9; 13:14 - serving. * Joh 8:34 Ro 6:17,22 - living. * Ro 1:29-31 2Co 12:20 2Ti 3:2,3 - hateful. * Ps 36:2 Re 18:2 VERSE 4 - the kindness. * Tit 2:11 Ro 5:20,21 Eph 2:4-10 - love. or, pity. God. See on ch. * Tit 1:3; 2:10 1Ti 1:1; 2:3; 4:10 - appeared. * Tit 2:11 2Ti 1:10 Heb 9:26 VERSE 5 - by works. * Job 9:20; 15:14; 25:4 Ps 143:2 Isa 57:12 Lu 10:27-29 * Ro 3:20,28; 4:5; 9:11,16,30; 11:6 Ga 2:16; 3:16-21 Eph 2:4,8,9 * 2Ti 1:9 - according. * :4 Ps 62:12; 86:5,15; 130:7 Mic 7:18 Lu 1:50,54,72,78 * Eph 1:6,7 Heb 4:16 1Pe 1:3; 2:10 - washing. * Joh 3:3-5 1Co 6:11 Eph 5:26 1Pe 3:21 - renewing. * Ps 51:10 Ro 12:2 Eph 4:23 Col 3:10 Heb 6:6 VERSE 6 - he shed. * Pr 1:23 Isa 32:15; 44:3 Eze 36:25 Joe 2:28 Joh 1:16; 7:37 * Ac 2:33; 10:45 Ro 5:5 - abundantly. Gr. richly. See on * Eph 4:2; 3:8 - through. * Tit 1:4 Joh 4:10; 14:16,17; 16:7 Ro 8:2 VERSE 7 - being. * Tit 2:11 Ro 3:24,28; 4:4,16; 5:1,2,15-21; 11:6 1Co 6:11 Ga 2:16 - made. * Ro 8:17,23,24 Ga 3:29; 4:7 Heb 6:17; 11:7,9 Jas 2:5 1Pe 3:7 - hope. See on ch. * Tit 1:2; 2:13 VERSE 8 - a faithful. * Tit 1:9 1Ti 1:15 - that thou. * Pr 21:28 Ac 12:15 2Co 4:13 - which. * Ps 78:22 Joh 5:24; 12:44 Ro 4:5 1Pe 1:21 1Jo 5:10-13 - be. See on ver. * :1,14; 2:14 - good. * Job 22:2; 35:7,8 Ps 16:2,3 2Co 9:12-15 Phm 1:11 VERSE 9 - avoid. See on ch. * Tit 1:14 1Ti 1:3-7; 4:7 2Ti 2:23 - unprofitable. * Job 15:3 1Co 8:1; 13:2 2Ti 2:14 VERSE 10 - heretick. * 1Co 11:19 Ga 5:20 2Pe 2:1 - after. * Mt 18:15-17 2Co 13:2 - reject. * Ro 16:17 1Co 5:4-13 Ga 5:12 2Th 3:6,14 2Ti 3:5 2Jo 1:10 VERSE 11 - is subverted. * Tit 1:11 Ac 15:24 1Ti 1:19,20 2Ti 2:14 Heb 10:26 - being. * Mt 25:26-28 Lu 7:30; 19:22 Joh 3:18 Ac 13:46 Ro 3:19 VERSE 12 - Tychicus. * Ac 20:4 2Ti 4:12 - be. * 2Ti 4:9,21 - for. * 1Co 16:6,8,9 VERSE 13 - the lawyer. * Mt 22:35 Lu 7:30; 10:25; 11:45,52; 14:3 - Apollos. See on * Ac 18:24 - on. * Ac 21:5; 28:10 Ro 15:24 1Co 16:11 3Jo 1:6-8 VERSE 14 - learn. See on ver. * :8 - maintain good works. or, profess honest trades. * Ac 18:3; 20:35 *Gr: * Eph 4:28 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8 - that. * Isa 61:3 Mt 7:19; 21:19 Lu 13:6-9 Joh 15:8,16 Ro 15:28 * Php 1:11; 4:17 Col 1:10 Heb 6:6-12 2Pe 1:8 VERSE 15 - with me. See on * Ro 16:21-24 - Greet. See on * Ro 16:1-20 - love. * Ga 5:6 Eph 6:23 1Ti 1:5 Phm 1:5 2Jo 1:1,2 3Jo 1:1 - Grace. See on * 1Co 16:23 Eph 6:24 2Ti 4:22 Heb 13:25 GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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