1 A further description of the church's graces. 10 The church professes her faith and desire. VERSE 1 - thy feet. * Lu 15:22 Eph 6:15 Php 1:27 - O prince's. * Ps 45:13 2Co 6:18 - the joints. * Da 2:32 * Eph 4:15,16 Col 2:19 - the work. * Ex 28:15; 35:35 VERSE 2 - navel. * Pr 3:8 - liquor. Heb. mixture. thy belly. * So 5:14 Ps 45:16 Isa 46:3 Jer 1:5 Ro 7:4 VERSE 3 * So 4:5; 6:6 VERSE 4 - neck. * So 1:10; 4:4 - ivory. * So 5:14 1Ki 10:18,22; 22:39 Ps 45:8; 144:12 - thine eyes. That is, "Thine eyes are dark, deep, clear, and serene, as the fish-pools in Heshbon. " * So 4:1,9; 6:5 Eph 1:17,18; 3:18,19 - Heshbon. * Nu 21:25 Isa 54:4 - thy nose. That is, "Thy nose is as finely formed as the tower of Lebanon." * Php 1:9,10 Heb 5:14 - the tower. * So 4:8; 5:15 1Ki 7:2; 9:19 2Ch 8:6 - Damascus. * Ge 15:2 2Sa 8:6 VERSE 5 - head. * Isa 35:2 Eph 1:22; 4:15,16 Col 1:18; 2:19 - Carmel. or, crimson. * Mic 7:14 - the hair. * So 4:1; 5:11 Re 1:14 - the king. * So 1:17 *marg: * Ge 32:26 Ps 68:24; 87:2 Mt 18:20; 28:20 - held. Heb. bound. VERSE 6 * :10; 1:15,16; 2:14; 4:7,10 Ps 45:11 Isa 62:4,5 Zep 3:17 VERSE 7 - thy stature. * Ps 92:12 Jer 10:5 Eph 4:13 - thy breasts. * :3,8; 1:13; 4:5; 8:8 Isa 66:10 Eph 3:17 VERSE 8 - I will go. * So 4:16; 5:1 Jer 32:41 Joh 14:21-23 - the smell. * So 1:3; 2:3 2Co 2:14 VERSE 9 - the roof. * So 2:14; 5:16 Pr 16:24 Eph 4:29 Col 3:16,17; 4:6 Heb 13:15 - the best. * Isa 62:8,9 Zec 9:15-17 Ac 2:11-13,46,47; 4:31,32; 16:30-34 - sweetly. Heb. straightly. those that are asleep. or, the ancient. * So 5:2 Ro 13:11 1Th 4:13,14 Re 14:13 VERSE 10 - my. * So 2:16; 6:3 Ac 27:23 1Co 6:19,20 Ga 2:20 - his. * :5,6 Job 14:15 Ps 45:11; 147:11 Joh 17:24 VERSE 11 - let us go. * So 1:4; 2:10-13; 4:8 VERSE 12 - get. * Pr 8:17 Ec 9:10 - let us see. * So 6:11 Pr 24:30,31 Ac 15:36 2Co 13:5 1Th 3:5,6 Heb 12:15 - the tender * So 2:13,15 Isa 18:5 - appear. Heb. open. there will I give thee. * :6; 4:16 Ex 25:22 Ps 43:4; 63:3-8; 73:25; 122:5 Eze 20:40,41 * Ro 5:11 2Co 5:14,15 Eph 6:24 Heb 4:16 VERSE 13 - mandrakes. * Ge 30:14 - at our. * So 4:16; 5:1 Joh 15:8 Ga 5:22,23 Eph 5:9 Php 1:11 - new. * Mt 13:52 - I have. * Isa 23:18; 60:6,7 Mt 25:40 Ro 15:25-27 1Co 2:9; 16:2; 8:8,9 * Col 3:17 1Pe 4:11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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