1 Christ awakes the church with his calling. 2 The church having a taste of Christ's love, is sick of love. 9 A description of Christ by his graces. VERSE 1 - come. * So 4:16; 6:2,11; 8:13 Isa 5:1; 51:3; 58:11; 61:11 Joh 14:21-23 - my sister. * So 4:9-12; 8:1 Heb 2:12-14 - I have gathered. * So 4:13,14 Ps 147:11 Isa 53:11 - eat. * De 16:13-17; 26:10-14 2Ch 31:6-10 Ps 16:3 Isa 23:18; 55:1,2 * Isa 62:8,9; 65:13; 66:14 Mt 25:40 Ac 11:29 2Co 9:11-15 Eph 5:18 * 1Th 3:8,9 - friends. * Lu 12:4; 15:6,7,9,10 Joh 3:29; 15:14,15 - yea, drink abundantly, O beloved. or, and be drunken with loves. * Zec 9:15-17 Re 22:17 VERSE 2 - sleep. * So 3:1; 7:9 Da 8:18 Zec 4:1 Mt 25:4,5; 26:40,41 Lu 9:32 Eph 5:14 - the voice. * So 2:8,10 Joh 10:4 - knocketh. * Re 3:20 - Open. * Ps 24:7-10; 81:10 Pr 23:26 - my dove. * So 2:14; 6:9 Ps 119:1 Re 3:4; 14:4 - my head. * So 8:7 Ge 29:20; 31:40,41 Isa 50:6; 52:14; 53:3-5 Mt 8:17; 25:35-45 * Mr 1:35 Lu 6:12; 22:44 2Co 5:14,15 Ga 2:20 VERSE 3 - have put. * Pr 3:28; 13:4; 22:13 Mt 25:5; 26:38-43 Lu 11:7 Ro 7:22,23 - I have washed. As the Orientals only wear sandals, they are obliged to wash their feet previously to their lying down. Hence a Hindoo, if called from his bed, often makes his excuse that he shall daub his feet. VERSE 4 - put. * So 1:4 Ps 110:3 Ac 16:14 2Co 8:1,2,16 Php 2:13 - my bowels. * Ge 43:30 1Ki 3:26 Isa 26:8,9 1Jo 3:16,17 - for him. or, (as some read,) in me. VERSE 5 - rose. * :2 Lu 12:36 Eph 3:17 Re 3:20 - my hands. * :13; 3:6; 4:13,14 2Co 7:7,9-11 - sweet smelling. Heb. passing, or running about. VERSE 6 - but my. * Ps 30:7 Isa 8:17; 12:1; 50:2; 54:6-8 Ho 5:6,15 Mt 15:22-28 * Re 3:19 - my soul. * :2,4 Ge 42:28 2Sa 16:10 Ps 69:3; 77:3 Isa 57:16 Mt 26:75 * Mr 14:72 Lu 22:61,62 - I sought. * So 3:1,2 1Sa 28:6 Ps 22:1,2; 28:1; 80:4; 88:9-14 Isa 58:2:4,7-9 * La 3:8 Zec 7:13 VERSE 7 - watchmen. * So 3:3 Isa 6:10,11 Ho 9:7,8 Ac 20:29,30 2Co 11:13 - they smote. * Ps 141:5 Ho 6:5 Joh 16:2 Ac 26:9,10 Php 3:6 Re 17:5,6 - the keepers. * So 8:11 Isa 62:6 Mt 21:33-41; 23:2,29-36 - took. * Lu 6:22 Ac 5:40,41 1Co 4:10-13 Heb 11:36,37; 12:2 1Pe 4:14-16 VERSE 8 - charge. See on ch. * So 2:7; 8:4 - if ye. * Ro 15:30 Ga 6:1,2 Jas 5:16 - that ye. Heb. what ye. I am. * Ps 42:1-3; 63:1-3; 77:1-3; 119:81-83 VERSE 9 - What is. * Isa 53:2 Mt 16:13-17; 21:10 Joh 1:14 2Co 4:3-6 - O thou. * So 1:8; 6:1,9,10 Ps 45:13; 87:3 VERSE 10 - beloved. * So 2:1 De 32:31 Ps 45:17 Isa 66:19 Heb 7:26 - the chiefest. Heb. a standard bearer. * Isa 10:18; 59:19 Ro 9:5 Php 2:9-11 Col 1:18 Heb 2:10 VERSE 11 - head. * Da 2:37,38 Eph 1:21,22 - his locks. * So 7:5 Da 7:9 Re 1:14 - bushy. or, curled. VERSE 12 - His eyes. Rather, "His eyes are as doves;" the deep blue pigeon, the common dove in the East, whose brilliant plumage vibrates around his neck every sparkling hue, every dazzling flash of color. And this pigeon standing amid "the torrents of water," or the foam of a waterfall, would be a blue center with a bright space like the iris of the eye, surrounded by the white. * So 1:15; 4:1 Heb 4:13 - fitly set. Heb. sitting in fulness, that is, fitly placed, and set as a precious stone in the foil of a ring. VERSE 13 - cheeks. * So 1:10 Isa 50:6 - as a. * Ps 4:6,7; 27:4; 89:15 Re 21:23 - sweet flowers. or, towers of perfumes. * So 3:6 - his lips. * So 4:11 Ps 45:2 Isa 50:4 Lu 4:22 - dropping. * :5 VERSE 14 - hands. * Ex 15:6 Ps 44:4-7; 99:4 Isa 9:7; 52:13 - his belly. * So 7:2 Ex 24:10 Isa 54:11 Eze 1:26-28 VERSE 15 - legs. * Re 1:15 - sockets. * Ex 26:19 - his countenance. * So 2:14 Jud 13:6 Mt 17:2; 28:3 Ac 2:28 Re 1:16 - as Lebanon. * So 4:11 Ps 92:12 Ho 14:7 Zec 9:17 1Ti 3:16 VERSE 16 - mouth. Heb. palate. * So 1:2 Ps 19:10; 119:103 Jer 15:16 - most. * So 1:16; 2:1,3 Ps 45:2; 89:6; 148:13 Isa 9:6,7 Php 3:8 1Pe 2:6,7 - my beloved. * So 2:16; 6:3 Ga 2:20 - friend. * Jer 3:20 *marg: * Ho 3:1 Jas 2:23; 4:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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