1 The church's love unto Christ. 5 She confesses her deformity, 7 and prays to be directed to his flock. 8 Christ directs her to the shepherd's tents; 9 and shewing his love to her, 11 gives her gracious promises. 12 The church and Christ congratulate one another. VERSE 1 - song. * Ps 14:1 *title * Isa 5:1 - Solomon's. * 1Ki 4:32 VERSE 2 - him. * So 5:16; 8:1 Ge 27:26,27; 29:11; 45:15 Ps 2:12 Lu 15:20 Ac 21:7 * 1Pe 5:14 - thy love. Heb. thy loves. * :4; 2:4; 4:10; 7:6,9,12; 8:2 Ps 36:7; 63:3-5 Isa 25:6; 55:1,2 * Mt 26:26 VERSE 3 - the savor. * So 3:6; 4:10; 5:5,13 Ex 30:23-28 Ps 45:7,8; 133:2 Pr 27:9 Ec 7:1 * Isa 61:3 Joh 12:3 2Co 2:14-16 Php 4:18 - thy name. * Ex 33:12,19; 34:5-7 Ps 89:15,16 Isa 9:6,7 Jer 23:5,6 * Mt 1:21-23 Php 2:9,10 - the virgins. * So 6:8 Ps 45:14 Mt 25:1 2Co 11:2 Re 14:4 VERSE 4 - Draw. * Jer 31:3 Ho 11:4 Joh 6:44; 12:32 Php 2:12,13 - we will. * Ps 119:32,60 Heb 12:1 - the king. * So 2:3-5; 3:4 Ps 45:14,15 Mt 25:10 Joh 14:2,3 Eph 2:6 - we will be. * Ps 98:4-9; 149:2 Isa 25:8; 45:25; 61:3 Zep 3:14 Zec 9:9 Lu 2:10 * Php 3:3; 4:4 1Pe 1:8 - remember. * :2 Ps 42:4; 48:9; 63:5; 103:1,2; 111:4 Isa 63:7 Lu 22:19 * 1Co 11:23-26 - the upright love thee. or, they love thee uprightly. * :3 Joh 21:15-17 Eph 6:24 VERSE 5 - black. * Isa 53:2 Mt 10:25 1Co 4:10-13 1Jo 3:1 - comely. * Ps 90:17; 149:4 Isa 61:10 Eze 16:14 Mt 22:11 Lu 15:22 Ro 13:14 * 2Co 5:21 Eph 5:26- O ye. * Ps 45:9 Lu 13:34 Ga 4:26 - as the tents. * Ps 120:5 VERSE 6 - Look. * Ru 1:19-21 - because. * Job 30:30 Jer 8:21 La 4:8 Mr 4:6 Ac 14:22 - my mother's. * Ps 69:8 Jer 12:6 Mic 7:6 Mt 10:22,25,35,36 Lu 12:51-53 * Ga 4:29 - keeper. * So 8:11,12 VERSE 7 - O thou. * So 2:3; 3:1-4; 5:8,10,16 Ps 18:1; 116:1 Isa 5:1; 26:9 Mt 10:37 * Joh 21:17 1Pe 1:8; 2:7 - thou feedest. * Ge 37:16 Ps 23:1,2; 80:1 Isa 40:11 Mic 5:4 Joh 10:11,28,29 * Re 7:17 - for. * 1Sa 12:20,21 Ps 28:1 Joh 6:67-69 1Jo 2:19 - turneth aside. or, is veiled. * Col 3:14-18 VERSE 8 - O thou. * :15; 2:10; 4:1,7,10; 5:9; 6:1,4-10; 7:1-13 Ps 16:3; 45:11,13 * Eph 5:27 Re 19:7,8 - go. * Pr 8:34 Jer 6:16 1Co 11:1 Heb 6:12; 11:4-40; 13:7 Jas 2:21,25 * Jas 5:10 1Pe 3:6 - feed. * Joh 21:15 VERSE 9 - O my. * So 2:2,10,13; 4:1,7; 5:2; 6:4 Joh 15:14,15 - to a. * 1Ki 10:28 2Ch 1:14-17 Isa 31:1 VERSE 10 - thy cheeks. * Ge 24:22,47 Isa 3:18-21 Eze 16:11-13 2Pe 1:3,4 - thy neck. * So 4:9 Ge 41:42 Nu 31:50 Pr 1:9 1Pe 3:4 VERSE 11 * So 8:9 Ge 1:26 Ps 149:4 Eph 5:25-27 Php 3:21 VERSE 12 - the king. * So 7:5 Ps 45:1 Mt 22:11; 25:34 - sitteth. * So 4:16 Mt 22:4; 26:26-28 Lu 24:30-32 Re 3:20 - my. * So 4:13-16 Joh 12:3 Php 4:18 Re 8:3,4 VERSE 13 - bundle. * So 4:6,14; 5:1,5,13 Ge 43:11 Ps 45:8 Joh 19:39 - he shall. * So 2:7; 3:5; 8:3,4 Eph 3:17 VERSE 14 - beloved. See on ver. * :13; 2:3 - camphire. or, cypress. * So 4:13,14 - En-gedi * Jos 15:62 1Sa 23:29; 24:1 VERSE 15 - thou art fair. See on ver. * :8; 4:1,7,10; 5:12; 7:6 - my love. or, my companion. * Mal 2:14 - thou hast. * So 4:1; 5:12 2Co 11:2,3 Eph 1:17,18 VERSE 16 - thou art. * So 2:3; 5:10-16 Ps 45:2 Zec 9:17 Php 3:8,9 Re 5:11-13 - also. * So 3:7 Ps 110:3 VERSE 17 - beams. * So 8:9 2Ch 2:8,9 Ps 92:12 1Ti 3:15,16 Heb 11:10 1Pe 2:4,5 - rafters. or, galleries. * So 7:5 Eze 41:16; 42:3 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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