1 Subjection, and many other duties, we owe to the civil officers. 8 Love is the fulfilling of the law. 11 Gluttony and drunkenness, and the works of darkness, are out of season in the time of the Gospel. VERSE 1 - every. * De 17:12 Eph 5:21 Tit 3:1 1Pe 2:13-17 2Pe 2:10,11 Jude 1:8 - there. * 1Sa 2:8 1Ch 28:4,5 Ps 62:11 Pr 8:15,16 Jer 27:5-8 Da 2:21; 4:32 * Da 5:18-23 Mt 6:13 Joh 19:11 Re 1:5; 17:14; 19:16 - ordained. or, order. VERSE 2 - power. * Jer 23:8-17; 44:14-17 Tit 3:1 - ordinance. * Isa 58:2 1Pe 2:13 - receive. * :5 Mt 23:14 Mr 12:40 Lu 20:47 Jas 3:1 VERSE 3 - rulers. * :4 De 25:1 Pr 14:35; 20:2 Ec 10:4-6 Jer 22:15-18 - Wilt. * 1Pe 2:13,14; 3:13,14 VERSE 4 - he is. * :6 1Ki 10:9 2Ch 19:6 Ps 82:2-4 Pr 24:23,24; 31:8,9 Ec 8:2-5 * Isa 1:17 Jer 5:28 Eze 22:27 Mic 3:1-4,9 - be. * Pr 16:14; 20:2,8,26 - revenger. * Ro 12:19 Nu 35:19-27 Jos 20:5,9 Eze 25:14 VERSE 5 - ye. * 1Sa 24:5,6 Ec 8:2 Tit 3:1,2 1Pe 2:13-15 - conscience. * Ac 24:16 Heb 13:18 1Pe 2:19; 3:16 VERSE 6 - pay. * Ezr 4:13,20; 6:8 Ne 5:4 Mt 17:24-27; 22:17-21 Mr 12:14-17 * Lu 20:21-26; 23:2 - attending. * Ro 12:8 Ex 18:13-27 De 1:9-17 1Sa 7:16,17 2Sa 8:5 1Ch 18:14 * Job 29:7-17 VERSE 7 - therefore. * Lu 20:25 - fear to. * Le 19:3 1Sa 12:18 Pr 24:21 Eph 5:33; 6:5 1Pe 2:18 - honor to. * Ex 20:12 Le 19:32 Eph 6:2,3 1Ti 5:13,17; 6:1 1Pe 2:17; 3:7 VERSE 8 - Owe. * :7 De 24:14,15 Pr 3:27,28 Mt 7:12; 22:39,40 - for. * :10 Ga 5:14 Col 3:14 1Ti 1:5 Jas 2:8 VERSE 9 - For this. * Ex 20:12-17 De 5:16-21 Mt 19:18,19 Mr 10:19 Lu 18:20 - covet. * Ro 7:7,8 - love. * Le 19:18,34 Mt 22:39 Mr 12:31 Lu 10:27 Ga 5:13 Jas 2:8-10 VERSE 10 - worketh. * 1Co 13:4-7 - love is. * :8 Mt 22:40 VERSE 11 - knowing. * Isa 21:11,12 Mt 16:3; 24:42-44 1Th 5:1-3 - it is. * Jon 1:6 Mt 25:5-7; 26:40,41 Mr 13:35-37 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14 * 1Th 5:5-8 - for now. * Ec 9:10 Lu 21:28 1Co 7:29-31 1Pe 4:7 2Pe 3:13-15 Re 22:12,20 VERSE 12 - night. * So 2:17 1Jo 2:8 - cast. * Isa 2:20; 30:22 Eze 18:31,32 Eph 4:22 Col 3:8,9 Jas 1:21 * 1Pe 2:1 - works. * Job 24:14-17 Joh 3:19-21 Eph 5:11 1Th 5:5-7 1Jo 1:5-7; 2:8,9 - put. * :14 2Co 6:7 Eph 6:11-18 Col 3:10-17 1Th 5:8 VERSE 13 - us. * Lu 1:6 Ga 5:16,25 Eph 4:1,17; 5:2,8,15 Php 1:27; 3:16-20; 4:8,9 * Col 1:10 1Th 2:12; 4:12 1Pe 2:12 1Jo 2:6 2Jo 1:4 - honestly. or, decently. as. * Ac 2:15 1Th 5:17 2Pe 2:13 - rioting. * Pr 23:20 Isa 22:12,13; 28:7,8 Am 6:4-6 Mt 24:48-51 Lu 16:19 * Lu 17:27,28; 21:34 1Co 6:10 Ga 5:21 Eph 5:18 1Pe 2:11; 4:3-5 - chambering. * 1Co 6:9,10 Ga 5:19 Eph 5:3-5 Col 3:5 1Th 4:3-5 2Pe 2:14,18-20 * Jude 1:23 - strife. * Ga 5:15,21,26 Php 2:3 Jas 3:14-16; 4:5 1Pe 2:1,2 VERSE 14 - put. * Ga 3:27 Eph 4:24 Col 3:10-12 - and. * Ro 8:12,13 Ga 5:16,17,24 Col 3:5-8 1Pe 2:11 1Jo 2:15-17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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