1 At the opening of the seventh seal, 2 Seven angels have seven trumpets given them. 6 Four of them sound their trumpets and great plagues follow. 9 Another angel puts incense to the prayers of the saints on the golden altar. VERSE 1 - And. * Re 5:1,9; 6:1,3,5,7,9,12 - silence. * Job 4:16 Ps 37:7; 62:1 *marg: * Hab 2:20 Zec 2:13 VERSE 2 - seven angels. * Re 15:1; 16:1 Mt 18:10 Lu 1:19 - trumpets. * :6-12; 9:1,13,14; 11:15 - See on * Nu 10:1-10 2Ch 29:25-28 Am 3:6-8 VERSE 3 - another. * Re 7:2; 10:1 - See on * Ge 48:15,16 Ex 3:2-18 Ac 7:30-32 - stood. * Re 9:13 Ex 30:1-8 2Ch 26:16-20 Ro 8:34 Heb 7:25 - having. * Le 16:12 1Ki 7:50 Heb 9:4 - much. * Le 16:13 Nu 16:46,47 Mal 1:11 - offer it with the prayers. or, add it to the prayers. * :4; 5:8 Ps 141:2 Lu 1:10 Heb 4:15,16; 10:19-22 1Jo 2:1,2 - the golden. * Re 6:9; 9:13 Ex 37:25,26; 40:26 VERSE 4 * :3; 15:8 Ex 30:1 Ps 141:2 Lu 1:10 VERSE 5 - and filled. * Re 16:1 *etc: * Isa 66:6,14-16 Jer 51:11 Eze 10:2-7 Lu 12:49 - into. or, upon. and there. See on ch. * Re 4:5; 11:19; 16:18 2Sa 22:7-9 Ps 18:13 Isa 30:30 Heb 12:18,19 - an. * Re 11:13,19 1Ki 19:11 Isa 29:6 Zec 14:5 Mt 24:7; 27:52-54 Ac 4:31 * Ac 16:26 VERSE 6 - See on ver. * :2 VERSE 7 - hail. * Re 16:21 Ex 9:23-25,33 Jos 10:11 Ps 11:5,6; 18:12,13; 78:47,48 * Ps 105:32 Isa 28:2; 29:6; 30:30; 32:19 Eze 13:10-15; 38:22 * Mt 7:25-27 - cast. * Re 16:2 - the third. * :9,10,12; 6:8; 9:4 Isa 2:12,13; 10:17,18 Jas 1:11 1Pe 1:24 VERSE 8 - and as. * Jer 51:25 Mr 11:23 - burning. * Am 7:4 - the third. * :7; 16:3 *etc: * Ex 7:17-21 Eze 14:9 VERSE 9 - the third part of the creatures. * :7,10,12; 16:3 Ex 7:21 Zec 13:8 - the ships. * Ps 48:7 Isa 2:16; 23:1 VERSE 10 - a great. * Re 1:20; 6:13; 9:1; 12:4 Isa 14:12 Lu 10:18 Jude 1:13 - the fountains. * Re 16:4 Ex 7:20,21 Jud 15:11 2Ki 2:19-22 2Ch 32:3 Isa 12:3 * Ho 13:15,16 VERSE 11 - Wormwood. * De 29:18 Ru 1:20 Pr 5:4 Jer 9:15; 23:15 La 3:5,19 Am 5:7; 6:12 * Heb 12:15 - many. * Ex 15:23 VERSE 12 - and the third part of the sun. * Re 16:8,9 Isa 13:10; 24:23 Jer 4:23 Eze 32:7,8 Joe 2:10,31 Am 8:9 * Mt 24:29; 27:45 Mr 13:24; 15:33 Lu 21:25; 23:44,45 Ac 2:20 - and the day. * Ex 10:21-23 2Co 4:4 2Th 2:9-12 VERSE 13 - flying. * Re 14:3,6; 19:17 Ps 103:20 Heb 1:14 - Woe. * Re 9:1,12; 11:14 Eze 2:10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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