1 Satan bound for a thousand years. 6 The first resurrection; they blessed that have part therein. 7 Satan let loose again. 8 Gog and Magog. 10 The devils cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. 12 The last and general resurrection. VERSE 1 - I saw. * Re 10:1; 18:1 - having. * Re 1:18; 9:1,2 Lu 8:31 - a great. * 2Pe 2:4 Jude 1:6 VERSE 2 - he laid. * Ge 3:15 Isa 27:1; 49:24,25 Mt 8:29; 19:29 Mr 5:7 Lu 11:20-22 * Joh 12:31; 16:11 Ro 16:20 Heb 2:14 - the dragon. See on ch. * Re 9:11; 12:9,13,15,17; 13:2,4 Job 1:7; 2:1,2 1Pe 5:8 2Pe 2:4 Jude 1:6 VERSE 3 - cast. See on ver. * :1; 17:8 - and set. * Da 6:17 Mt 27:66 - should deceive. * :8; 12:9; 13:14; 16:14-16; 17:2 Mt 24:24 2Co 11:3,13-15 2Th 2:9-11 - the thousand. * Ps 90:4 2Pe 3:8 - and after. * :7-10 VERSE 4 - thrones. * Da 7:9,18,22,27 Mt 19:28 Lu 22:30 1Co 6:2,3 - the souls. * Re 6:9 Mal 4:5 Mt 17:10-13 Mr 9:11 Lu 1:17; 9:7-9 - beheaded. * Mt 24:10 Mr 6:16,27 Lu 9:9 - the witness. * Re 1:9; 11:3,7; 12:11 - and which. * Re 13:12-17; 14:11; 15:2; 17:8 - and they. * Re 5:9; 11:11,15 Da 2:44; 7:18,27 Ro 8:17; 11:15 2Ti 2:12 VERSE 5 - the rest. * :8,9; 19:20,21 - This. * Re 11:11,15 Eze 37:2-14 Ro 11:15 VERSE 6 - Blessed. * :5; 14:13; 22:7 Isa 4:3 Da 12:12 Lu 14:15 - the second. * :14; 2:11; 21:8 - priests. * Re 1:6; 5:10 Isa 61:6 Ro 12:1 1Pe 2:5,9 - and shall. * :4; 1:6; 5:10 Ro 8:17 2Ti 2:12 VERSE 7 - See on ver. * :2 VERSE 8 - to deceive. See on ver. * :3,10 - Gog. * Eze 38:1-39:29 - to gather. See on ch. * Re 16:14 - the number. * Jud 7:12 1Sa 13:5 1Ki 4:20 Isa 10:22 Jer 33:22 Heb 11:12 VERSE 9 - went. * Isa 8:7,8 Eze 38:9,16 Hab 1:6 - and compassed. * 2Ki 6:15 Mic 2:13 Mt 16:16-18 Lu 19:43; 21:20 - the camp. * Ps 48:1-3; 74:2-4; 125:1,2 Heb 13:13 - and fire. * Re 11:5; 13:13 Ge 19:24 Ex 9:23,24 Le 10:2,3 Nu 11:1; 16:35 * 2Ki 1:10-15 Ps 97:3; 106:18 Isa 30:33; 37:36 Eze 38:22; 39:6 * Lu 9:54; 17:29 2Th 1:8 VERSE 10 - the devil. See on ver. * :2,3,8 - the lake. * :14,15; 19:20 - tormented. * Re 14:10 Mt 25:41,46 VERSE 11 - I saw. * :2; 19:11 Ge 18:25 Ps 9:7,8; 14:6,7; 47:8; 89:14; 97:2 Mt 25:31 * Ac 17:30,31 Ro 2:5 - from. * Re 6:14; 16:20; 21:1 Jer 4:23-26 Da 2:35 Mt 24:35 2Pe 3:7,10-12 - and there. * Re 12:8 Job 9:6 VERSE 12 - I saw. * :11 Da 12:2 Joh 5:28,29; 11:25,26 Ac 24:15 1Co 15:21-23 * 1Th 4:15-17 - small. See on ch. * Re 19:5 - stand. * Ro 14:10-12 1Co 4:5 2Co 5:10 - the books. * Da 7:10 - and another. * Re 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 21:27 Ps 69:28 Da 12:1 Lu 10:20 Php 4:3 - according. * :13; 2:23; 22:12 Ps 28:4; 62:12 Pr 24:12,29 Ec 12:14 Jer 17:10; 32:19 * Mt 16:27 Ro 2:6 2Co 5:10 VERSE 13 - the sea. * Joh 5:28,29 - and death. * :14; 6:8 Ho 13:14 1Co 15:50-58 - hell. or, the grave. * 1Co 15:55 *marg: - and they. See on ver. * :12 VERSE 14 - death. See on ch. * Re 19:20 Ho 13:14 1Co 15:26,53 - This. See on ver. * :6; 21:8 VERSE 15 - whosoever. * Mr 16:16 Joh 3:18,19,36; 14:6 Ac 4:12 Heb 2:3; 12:25 1Jo 5:11,12 - was cast. See on ch. * Re 19:20 Mt 25:41 Mr 9:43-48 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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