1 The prophet, longing for the communion of the sanctuary, 4 shews how blessed they are that dwell therein. 8 He prays to be restored unto it. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3469. B.C. 535. (Title.) Gittith. * Ps 8:1; 81:1 *titles - A Psalm. Some suppose this Psalm was composed by David when driven from Jerusalem by Absalom's rebellion: but it is more probable that it was written at the foundation of the second temple. - for. or, of. - How. * Ps 36:8; 27:4; 48:1,2; 87:2,3; 122:1 Heb 9:23,24 Re 21:2,3,22,23 - O Lord. * :103:20,21 1Ki 22:19 Ne 9:6 Isa 6:2,3 VERSE 2 - soul. * Ps 42:1,2; 63:1,2; 73:26; 119:20,81; 143:6 So 2:4,5; 5:8 - heart. * Job 23:3 Isa 26:9; 64:1 VERSE 3 - Yea, etc. Or, rather, "Even as the sparrow findeth a house, and the swallow ({deror,} or the ring-dove, according to some, but probably the bird which Forskal mentions among the migratory birds of Alexandria, by the name of {dururi}) a nest for herself where she may lay her young, (so I seek) thine altars, O Jehovah, God of hosts, my King and my God." That is, as nature inclines birds to seek and prepare their nests, so grace has taught me to desire thy altars, and to worship there. - sparrow. * :90:1 91:1 116:7 Mt 8:20; 23:37 VERSE 4 - Blessed. * Ps 23:6; 27:4; 65:4; 134:1-3 - they will. * :71:8,15 145:1,2,21 Isa 12:4,5 Re 7:15 VERSE 5 - strength. * Ps 28:7,8 Isa 45:24 Zec 10:12 2Co 12:9 Php 4:13 - in whose. * Ps 40:8; 42:4; 55:14 Isa 26:9 Jer 31:33; 50:4,5 Mic 4:2 VERSE 6 - Who. * Ps 66:10-12 Joh 16:33 Ac 14:22 Ro 5:3-5; 8:37 2Co 4:17 Re 7:14 - Baca, etc. or, mulberry-trees, make him a well, etc. {Baca} is probably a large shrub, which the Arabs still call {baca,} (see on 2 Sa 5:23;) and this valley, as Celsius observes, seems to be one "embarrassed with [such] bushes and thorns, which could not be passed without labor and tears,"--{bacah,} as 7 MSS., Aquila, and Vulgate read. * 2Sa 5:22-24 - the rain. * :68:9 2Ki 3:9-20 - filleth. Heb. covereth. VERSE 7 - They. * Job 17:9 Pr 4:18 Isa 40:31 Joh 15:2 2Co 3:18 2Pe 3:18 - strength to strength. Heb. company to company. * Lu 2:24 - in Zion. * Ps 43:3 De 16:16 Isa 46:13 Jer 31:6 Zec 14:16 Joh 6:39; 14:3 * 1Th 4:17 VERSE 8 - Lord. * :1,2,3,11,12 - Jehovah. God of hosts. * Ps 59:5; 80:4,7,19 - prayer. * Ps 4:1; 6:9; 35:13; 39:12 - give ear. * Ps 5:1; 17:1; 39:12; 49:1 - God of Jacob. * Ps 20:1; 46:7; 76:6 Ge 32:28 Ho 12:3-6 - Selah. * Ps 9:16 VERSE 9 - our. * :11; 98:1 Ge 15:1 De 33:29 - the face. * Ps 2:2,6 *marg: * :89:20 1Sa 2:10 2Sa 23:1 2Ch 6:42 Ac 4:27 VERSE 10 - For. * :1,2; 27:4; 43:3,4; 63:2 Lu 2:46 Ro 8:5,6 Php 3:20 - I had, etc. Heb. I would choose rather to sit at the threshold. * Jas 2:3 - to dwell. * Ps 17:14,15; 26:8-10; 141:4,5 VERSE 11 - a sun. * Ps 27:1 Isa 60:19,20 Mal 4:2 Joh 1:9; 8:12 Re 21:23 - shield. * :9; 3:3; 47:9; 115:9-11; 119:114 Ge 15:1 Pr 2:7 - the Lord. * Joh 1:16 Ro 8:16-18 2Co 3:18; 4:17 Php 1:6 - no. * Ps 34:9,10; 85:12 Mt 6:33 Php 4:19 - walk. * Ps 15:2 Pr 2:7; 10:9; 28:6,18 Mic 2:7 Ga 2:14 VERSE 12 - blessed. * Ps 2:12; 34:8; 62:8; 146:5,6 Isa 30:18; 50:10 Jer 17:7,8 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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