1 The prophet complains of the desolation of the sanctuary. 10 He moves God to help in consideration of his power; 18 of his reproachful enemies, of his children, and of his covenant. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. (Title.) Maschil of Asaph. or, A Psalm for Asaph to give instruction. * :78:1 *title - O God. * Ps 10:1; 42:9,11; 44:9; 60:1,10; 77:7 Jer 31:37; 33:24-26 Ro 11:1,2 - smoke. * :79:5 De 29:20 - the sheep. * :79:13; 95:7 100:3 Jer 23:1 Eze 34:8,31 Lu 12:32 Joh 10:26-30 VERSE 2 - purchased. * Ex 15:16 De 9:29 Ac 20:28 - rod. or, tribe. thine. * Ps 33:12; 106:40; 135:4 De 4:20; 32:9 Jer 10:16 - redeemed. * Isa 51:11; 62:12 Tit 2:14 Re 5:9 - this mount. * Ps 48:1,2; 78:68,69; 132:13,14 VERSE 3 - Lift. * Ps 44:23,26 Jos 10:24 2Sa 22:39-43 Isa 10:6; 25:10; 63:3-6 Mic 1:3 - the perpetual. * :102:13,14 Ne 1:3; 2:3,13 Isa 64:10,11 Da 9:17 Mic 3:12 * Lu 21:24 Re 11:2 - all. * :79:1 Jer 52:13 La 1:10 Da 8:11-14; 9:27; 11:31 Mr 11:17 VERSE 4 - Thine. * 2Ch 36:17 La 2:7 Lu 13:1 Re 13:6 - they set. * Jer 6:1-5 Da 6:27 Mt 24:15 Lu 21:20 VERSE 5 * 1Ki 5:6 2Ch 2:14 Jer 46:22,23 VERSE 6 * 1Ki 6:18,29,32,35 VERSE 7 - cast fire into thy sanctuary. Heb. sent thy sanctuary into the fire. * 2Ki 25:9 Isa 64:11 Mt 22:7 - defiled. * :89:39 Eze 24:21 - dwelling. * Ex 20:24 De 12:5 1Ki 8:20 VERSE 8 - said. * :83:4 137:7 Es 3:8,9 - destroy. Heb. break. all the synagogues. * 2Ki 2:3,5; 4:23 2Ch 17:9 Mt 4:23 VERSE 9 - We see. * Ex 12:13; 13:9,10 Jud 6:17 Eze 20:12 Heb 2:4 - no more. * 1Sa 3:1 Am 8:11 Mic 3:6 VERSE 10 * Ps 13:1,2; 79:4,5; 89:46,50,51 Da 12:6 Re 6:10 VERSE 11 - withdrawest. * Isa 64:12 La 2:3 - pluck it out. As the outward habit of the easterns has no sleeves, the hands and arms are frequently covered with the folds of the robe; and, in order to do anything, the hand must be disentangled, and drawn out. * Ps 44:23; 78:65,66 VERSE 12 - God. * Ps 44:4 Ex 19:5,6 Nu 23:21,22 Isa 33:22 - working. * Ex 15:2-15 Jud 4:23,24 1Sa 19:5 Isa 63:8 Hab 3:12-14 VERSE 13 - divide. Heb. break. * Ps 66:6; 78:13; 106:8,9; 136:13-18 Ex 14:21 Ne 9:11 Isa 11:15,16 - brakest. * Ex 14:28 Isa 51:9,10 Eze 29:3 - dragons. or, whales. * Eze 32:2 VERSE 14 - leviathan. * :104:25,26 Job 3:8 *marg: * Job 41:1-34 Isa 27:1 Re 20:2 - meat. * :72:9 Ex 12:35,36; 14:30 Nu 14:9 VERSE 15 - cleave. * :105:41 Ex 17:5,6 Nu 20:11 Isa 48:21 - flood. * Jos 3:13-17 2Ki 2:8,14 Isa 11:16; 44:27 Hab 3:9 *marg: * Re 16:12 - mighty rivers. Heb. rivers of strength. VERSE 16 - The day. * :136:7-9 Ge 1:3-5 - prepared. * Ps 8:3; 19:1-6; 136:7-9 Ge 1:14-18 Mt 5:45 VERSE 17 - set. * Ps 24:1,2 De 32:8 Ac 17:26 - made summer. Heb. made them summer. * Ge 8:22 Ac 14:17 VERSE 18 - Remember. * :22; 89:50,51; 137:7 Isa 62:6,7 *marg: * Re 16:19 - the foolish. * Ps 41:1; 39:8; 94:2-8 De 32:27 Isa 37:23,24 Eze 20:14 VERSE 19 - turtle-dove. * :68:13 So 2:14; 4:1; 6:9 Isa 60:8 Mt 10:16 - forget. * :68:10; 72:2 Zep 3:12 Jas 2:5,6 VERSE 20 - Have. * :89:28,34-36,39 105:8 106:45 Ge 17:7,8 Ex 24:6-8 Le 26:40-45 * De 9:27 2Sa 23:5 Jer 33:20-26 Lu 1:72-75 Heb 8:10 - the dark. * De 12:31 Ro 1:29-31 Eph 4:17,18 - habitations. * Ps 5:8 Ge 49:5-7 VERSE 21 - O let not. * Ps 9:18; 12:5; 102:19-21; 109:22 Isa 45:17 - poor. * :102:21 Ezr 3:11 Jer 33:11 VERSE 22 - Arise. * Ps 9:19,20; 79:9,10 - remember. * :18; 75:4,5; 89:50,51 Isa 52:5 VERSE 23 - Forget. * Ps 10:11,12; 13:1 - tumult. * :4; 2:1,2 Isa 37:29 La 2:16 Re 17:14 - increaseth. Heb. ascendeth. * Jon 1:2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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