1 David complains of his affliction. 13 He prays for deliverance. 22 He devotes his enemies to destruction. 30 He praises God with thanksgiving. VERSE 1 - (Title.) Shoshannim. * Ps 45:1; 60:1; 80:1 *titles - A Psalm. It is uncertain when this Psalm was composed; though it is probable that it was written by David during the rebellion of Absalom. It is an exceedingly fine composition; it evidently refers to the advent, passion, and resurrection of our Lord, to the vocation of the Gentiles, and the reprobation of Jews: See the Marginal References. - the waters. * :2,14,15; 18:4; 42:7 Isa 28:17; 43:2 La 3:54 Jon 2:3-5 * Re 12:15,16; 17:15 VERSE 2 - I sink. * Ps 40:2 Jer 38:6,22 - deep mire. Heb. the mire of depth. deep waters. Heb. depth of waters. * :88:6,7 Eze 27:26-34 - the floods. * Ps 32:6 Ge 7:17-23 Mt 7:25; 26:37,38 VERSE 3 - I am. * Ps 6:6; 13:1-3; 22:2 Heb 5:7 - my throat. * :21; 22:15 Joh 19:28 - mine. * :119:82,123 De 28:32 Job 11:20; 16:16 Isa 38:14 La 2:11 - I wait. * Ps 25:21; 39:7 VERSE 4 - hate. * Joh 15:25 1Pe 2:22 - more than. * Ps 40:12 - being. * Ps 7:3-5; 35:12,19; 38:19,20; 109:3-5 - then I. * Isa 53:4-7 2Co 5:21 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 VERSE 5 - and my sins. Heb. and my guiltiness. * Ps 17:3; 19:12; 44:20,21 - hid. * Ps 38:9 Jer 16:17 VERSE 6 - Let not. * Ps 7:7; 25:3; 35:26 Isa 49:23 Lu 24:19-21 Ac 4:7 - O God of Israel. * :72:18 2Sa 23:3 Ac 13:17,23 VERSE 7 - Because. * Ps 22:6-8; 44:22 Jer 15:15 Joh 15:21-24 - shame. * Isa 50:6; 53:3 Mt 26:67,68; 27:29,30,38-44 Lu 23:11,35-37 * Heb 12:2 VERSE 8 - become. * Ps 31:11 Job 19:13-19 Mt 26:48-50,56,70-74 Joh 1:11; 7:5 - and an alien. * 1Sa 17:28 Mic 7:5,6 Mt 10:21,22,35,36 VERSE 9 - zeal. * :119:139 1Ki 19:10 1Ch 15:27-29; 29:3 Mr 11:15-17 Joh 2:14-17 - and the. * :89:50,51 Ro 15:3 VERSE 10 * :102:8,9; 109:24,25 Lu 7:33,34 VERSE 11 - I made. * Ps 35:13,14 Isa 20:2; 22:12 Joe 1:8,13 - I became. * Ps 44:13,14 De 28:37 1Ki 9:7 Jer 24:9 VERSE 12 - They. * De 16:18 Mt 27:12,13,20,41,42,62,63 Lu 23:2 Ac 4:26,27 - I was. * Ps 35:15,16 Job 30:8,9 Mr 15:17-19 - drunkards. Heb. drinkers of strong drink. * Da 5:2-4,23 VERSE 13 - my prayer. * Ps 55:16,17; 91:15 Mt 26:36-46 Lu 22:44 Joh 17:1-26 Heb 5:7 * 1Pe 2:23 - in an. * 1Sa 25:8 Es 5:2,6; 7:2 Isa 49:8; 55:6 2Co 6:2 - in the. * Ps 40:10,11; 98:3 Ge 24:27 Mic 7:20 Lu 1:72 Ac 13:32,33 Ro 15:8,9 VERSE 14 - Deliver. * Ps 40:1-3 Jer 38:6-13 La 3:55 - let me. * Ps 25:18,19; 35:19; 109:3,21 Lu 19:14,27 Ac 5:30,31 - out of. * :1,2,15; 42:7; 124:4,5; 144:7 Mr 14:34-42; 15:34 VERSE 15 - waterflood. * Isa 43:1,2 Jon 2:2-7 Mt 12:40 Re 12:15,16 - pit. * Ps 16:10; 88:4-6 Nu 16:33,34 Ac 2:24,31 VERSE 16 - for thy. * Ps 36:7; 63:3; 109:21 - turn. * Ps 25:16; 26:11; 86:15,16 Mic 7:19 - according. * :13; 51:1 Isa 63:7 VERSE 17 - hide. * Ps 13:1; 22:24; 27:9; 44:24; 102:2; 143:9 Mt 27:46 - for I am. * Mt 26:38 - hear me speedily. Heb. make haste to hear me. * Ps 40:13; 70:1 Job 7:21 VERSE 18 - Draw. * Ps 10:1; 22:1,19 Jer 14:8 - redeem. * Ps 31:5; 111:9 Job 6:23 - because. * De 32:27 Jos 7:9 VERSE 19 - my reproach. * :7-9; 22:6,7 Isa 53:3 Heb 12:2 1Pe 2:23 - dishonor. * Joh 8:49 - mine. * Ps 2:2-4; 38:9 VERSE 20 - Reproach. * Ps 42:10; 123:4 Heb 11:36 - I am. * Ps 42:6 Mt 26:37,38 Joh 12:27 - I looked. * Isa 63:5 Mr 14:37,50 - take pity. Heb. to mourn with me. but there. * :142:4 Joh 16:32 2Ti 4:16,17 - comforters. * Job 16:2; 19:21,22 Mt 26:56 VERSE 21 - gall for my meat. Bochart, from a comparison of this passage with Joh 19:29, thinks that {rosh} is the same herb as the evangelist calls [ ,] hyssop; a species of which, growing in Judea, he proves from Isaac ben Orman, an Arabian writer, to be so bitter as not to be eatable. Theophylact expressly tells us, that the hyssop was added [ ,] as being deleterious, or poisonous: and Nonnus, in his paraphrase, says, [ ] "One gave the deadly acid mixed with hyssop." * Jer 8:14; 9:15; 23:15 Mt 27:34,48 - vinegar. * Mr 15:23,36 Lu 23:36 Joh 19:29,30 VERSE 22 - Let their table, etc. Or, rather, "Their table shall become a snare; their eyes shall be darkened," etc., in the future tense. * Pr 1:32 Mal 2:2 Ro 11:8-10 - a trap. * Isa 8:14,15 1Pe 2:8 VERSE 23 - Their eyes. * Isa 6:9,10; 29:9,10 Mt 13:14,15 Joh 12:39,40 Ac 28:26,27 * Ro 11:25 2Co 3:14 - make their. * De 28:65-67 Isa 21:3,4 Jer 30:6 Da 5:6 Ro 11:10 VERSE 24 - Pour. * :79:6 Le 26:14-46 De 28:15-68; 29:18-28; 31:17; 32:20-26 Ho 5:10 * Mt 23:35-37 Lu 21:22 1Th 2:15,16 Re 16:1 - take. * Ex 15:15 Isa 13:8 Zec 1:6 VERSE 25 - Let their. * 1Ki 9:8 Jer 7:12-14 Mt 23:38; 24:1,2 Ac 1:20 - habitation. Heb. palace. * Isa 5:1; 6:11 - let none dwell. Heb. let there not be a dweller. VERSE 26 - For. * :109:16 2Ch 28:9 Job 19:21,22 Zec 1:15 1Th 2:15 - whom. * Isa 53:4,10 Zec 13:7 - they talk. * Mr 15:28-32 - those, etc. Heb. thy wounded. VERSE 27 - Add. * :81:12 Ex 8:15,32; 9:12 Le 26:39 Isa 5:6 Mt 21:19; 23:31,32 * Mt 27:4,5 Ro 1:28; 9:18 2Th 2:11,12 Re 22:10,11 - iniquity. or, punishment of iniquity. * :109:17-19 2Ti 4:14 - let them. * Ps 24:5 Isa 26:10 Ro 9:31; 10:2,3 VERSE 28 - blotted. * Ex 32:32,33 Isa 65:16 Ho 1:9 Re 3:5; 22:19 - be written. * Isa 4:3 Eze 13:9 Lu 10:20 Php 4:3 Heb 12:23 Re 13:8; 20:12-15 VERSE 29 - I am poor. * Ps 40:17; 109:22,31 Isa 53:2,3 Mt 8:20 2Co 8:9 - let thy. * Ps 18:48; 22:27-31; 89:26,27; 91:14-16 Eph 1:21,22 Php 2:9-11 VERSE 30 - I will. * Ps 28:7; 40:1-3; 118:21,28,29 - magnify. * Ps 34:3 VERSE 31 - also shall. * Ps 50:13,14,23 Ho 14:2 Eph 5:19,20 Heb 13:15 1Pe 2:5 VERSE 32 - The humble. or, The meek. * Ps 25:9; 34:2 Isa 61:1-3 Joh 16:22; 20:20 - your heart. * Ps 22:26,29 Isa 55:6,7 VERSE 33 - the Lord. * Ps 10:17; 34:6; 72:12-14; 102:17,20 Isa 66:2 Lu 4:18 - his prisoners. * :107:10; 146:7 Zec 9:11,12 Ac 5:18,19; 12:4-11 Eph 3:1 Re 2:10 VERSE 34 - Let. * :96:11; 98:7,8 148:1-14 150:6 Isa 44:22,23; 49:13; 55:12 * Re 7:11-13 - moveth. Heb. creepeth. * Ge 1:20 *marg: VERSE 35 - God. * Ps 51:18; 102:13,16; 147:12,13 Isa 14:32; 44:26; 46:13 Re 14:1 - build. * Ps 48:11-13 Eze 36:35,36 Jer 33:10,11 VERSE 36 - The seed. * :90:16,17 102:28 Isa 44:3,4; 61:9 Ac 2:39 - they. * :91:14 Joh 14:23 Ro 8:28 Jas 1:12; 2:5 Re 21:27 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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