1 David flees to God upon his former experience. 4 He vows perpetual service unto him, because of his promises. VERSE 1 - (Title.) {Neginah.} Instead of {neginath,} many MSS., have {neginoth;} and two MSS., supply {mizmor,} "a Psalm." Some suppose this Psalm was composed when David was driven by Absalom's rebellion beyond Jordan, and from the sanctuary of God. * Ps 4:1; 6:1; 54:1; 55:1 *titles - Hear. * Ps 5:1-3; 17:1; 28:2; 55:1,2; 130:2 Php 4:6 VERSE 2 - From. * Ps 42:6; 139:9,10 De 4:29 Jon 2:2-4 - my heart. * Ps 43:5; 55:5; 77:3; 142:3; 143:4 Isa 54:11 Mr 14:33,34 Lu 22:44 - the rock. * Ps 18:46; 27:5; 40:2; 62:2,6 Isa 32:2 VERSE 3 - thou. * Ps 4:6,7; 116:2; 140:7 Isa 46:3,4 2Co 1:10 - strong. * Ps 18:2 Pr 18:10 VERSE 4 - abide. * :7; 15:1; 23:6; 27:4; 90:1; 91:1; 92:13 Re 3:12 - trust. or, make my refuge. * Ps 17:8; 57:1; 62:7; 63:7; 91:4; 142:4,5 Ru 2:12 Mt 23:37 Heb 6:18 VERSE 5 - hast heard. * Ps 56:12; 65:1; 66:19 - heritage. * Ps 16:5,6; 115:13 Mal 3:16-18 Ac 10:35 VERSE 6 - wilt prolong the king's life. Heb. shalt add days to the days of the king. * Ps 21:4,6; 72:15-17 Isa 53:10 - many generations. Heb. generation and generation. * :89:36,37 VERSE 7 - abide. * Ps 41:12 Isa 9:6,7 Lu 1:33 Heb 7:21-25; 9:24 - prepare. * Ps 40:11; 43:3; 57:3 Ge 24:27; 32:10 Pr 20:28 Mic 7:20 Lu 1:54,55 VERSE 8 - sing. * Ps 30:12; 79:13; 145:1,2; 146:2 - that I. * Ps 65:1; 66:13-16 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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