1 David prays, and professes his study in prayer. 4 God favors not the wicked. 7 David, professing his faith, prays to God to guide him; 10 to destroy his enemies; 11 and to preserve the godly. VERSE 1 - Give. * Ps 17:1; 54:2; 55:1,2; 64:1; 80:1; 86:1 1Pe 3:12 1Jo 5:14,15 - consider my. * Ps 19:14 1Sa 1:13,16 *marg: * Ro 8:26 VERSE 2 - unto the. * Ps 3:4 - my King. * Ps 10:16; 24:7,8; 44:4; 47:6,7; 74:12; 99:1-4; 145:1 Isa 33:22 - unto thee. * Ps 65:2 VERSE 3 * Ps 22:2; 55:17; 69:16; 88:13; 119:147; 130:6 Isa 26:9 Mr 1:35 VERSE 4 - God. * Ps 50:21 1Ch 29:17 Hab 1:13 Mal 2:17 - evil. * :94:20; 101:7 140:13 Joh 14:23 Heb 12:14 2Pe 3:13 Re 21:23,27 VERSE 5 - The. * Ps 14:1; 92:6; 94:8 Pr 1:7,22; 8:5 Ec 5:4 Hab 1:13 - stand. * Ps 1:5; 130:3 - in thy sight. Heb. before thine eyes. thou. * Ps 10:3 Le 20:23 Pr 6:16-19 Ho 9:15 Zec 11:8 Mt 7:23; 25:41 VERSE 6 - destroy. * Ps 4:2 Re 21:8; 22:15 - the bloody, etc. Heb. man of bloods and deceit. * Ps 26:8-10; 43:1; 55:23 Ge 34:14,25,26 2Sa 16:8; 20:1 Isa 26:21 * Ro 1:29 VERSE 7 - But. * Ps 55:16 Jos 24:15 Lu 6:11,12 - in the. * Ps 51:1; 52:8; 69:13,16 Isa 55:7 Ro 5:20,21 - in thy. * :130:4 Ho 3:5 Ac 9:31 Heb 12:28,29 1Pe 1:17-19 - I worship. * Ps 28:2; 132:7; 138:2 1Ki 8:29,30,35,38 Da 6:10 Heb 4:16 - thy holy temple. Heb. the temple of thy holiness. * Isa 64:11 VERSE 8 - Lead. * Ps 25:4,5; 86:11; 119:10,64; 143:8-10 Pr 3:5,6 - mine. Heb. those which observe me. * Ps 27:11; 54:5; 59:10 *marg: * 2Sa 12:14 - make. * Ps 25:4; 27:11 Pr 4:25 Mt 3:3 Heb 12:13 VERSE 9 - For. * Ps 36:1-4; 52:2; 58:3; 62:4,9; 111:1-3 Jer 9:3-6 Mic 6:12 Ro 1:29-31 * Ro 3:13 - faithfulness. or, stedfastness. their mouth. Heb. his mouth, that is, the mouth of any of them. inward. * Ps 51:6; 58:2; 62:4 *marg: * Ps 64:6 Jer 4:14; 17:9 Mr 7:21,22 Lu 11:39 - very wickedness. Heb. wickednesses. throat. * Lu 11:44 Ro 3:13 - they. * Ps 12:2,3 Job 32:21,22 Pr 29:5 1Th 2:5 VERSE 10 - Destroy. or, Make them guilty. * Ro 3:19,20 - let. * Ps 7:9-15; 9:15,16; 10:15; 17:13; 21:8-10; 28:3,4; 31:18; 35:1-8,26 * Ps 55:15; 59:12,13; 64:6-8; 66:7; 68:1,2; 69:22-25; 71:13; 79:12 * :83:9-18 109:6-20 137:7-9 140:9,10 144:6,7 De 2:30 * 1Sa 25:29,39 2Sa 15:31; 17:14,23 2Ch 25:16 Es 7:10 Job 5:12-14 * 1Co 3:19 - by. or, from. the. * La 1:5 Ho 9:7 - they. * Isa 1:2,20; 63:10 Da 9:5,9 VERSE 11 - But. * Ps 35:27; 40:16; 58:10; 68:3; 70:1-4 Jud 5:31 Isa 65:13-16 Re 18:20 * Re 19:1-7 - shout. * Ps 47:1-5; 65:13 Job 38:7 Zec 9:9 - defendest. Heb. coverest over, or, protectest. love. * :69:36 Ro 8:28 1Co 2:9 Jas 1:12; 2:5 VERSE 12 - bless. * Ps 1:1-3; 3:8; 29:11; 112:1; 115:13 - wilt. * Ps 32:10 - compass. Heb. crown. shield. * Ps 3:3; 84:11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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