1 The recompence of the charitable. 4 David complains of his enemies' treachery. 10 He flees to God for succor. VERSE 1 - (Title.) This Psalm is supposed to have been written on the same occasion as the three former; and to relate to David's affliction, and the evil treatment he received from his enemies during its continuance. - Blessed. * :112:9 De 15:7-11 Job 29:12-16; 31:16-20 Pr 14:21; 19:17 * Ec 11:1,2 Isa 58:7-11 Mr 14:7 Lu 14:13,14 2Co 9:8-14 Ga 2:10 - the poor. or, the weak, or sick. * Mt 25:34-39 Ac 20:35 1Th 5:14 - Lord. * Ps 34:19; 37:26,39,40 Heb 6:10 Jas 2:13 - time of trouble. Heb. the day of evil. * Ps 37:19 Pr 16:14 Ec 12:1 Re 3:10 VERSE 2 - preserve. * Ps 33:19; 91:3-7 Jer 45:4,5 - blessed. * :128:1-6 1Ti 4:8 - thou wilt not. or, do not thou. * Ps 27:12; 37:32,33; 140:8,9 VERSE 3 - strengthen. * :73:26 2Ki 1:6,16; 20:5,6 2Co 4:16,17 Php 2:26,27 - make. Heb. turn. VERSE 4 - Lord. * Ps 32:5; 51:1-3 - heal. * Ps 6:2-4; 103:3; 147:3 2Ch 30:18-20 Ho 6:1 Jas 5:15,16 VERSE 5 - Mine. * Ps 22:6-8; 102:8 - his name. * Job 18:17; 20:7 Pr 10:7 VERSE 6 - speaketh. * Ps 12:2 Pr 26:24,25 Ne 6:1-14 Pr 26:24-26 Da 11:27 Mic 7:5-7 * Lu 11:53,54; 20:20-23 2Co 11:26 - when. * Jer 20:10 VERSE 7 - whisper. * Pr 16:28; 26:20 *marg: * Ro 1:29 2Co 12:20 - against. * Ps 31:13; 56:5,6 Mt 22:15; 26:3,4 - my hurt. Heb. evil to me. VERSE 8 - An evil disease. Heb. A thing of Belial. * Ps 38:3-7 Job 2:7,8 Lu 13:16 - and. * Ps 3:2; 71:11 Mt 27:41-46,63,64 VERSE 9 - Yea. * Ps 55:12-14,20-22 2Sa 15:12 Job 19:19 Jer 20:10 - mine own familiar friend. Heb. the man of my peace. which. * De 32:15 Ob 1:7 Joh 13:18,26,27 - lifted up. Heb. magnified. VERSE 10 - be merciful. * Ps 57:1; 109:21 - that. * Ps 18:37-42; 21:8-10; 69:22-28; 109:6-20 Lu 19:27 VERSE 11 - because. * Ps 13:4; 31:8; 35:25; 86:17; 124:6 Jer 20:13 Col 2:15 VERSE 12 - thou. * Ps 25:21; 94:18 - settest. * Ps 16:11; 17:15; 34:15; 73:23,24 Job 36:7 Joh 17:24 VERSE 13 - Blessed. * :72:18,19 89:52 106:48 1Ch 29:10 Eph 1:3 Re 4:8; 5:9-14; 7:12 * Re 11:17 - Amen. The LXX. and Vulgate render [ , ] {Fiat, fiat.} So be it! So be it! With this psalm ends the first of the five books into which the Hebrews have divided the Psalms. * Nu 5:22 De 27:15-26 1Ki 1:36 1Ch 16:36 Jer 28:6 Mt 6:13 * 1Co 14:16 Re 22:20 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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