1 David moves God to take compassion on his pitiful case. VERSE 1 - (Title.) This deeply repentantial Psalm is supposed to have been composed by David under some grievous affliction, either bodily or mental, or both, after his illicit intercourse with Bathsheba. - to bring. * :70:1 *title - rebuke. * Ps 6:1; 88:7,15,16 Isa 27:8; 54:8 Jer 10:24; 30:11 Hab 3:2 * Heb 12:5-11 - hot. * De 9:19 VERSE 2 - thine. * Ps 21:12; 64:7 Job 6:4 La 3:12 - thy hand. * Ps 32:4; 39:10,11 De 2:15 Ru 1:13 1Sa 5:6,11; 6:9 VERSE 3 - soundness. * Ps 31:9 2Ch 26:19 Job 2:7,8; 33:19-22 Isa 1:5,6 - neither. * Ps 6:2; 51:8; 102:3,5 - rest. Heb. peace, or, health. because. * Ps 51:8; 90:7,8 La 3:40-42 VERSE 4 - mine. * Ps 40:12 Ezr 9:6 - as an. * Le 7:18 Isa 53:11 La 1:14 Mt 11:28 1Pe 2:24 VERSE 5 - My wounds. The soul being invisible, its distempers are also so; therefore the sacred writers describe them by the distempers of the body. (See the Parallel Texts on these verses.) On reading these and similar passages, say Bp. Lowth, some, who were but little acquainted with the genius of Hebrew poetry, have pretended to enquire into the nature of the disease with which the poet was afflicted; not less absurdly, in my opinion, than if they had perplexed themselves to discover in what river he was plunged, when he complains that "the deep waters had gone over his soul." * :7; 32:3 Isa 1:5,6 Jer 8:22 VERSE 6 - troubled. Heb. wearied. bowed. * Ps 35:14; 42:5 *marg: * Ps 57:6; 145:14 - mourning. * Ps 6:6; 31:10; 42:9; 43:2; 88:9 Job 30:28 Isa 38:14 VERSE 7 - my loins. * Ps 41:8 2Ch 21:18,19 Job 7:5; 30:18 Ac 12:23 - no. * :3 VERSE 8 - roared. * Ps 22:1,2; 32:3 Job 3:24; 30:28 Isa 59:11 VERSE 9 - Lord. Instead of {adonay,} "Lord," several MSS. read {yehowah,} "Jehovah." - groaning. * :102:5,20 Joh 1:48 Ro 8:22,23,26,27 2Co 5:2 VERSE 10 - heart. * Ps 42:1; 119:81-83; 143:4-7 Isa 21:4 - the light. * Ps 6:7; 69:3; 88:9; 119:123 1Sa 14:27-29 La 2:11; 5:16,17 - gone from. Heb. not with. VERSE 11 - lovers. * Ps 31:11 Job 6:21-23; 19:13-17 Mt 26:56 Joh 16:32 - stand. * Lu 10:31,32 - sore. Heb. stroke. kinsmen. or, neighbors. afar off. * Lu 22:54; 23:49 VERSE 12 - lay snares. * Ps 10:9; 64:2-5; 119:110; 140:5; 141:9 2Sa 17:1-3 Lu 20:19,20 - speak. * Ps 35:20; 62:3,4 2Sa 16:7,8 Lu 20:21,22 VERSE 13 * Ps 39:2,9 2Sa 16:10-12 Isa 53:7 1Pe 2:23 VERSE 14 - that heareth. * Am 5:13 Mic 7:5 Mr 15:3-5 Joh 8:6 VERSE 15 - in thee, etc. or, thee do I wait for. do. * Ps 39:7; 123:1-3 - hear. or, answer. * :138:3 - Lord. Here also, instead of {adonay,} one hundred and two MSS. read {yehowah,} "Jehovah." VERSE 16 - For I said. * Ps 13:3,4; 35:24-26 - foot. * :94:18 De 32:35 - magnify. * Ps 35:26 VERSE 17 - to halt. Heb. for halting. * Ps 35:15 *marg: * Mic 4:6,7 - sorrow. * :6; 6:6; 77:2,3 Isa 53:3-5 VERSE 18 - For. * Ps 32:5; 51:3 Job 31:33; 33:27 Pr 28:13 - sorry. * 2Co 7:7-11 VERSE 19 - But. * Ps 3:1; 25:19; 56:1,2; 59:1-3 - are lively, etc. Heb. being living are strong. Instead of {chaymin,} "lively" Bp. Lowth would read {chinmon,} "without cause:"--"but mine enemies without cause have strengthened themselves." As this emendation renders this member of the sentence parallel to the other, it is by no means improbable: see Ps 35:19; 79:5. - they that. * Ps 35:19; 69:4 Mt 10:22 Joh 15:18-25 Ac 4:25-28 VERSE 20 - render. * Ps 7:4; 35:12; 109:3-5 1Sa 19:4-6; 23:5,12; 25:16,21 Jer 18:20 - because. * Mt 5:10 Joh 10:32 1Pe 3:13,17,18; 4:14-16 1Jo 3:12 VERSE 21 - O my God. * Ps 22:1,11,19,24; 35:21,22 VERSE 22 - Make. * Ps 40:13,17; 70:1,5; 71:12; 141:1 - to help me. Heb. for my help. O Lord. * Ps 27:1; 62:2,6 Isa 12:2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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