1 The grievous estate of the wicked. 8 The excellency of God's mercy. 10 David prays for favor to God's children. VERSE 1 - A.M. cir. 3463. B.C. cir. 541. (Title.) A psalm. This Psalm is supposed by some to have been composed by David at the beginning of Saul's persecutions; but Calmet and others, on good grounds, are of opinion that it was written during the Babylonian captivity. - servant. * Ps 18:1; 90:1 *titles * :143:12 De 34:5 2Ti 2:24 Tit 1:1 Jas 1:1 2Pe 1:1 Jude 1:1 * Re 1:1 - The transgression. Or, rather, "The speech of transgression to the wicked is within his heart: there is no fear of God before his eyes;" for instead of {libbi,} "my heart," four MSS., have {libbo,} "his heart," which is also the reading of the LXX., Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and Anglo-Saxon. * 1Sa 15:13,14 Pr 20:11 Mt 7:16-20; 12:33,34 Tit 1:16 - no. * :112:1 Ge 20:11 Pr 8:13; 16:6 Ec 12:13 Ro 3:18 VERSE 2 - For he. * Ps 10:3; 49:18 De 29:19 Jer 2:23,34,35; 17:9 Ho 12:7,8 Lu 10:29 * Lu 16:14,15 Ro 7:9; 10:3 - until, etc. Heb. to find his iniquity to hate. * 1Sa 15:18-24 1Ch 10:13,14 Ro 3:9 VERSE 3 - The words. * Ps 5:9; 12:2,3; 55:21; 58:3; 140:3 1Sa 18:21; 19:6,7; 26:21 * Mt 22:15-18,35 - he hath. * :125:5 1Sa 11:6-13; 13:13,14; 15:26; 16:14 Zep 1:6 Heb 10:39 * 1Jo 2:19 VERSE 4 - deviseth. * Ps 38:12 1Sa 19:11 Es 5:14; 6:4 Pr 4:16 Ho 7:6,7 Mic 2:1 Mt 27:1 * Ac 23:12 - mischief. or, vanity. setteth. * Pr 24:23 Isa 65:2 Jer 6:16; 8:6; 9:2-9 Mic 6:8 - abhorreth. * :97:10 Job 15:16 Am 5:15 Ro 1:32; 12:9 Re 2:2 VERSE 5 - mercy. * Ps 52:1; 57:10; 103:11; 108:4 Isa 55:7-9 - faithfulness. * :89:2 92:2 100:5 Mt 24:35 Heb 6:18-20 VERSE 6 - righteousness. * :71:19; 97:2 145:17 Ge 18:25 De 32:4 Isa 45:19,21-24 Ro 3:25 - great mountains. Heb. mountains of God. * Ex 9:28 1Sa 14:15 *margins - judgments. * :77:19; 92:5 Job 11:7-9; 37:23 Isa 40:28 Jer 12:1 Mt 11:25,26 * Ro 11:33 - thou. * :104:14-35; 145:9; 147:9 Job 7:20 Jon 4:11 Mt 10:29,30 1Ti 4:10 VERSE 7 - How. * Ps 31:19; 86:5,15; 145:7,8 Ex 34:6 Joh 3:16 1Jo 3:1; 4:9,10 - excellent. Heb. precious. * :139:17 1Pe 2:6,7 2Pe 1:4 - put their. * Ps 17:8; 57:1; 63:7; 91:4 Ru 2:12 Lu 13:34 VERSE 8 - abundantly. * Ps 16:11; 17:15; 63:5; 65:4 So 5:1 Isa 25:6; 55:1,2 Jer 31:12-14 * Zec 9:17 Mt 5:6 Joh 7:37 - satisfied. Heb. watered. {Yirweyun,} "they shall be saturated," as a thirsty field by showers from heaven. * Isa 58:11 - and thou. * Ps 16:11; 46:4 Job 20:17 Isa 43:20; 48:21 Re 22:1-17 - thy pleasures. Or, {adanacha,} "thy pleasure," as four MSS., read; in which there is probably a reference to the garden of Eden, and the river that ran through, and watered it. VERSE 9 - For. * Isa 12:3 Jer 2:13 Joh 4:10,14; 7:37-39 Re 21:6; 22:17 - in thy. * Ps 27:1 Job 29:3 Pr 4:18 Isa 2:5; 60:1,2,19 Mal 4:2 Joh 1:8,9 * Joh 8:12 2Co 4:6 Jas 1:17 1Pe 2:9 1Jo 1:7 Re 21:23 VERSE 10 - continue. Heb. draw out at length. * :103:17 Jer 31:3 Joh 15:9,10 1Pe 1:5 - that. * Ps 9:10 Jer 22:16; 24:7 Joh 17:3 Heb 8:11 - and thy. * Ps 7:8-10; 18:24,25; 94:14,15; 97:10,11; 143:1,2 Isa 51:6-8 * 2Ti 4:7,8 VERSE 11 - foot. * Ps 10:2; 12:3-5; 119:51,69,85,122; 123:3,4 Job 40:11,12 Isa 51:23 * Da 4:37 - hand. * Ps 16:8; 17:8-14; 21:7,8; 62:6; 125:1-3 Ro 8:35-39 VERSE 12 - There. * Ps 9:16; 55:23; 58:10,11; 64:7-9 Jud 5:31 2Th 1:8,9 Re 15:4; 19:1-6 - shall. * Ps 1:5; 18:38 Jer 51:64 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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