1 David, shewing his confidence in God, craves his help. 7 He rejoices in his mercy. 9 He prays in his calamity. 19 He praises God for his goodness. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2943. B.C. 1061. thee. * Ps 22:4,5; 25:2; 71:1,2 Isa 49:23 Ro 5:5; 10:11 - deliver. * Ps 7:8,9; 43:1; 143:1,11,12 Da 9:16 VERSE 2 - Bow. * :71:2 86:1 130:2 Pr 22:17 - deliver. * Ps 40:17; 69:17; 79:1; 102:2; 143:7 Job 7:21 Lu 18:8 - my strong rock. Heb. to me for a rock of strength. * Ps 18:1,2; 62:7; 94:22 De 32:31 2Sa 22:3 - an house. * :71:3 90:1 91:9 Isa 33:16 Joh 6:56 1Jo 4:12,15,16 VERSE 3 - for thy. * Ps 23:2,3; 25:11; 79:9 Jos 7:9 Jer 14:7 Eze 36:21,22 Eph 1:12 - lead. * Ps 25:5,9; 43:3; 139:24; 143:10,11 Ne 9:12,19 Isa 49:10 Lu 1:79 * Joh 16:13 VERSE 4 - Pull. * Ps 25:15; 35:7; 57:6; 124:7; 140:5 Pr 29:5 2Ti 2:26 - my strength. * Ps 19:14 2Co 12:9 VERSE 5 - Into. * Lu 23:46 Ac 7:59 2Ti 1:12 - thou. * :71:23; 130:8 Ge 48:16 Le 25:48 Isa 50:2 Tit 2:14 1Pe 1:18,19 * Re 5:9 - God. * De 32:4 2Ti 2:13 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18 VERSE 6 - hated. * Ps 26:5; 139:2 - lying. * Ps 24:4; 96:7-9 1Ch 16:28,29 Jer 10:8,15 Joh 2:8 Ro 1:21 1Co 8:4 * 1Co 10:20 VERSE 7 - I will. * Ps 13:5 Isa 49:13 Jer 33:11 - for. * Ps 9:13; 25:18; 71:20; 119:153 Ne 9:32 Job 10:9 La 3:50; 5:1 - known. * Ps 1:6; 142:3 Job 23:10 Isa 43:2; 63:9,16 Joh 10:27-30 1Co 8:3 * Ga 4:9 2Ti 2:19 VERSE 8 - shut me. * :88:8 De 32:30 1Sa 17:46; 24:18; 26:8 Job 16:11 Isa 19:4 *marg: - set. * Ps 4:1; 18:19 Job 36:16 VERSE 9 - mine. * Ps 6:7; 88:9 Job 17:7 La 4:17; 5:17 - my soul. * Ps 6:1,2; 22:14,15; 38:1-10; 44:25; 73:14,26; 88:3-5; 102:3-5; 107:10 * Job 33:19-22 VERSE 10 - my life. * :78:33; 88:15 102:3-28 Job 3:24 Ro 9:2 - strength. * :71:9 - bones. * Ps 32:3,4; 102:3-5 VERSE 11 - I was. * Ps 22:6; 69:19,20; 89:50,51 Isa 49:7; 53:4,5 Mt 27:39-44 Ro 15:3 * Heb 11:36; 13:13 1Pe 4:14 - especially. * Ps 38:11; 41:8,9; 88:8,18 Job 19:13,14 Jer 12:6 Mic 7:6 * Mt 10:21,22 - a fear. * Ps 64:8 Job 6:21-23 Mt 26:56,74 2Ti 4:16 VERSE 12 - forgotten. * :88:4,5 Isa 38:11,12 - a broken vessel. Heb. a vessel that perisheth. * Ps 2:9; 119:83 Isa 30:14 Ro 9:21,22 Re 2:27 VERSE 13 - I have. * Ps 55:10; 101:5 1Sa 22:8-10; 24:9 Jer 20:10 Lu 23:1,2,5 - fear. * Ps 56:1-3; 57:4 Jer 6:25; 20:3,4 *marg: * La 2:22 - while. * 1Sa 19:10-17; 20:33; 23:19,20 2Sa 17:1-4 Jer 11:19 Mt 26:3,4,59 * Mt 27:1 VERSE 14 - Thou. * Ps 16:1,2; 18:2; 22:1,2; 43:5; 56:3,4; 63:1; 71:12,22 Mt 26:39,42 * Mt 27:46 Joh 20:17 VERSE 15 - My times. * :116:15 1Sa 26:10 2Sa 7:12 Job 24:1 Ec 3:1-8 Lu 9:51 * Joh 7:6,30; 12:27; 13:1; 17:1 Ac 1:7; 23:11; 27:24 2Ti 4:6 * 2Pe 1:14 - deliver. * Ps 17:8,9,13; 71:10-12; 142:6; 143:3,12 Jer 15:20,21 VERSE 16 - Make. * Ps 4:6; 30:7; 67:1; 80:3,7,19 Nu 6:25,26 Da 9:17 - save. * Ps 6:4; 51:1; 106:45 Da 9:9,18 Ro 9:15,23 Eph 1:6,7; 2:4-7 VERSE 17 - Let me. * :1; 25:2,3; 34:5; 69:6,7 Isa 50:6,7 Joe 2:26,27 - wicked. * Ps 6:10; 35:4,26; 40:14,15; 70:2,3; 71:24; 83:16,17 Isa 41:11,12 * Isa 45:16,17; 65:13,14 Jer 20:11 Da 12:2 - them. * :115:17 1Sa 2:9 Mt 22:12,13 - silent in the grave. or, cut off for the grave. VERSE 18 - the lying. * Ps 12:3; 59:12; 63:11; 140:9-11 Pr 12:19 Isa 54:17 Joh 8:44 Re 21:8 * Re 22:15 - speak. * Ps 64:3,4; 123:3,4 1Sa 2:3 2Ch 32:16 Isa 37:22-24 Mt 10:25; 12:24 * Joh 8:48 Ac 25:7 - grievous things. Heb. a hard thing. * :94:4 Jude 1:15 VERSE 19 - Oh. * Ps 36:7-10; 73:1,24-26; 145:7-9 Isa 64:4 La 3:23-25 1Co 2:9 * 1Jo 3:1,2 - laid up. * Ps 16:11 Isa 35:10 Col 3:2-4 Heb 10:34 Jas 2:5 1Pe 1:4,5 - wrought. * :68:28; 126:2,3 Nu 23:23 Isa 26:12 Joh 3:21 Ac 15:12 2Co 5:5 VERSE 20 - hide. * Ps 27:5; 32:7; 64:2; 91:1-4 - from. * Ps 10:2; 36:11; 40:4; 86:14; 124:5; 140:5 Ex 18:11 Jas 4:6 - the strife. * Ps 64:2-4; 140:3 Job 5:21 Ro 13:13 2Co 12:20 Ga 5:20 1Ti 6:4 * Jas 3:5,6,14-16 VERSE 21 - marvellous. * Ps 17:7; 98:1; 118:23 1Pe 2:9 - strong city. or, fenced city. * 1Sa 23:7-13 Jer 1:18 VERSE 22 - I said. * :116:11 1Sa 23:26; 27:1 - I am. * :17 *marg: * :88:16 Isa 6:5 *marg - See on Ps. * Ps 38:10-12; 49:14 Job 35:14 La 3:54,55 Eze 37:11 Jon 2:4 - nevertheless. * Ps 6:9 2Ch 33:11-13 Jon 2:7-9 Heb 5:7 VERSE 23 - O love. * Ps 34:9; 97:10 De 10:12; 30:16 Isa 56:6 Mr 12:23 1Th 4:1 - saints. * Ps 30:4; 89:7; 97:10; 145:10 Re 19:5,6 - for the. * De 33:3 1Sa 2:9 Joh 10:27-30 Jude 1:1 - plentifully. * Ps 54:5; 94:2 Re 18:6 VERSE 24 - Be of. * Ps 27:14 Isa 35:3,4 Lu 22:31,32 Heb 12:12,13 Jas 5:10,11 - shall. * Ps 29:11; 138:3 Col 1:11 - all ye. * :146:5 Ro 15:12,13 1Pe 1:21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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