1 David exhorts princes to give glory to God; 3 by reason of his power; 11 and protection of his people. VERSE 1 - Give. * Ps 2:10-12; 68:31-34; 96:7-9 Isa 60:12 Jer 13:16-18 Re 5:11-14 - mighty. Heb. sons of the mighty. VERSE 2 - Give. * 1Ch 16:28,29 - glory, etc. Heb. honor of his name. * :96:6,8 97:9 113:3-6 145:3-7 - worship. * Ps 27:4; 96:9 2Ch 20:21 - the beauty of holiness. or, his glorious sanctuary. * :90:17 VERSE 3 - The voice. * Ps 18:13-15; 77:16-19 Mt 8:26,27 Re 17:14,15 - God. * Ps 24:7-10 Ac 7:2 - thundereth. * Ex 9:28,33; 19:16 1Sa 7:10 Job 37:2-5 Joh 12:29 Re 4:5; 8:5 * Re 11:19; 16:18; 19:6 - many waters. or, great waters. * :93:3,4 104:3 VERSE 4 - powerful. Heb. in power. * Ps 33:9 Job 26:11-14 Jer 51:15,16 Lu 4:36; 8:25 - full of. Heb. in. * Job 40:9-12 Isa 66:6 Eze 10:5 VERSE 5 * Isa 2:13 VERSE 6 - skip. * :114:4-7 - Lebanon. * Jer 4:23-25 Hab 3:6-11 Re 20:11 - Sirion. * De 3:9 - unicorn. * :92:10 Nu 23:22 VERSE 7 - divideth. Heb. cutteth out. flames. * :77:18; 144:5,6 Ex 9:23 Le 10:2 Nu 16:35 2Ki 1:10-12 Job 37:3 * Job 38:35 VERSE 8 - shaketh. * Ps 18:7; 46:3 Job 9:6 Isa 13:13 Joe 3:16 Hag 2:6,21 Heb 12:26 - Kadesh. * Nu 13:26 VERSE 9 - maketh. Or as Bp. Lowth and others, "maketh the oaks to tremble and maketh bare the forests;" understanding {ayyaloth,} as denoting here, not hinds, but oaks, as it signifies in Syriac. * Job 39:1-3 - calve. or, be in pain. discovereth. * Ps 63:2 Isa 9:18; 10:18,19 Eze 20:46-48 - in his temple. * Ps 46:2-5; 48:9; 134:1,2; 135:1,2 - doth, etc. or, every whit of it uttereth. VERSE 10 - sitteth. * :3; 65:7; 104:6-9 Ge 6:17; 8:1,2 Job 38:8-11,25 Mr 4:41 - King. * Ps 2:6-9; 10:16; 93:1; 99:1 Da 2:44 Mt 6:13 1Ti 1:17 VERSE 11 - give. * Ps 28:8,9; 68:35; 84:7; 85:8,10; 138:3 Isa 40:29,31; 41:10 * Zec 10:6,12 Eph 3:16 2Ti 4:17 - bless. * :72:3,7 Nu 6:24-27 Isa 9:6,7 Joh 14:27; 16:33 Ro 14:17 1Co 1:3 * Eph 2:17 2Th 3:16 Re 1:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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