1 The fame, 6 and evidence of wisdom. 10 The excellency, 12 the nature, 15 the power, 18 the riches, 22 and the eternity of wisdom. 32 Wisdom is to be desired for the blessedness it brings. VERSE 1 * Pr 1:20,21; 9:1-3 Isa 49:1-6; 55:1-3 Mt 3:3; 4:17; 28:19,20 * Mr 13:10; 16:15,16 Lu 24:47 Joh 7:37 Ac 1:8; 22:21 Ro 15:18-21 VERSE 2 - standeth. * Ge 37:7 Ex 7:15; 15:8 Re 3:20 - the top. * :23,26; 1:9,21; 4:9 - high places. * Pr 9:3,14 Jud 5:18 - the way. * :13,22,32; 1:15,31 - paths. * :20; 1:15; 3:17; 12:28 VERSE 3 * Mt 22:9 Lu 14:21-23 Joh 18:20 Ac 5:20 VERSE 4 * Ps 49:1-3; 50:1 Mt 11:15 Joh 3:16 2Co 5:19,20 Col 1:23,28 * 1Ti 2:4-6 Tit 2:11,12 Re 22:17 VERSE 5 * Pr 1:22; 9:4 Ps 19:7; 94:8 Isa 42:13; 55:1-3 Ac 26:18 1Co 1:28 * 1Co 6:9-11 Re 3:17,18 VERSE 6 - for. * Pr 2:6,7; 4:2,20-22; 22:20,21 Ps 19:7-11; 49:3 1Co 2:6,7 Col 1:26 - the opening. * Job 33:1-3 Mt 5:2-12; 7:28,29; 13:35 VERSE 7 - my mouth. * Job 36:4 Joh 1:17; 8:14,45,46; 14:6; 17:17; 18:37 Re 3:14 - an abomination to. Heb. the abomination of. * Pr 12:22; 16:12; 29:27 VERSE 8 - All. * Ps 12:6 Isa 45:23; 63:1 - there. * :13 Joh 7:46 - froward. Heb. wreathed. VERSE 9 * Pr 14:6; 15:14,24; 17:24; 18:1,2,15 Ps 19:7,8; 25:12-14; 119:98-100 * Isa 35:8 Mic 2:7 Mt 13:11,12 Joh 6:45; 7:17 1Co 2:14,15 * Jas 1:5 VERSE 10 * Pr 2:4,5; 3:13,14; 10:20; 16:16; 23:23 Ps 119:72,127,162 Ec 7:11 * Ac 3:6 2Co 6:10 VERSE 11 - wisdom. * Pr 3:14; 4:5-7; 16:16; 20:15 Job 28:15-19 Ps 19:10; 119:127 * Mt 16:26 Php 3:8,9 VERSE 12 - I wisdom. * Ps 104:24 Isa 55:8,9 Ro 11:33 Eph 1:8,11; 3:10 Col 2:3 - prudence. or, subtlety. knowledge. * Ex 31:3-6; 35:30-35; 36:1-4 1Ki 7:14 1Ch 28:12,19 2Ch 13:14 * Isa 28:26 VERSE 13 - The fear. * Pr 16:6 Ps 97:10; 101:3; 119:104,128 Am 5:15 Ro 12:9 1Th 5:22 * 2Ti 2:19 - pride. * Pr 6:16-19 1Sa 2:3 Ps 5:4,5; 138:6 Zec 8:17 1Pe 5:5 - the froward. * Pr 4:24; 6:12; 10:31 VERSE 14 - Counsel. * Isa 9:6; 40:14 Joh 1:9 Ro 11:33,34 1Co 1:24,30 Col 2:3 - sound. * Pr 2:6,7 Ro 1:22 - I have. * Pr 24:5 Ec 7:19; 9:16-18 VERSE 15 - By. * 1Sa 9:17; 16:1 1Ch 28:5 Jer 27:5-7 Da 2:21; 4:25,32; 5:18-31 * Da 7:13,14 Mt 28:18 Ro 13:1 Re 19:16 - decree. * 1Ki 3:9,28; 5:7; 10:9 Ps 72:1-4; 99:4 Isa 1:26; 32:1,2 Jer 33:15 * Re 19:11 VERSE 16 - princes. * Pr 19:10; 28:2 Ge 12:15 - rule. * Pr 29:4 2Ch 1:10 Es 1:22 Isa 32:1 - nobles. * Pr 17:7,26; 19:6; 25:7 - judges. * Pr 29:14 Ge 18:25 Ex 2:14 VERSE 17 - I love. * 1Sa 2:30 Ps 91:14 Joh 14:21,23; 16:27 1Jo 4:19 - those. * Ec 12:1 Isa 45:19; 55:6 Mt 6:33; 7:7,8 Mr 10:14 Jas 1:5 VERSE 18 - Riches and honor. * Pr 3:16; 4:7-9 Jas 2:5 - durable. * Ps 36:6 Ec 5:14-16 Mt 6:19,20 Lu 10:42; 12:20,21,33; 16:11,12 * 2Co 6:10 Eph 3:8 Php 4:19 1Ti 6:17-19 Jas 5:1-3 Re 3:18 - and righteousness. * Pr 11:4 Mt 6:33 Php 3:8,9 VERSE 19 * :10; 3:14 Ec 7:12 VERSE 20 - lead. or, walk. * Pr 3:6; 4:11,12; 6:22 Ps 23:3; 25:4,5; 32:8 Isa 2:3; 49:10; 55:4 * Joh 10:3,27,28 Re 7:17 - in the. * Pr 4:25-27 De 5:32 VERSE 21 - to inherit. * :18; 1:13; 6:31 Ge 15:14 1Sa 2:8 Mt 25:46 Joh 1:1-18 Ro 8:17 * Heb 10:34 1Pe 1:4 - fill. * Ps 16:11 Eph 3:19,20 Re 21:7 VERSE 22 * Pr 3:19 Joh 1:1,2 Col 1:17 VERSE 23 * Ge 1:26 Ps 2:6 Mic 5:2 Joh 17:24 Eph 1:10,11 1Jo 1:1,2 VERSE 24 - I was. * Ps 2:7 Joh 1:14; 3:16; 5:20 Heb 1:5 1Jo 4:9 VERSE 25 * Job 15:7,8; 38:4-11 Ps 90:2; 102:25-28 Heb 1:10 VERSE 26 - as yet. * Ge 1:1-31 - fields. or, open places. highest part. or, chief part. VERSE 27 - he prepared. * Ps 33:6; 103:19; 136:5 Jer 10:12 Col 1:16 Heb 1:2 - compass. or, circle. * Isa 40:11,22 VERSE 28 - established. or, strengthened. * Pr 31:17 De 15:7 - clouds. * Pr 3:20 Job 35:5; 36:28 - strengthened. * Jud 3:10; 6:2 *marg: - the fountains. * Ge 7:11 VERSE 29 - he gave. * Ge 1:9,10 Job 38:8-11 Ps 33:7; 104:9 Jer 5:22 - when he appointed. * Job 38:4-7 VERSE 30 - one. * Joh 1:1-3,18; 16:28 - I was daily. * Isa 42:1 Mt 3:17; 17:5 Joh 12:28 Col 1:13 VERSE 31 - and my. * Ps 16:3; 40:6-8 Joh 4:34; 13:1 2Co 8:9 VERSE 32 - for. * Ps 1:1-4; 119:1,2; 128:1 Lu 11:28 VERSE 33 - Hear. * Pr 1:2,3,8; 4:1; 5:1 Isa 55:1-3 Ro 10:16,17 - refuse. * Pr 1:21 Ps 81:11,12 Ac 7:35-37 Heb 12:25 VERSE 34 - watching. * Pr 1:21; 2:3,4 Ps 27:4; 84:10; 92:13 Mt 7:24 Lu 1:6; 10:39; 11:28 * Joh 8:31,32 Ac 2:42; 17:11,12 Jas 1:22-25 VERSE 35 - whoso. * Pr 1:33; 3:13-18 Joh 3:16,36; 14:6 Php 3:8 Col 3:3 1Jo 5:11,12 - obtain. Heb. bring forth. favor. * Pr 12:2 Eph 1:6 VERSE 36 - he. * Pr 1:31; 20:2 Joh 3:19,20 Ac 13:46 Heb 2:3; 10:29 - all. * Pr 5:11,12,22,23 Eze 18:31; 33:11 Joh 15:23,24 1Co 16:22 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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