1 Cautions against self-indulgence before rulers; against avarice; visiting a churl; speaking before a fool; and oppression. 12 Exhortations to study wisdom and to correct children for their good. 15 The joy of teachers and parents over wise children; with cautions against envy, intemperance, and whoredom; and exhortations to buy the truth, to honor parents, and to give God the heart. 27 The infatuation of drunkards. VERSE 1 * Ge 43:32-34 Jude 1:12 VERSE 2 * Mt 18:8,9 1Co 9:27 Php 3:19 VERSE 3 * :6 Ps 141:4 Da 1:8 Lu 21:34 Eph 4:22 VERSE 4 - Labor. * Pr 28:20 Joh 6:27 1Ti 6:8-10 - cease. * Pr 3:5; 26:12 Isa 5:21 Ro 11:25; 12:16 VERSE 5 - thou. * Ps 119:36,37 Jer 22:17 1Jo 2:16 - set thine eyes upon. Heb. cause thine eyes to fly upon, etc. "He expresses it in such a way," says Abp. Tillotson, "as if a rich man sat brooding over an estate till it was fledged, and gotten itself wings to fly away." - that which. * Ge 42:36 Ec 1:2; 12:8 Isa 55:2 1Co 7:29-31 - riches. * Pr 27:24 Job 1:14-17 Ps 39:6 Ec 5:13,14 Mt 6:19 1Ti 6:17 * Jas 5:1,2 VERSE 6 - an. * Pr 22:9 De 15:9; 28:56 Mt 20:15 Mr 7:22 - desire. * :3 Ps 141:4 Da 1:8-10 VERSE 7 - as. * Pr 19:22 Mt 9:3,4 Lu 7:39 - Eat. * Jud 16:15 2Sa 13:26-28 Ps 12:2; 55:21 Da 11:27 Lu 11:37-54 VERSE 8 - morsel. * Pr 17:1; 28:21 Ge 18:5 - vomit up. * Ge 2:24 Le 18:25,28; 20:22 - lose. or, marr. * Pr 9:8 Ge 38:9 Ex 21:26 Ec 3:7 - sweet. * Pr 22:18; 24:4 2Sa 1:23 *marg: VERSE 9 - Speak. * Pr 9:7,8; 26:4,5 Isa 36:21 Mt 7:6 Ac 13:45,46; 28:25-28 - he. * Lu 16:14 Joh 8:52; 9:30-34,40; 10:20 Ac 17:18,32 1Co 1:21-24 * 1Co 4:10-13 VERSE 10 - Remove. * Pr 22:28 De 19:14; 27:17 Job 24:2 - landmark. or, bound. fatherless. * Job 6:27; 22:9; 24:3,9; 31:21-23 Ps 94:6 Jer 7:5; 22:3 Zec 7:10 * Mal 3:5 Jas 1:27 VERSE 11 * Pr 22:23 Ex 22:22-24 De 27:19 Ps 12:5 Jer 50:33,34; 51:36 VERSE 12 * :19; 2:2-6; 5:1,2; 22:17 Eze 33:31 Mt 13:52 Jas 1:21-25 VERSE 13 * Pr 13:24; 19:18; 29:15,17 VERSE 14 * Pr 22:15 1Co 5:5; 11:32 VERSE 15 - My son. * Pr 1:10; 2:1; 4:1 Mt 9:2 Joh 21:5 1Jo 2:1 - if. * :24,25; 10:1; 15:20; 29:3 1Th 2:19,20; 3:8,9 2Jo 1:4 3Jo 1:3,4 - even mine. or, even I will rejoice. * Jer 32:41 Zep 3:17 Lu 15:23,24,32 Joh 15:11 VERSE 16 - thy. * Pr 8:6 Eph 4:29; 5:4 Col 4:4 Jas 3:2 VERSE 17 - not. * Pr 3:31; 24:1 Ps 37:1-3; 73:3-7 - be thou. * Pr 15:16; 28:14 Ps 111:10; 112:1 Ec 5:7; 12:13,14 Ac 9:31 2Co 7:1 * 1Pe 1:17 VERSE 18 - surely. * Ps 37:37 Jer 29:11 Lu 16:25 Ro 6:21,22 - end. or, reward. * Pr 24:14 Heb 10:35 - thine. * Ps 9:18 Jer 29:11 Php 1:20 VERSE 19 - and guide. * :12,26; 4:10-23 - in the way. That is "in the right way." VERSE 20 - not. * :29-35; 20:1; 28:7; 31:6,7 Isa 5:11,22; 22:13 Mt 24:49 Lu 15:13 * Lu 16:19; 21:34 Ro 13:13 Eph 5:18 1Pe 4:3,4 - flesh. Heb. their flesh. VERSE 21 - the drunkard. * Pr 21:17 De 21:20 Isa 28:1-3 Joe 1:5 1Co 5:11; 6:10 Ga 5:21 * Php 3:19 - drowsiness. * Pr 6:9-11; 19:15; 24:30-34 VERSE 22 - Hearken. * Pr 1:8; 6:20 De 21:18-21; 27:16 Mr 7:10 Eph 6:1,2 - despise. * Pr 30:11 Le 19:3 Mt 15:4-6 Joh 19:26,27 VERSE 23 - Buy. * Pr 2:2-4; 4:5-7; 10:1; 16:16; 17:16 Job 28:12-19 Ps 119:72,127 * Isa 55:1 Mt 13:44,46 Php 3:7,8 Re 3:18 - sell. * Mt 16:26 Ac 20:23 Heb 11:26 Re 12:11 VERSE 24 - father. * :15,16; 10:1; 15:20 1Ki 1:48; 2:1-3,9 Ec 2:19 - shall have. * Phm 1:9,20 VERSE 25 - and she. * Pr 17:25 1Ch 4:9,10 Lu 1:31-33,40-47,58; 11:27,28 VERSE 26 - My son. * :15 - give. * Pr 4:23 De 6:5 Mt 10:37,38 Lu 14:26 2Co 5:14,15; 8:5 Eph 3:17 - let. * Pr 4:25-27 Ps 107:43; 119:2,9-11 Ho 14:9 2Pe 1:19 VERSE 27 * Pr 22:14 VERSE 28 - as for a prey. or, as a robber. * Pr 2:16-19; 7:12,22-27; 9:18; 22:14 Jud 16:4-22 Ec 7:26 Jer 3:2 - increaseth. * Nu 25:1 Ho 4:11 1Co 10:8 Re 17:1,2 VERSE 29 - Who hath woe. * :21; 20:1 1Sa 25:36,37 2Sa 13:28 1Ki 20:16-22 Isa 5:11,22 * Isa 28:7,8 Na 1:10 Mt 24:49,50 Lu 12:45,46 Eph 5:18 - redness. * Ge 49:12 VERSE 30 - tarry. * Pr 20:1 Ge 9:21 Isa 5:11 Am 6:6 Eph 5:18 - mixed. That is, not wine diluted and lowered with water, but made stronger and more inebriating, by the addition of more powerful ingredients, as honey, spices, myrrh, defrutum, opiates, etc. * Pr 9:2 Ps 75:8 VERSE 31 * Pr 6:25 2Sa 11:2 Job 33:1 Ps 119:37 Mt 5:28-30 Mr 9:47 1Jo 2:16 VERSE 32 - At. * Pr 5:11 Isa 28:3,7,8 Jer 5:31 Ex 7:5,6,12 Lu 16:25,26 Ro 6:21 - biteth. * Ec 10:8 Jer 8:17 Am 5:19; 9:3 - an adder. or, a cockatrice. * Isa 59:5 VERSE 33 - eyes. * Ge 19:32-38 - and. * Pr 31:5 Ps 69:12 Da 5:4 Ho 7:5 Jude 1:12,13 VERSE 34 - thou. * 1Sa 25:33-38; 30:16,17 2Sa 13:28 1Ki 16:9; 20:16-22 Joe 1:5 * Mt 24:38 Lu 17:27-29; 21:34 1Th 5:2-7 - midst. Heb. heart. * Ex 15:8 VERSE 35 - stricken. * Pr 27:22 Jer 5:3; 31:18 - I felt it not. Heb. I knew it not. * Eph 4:19 - I will. * Pr 26:11 De 29:19 Isa 22:13; 56:12 1Co 15:32-34 2Pe 2:22 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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