1 Maxims about bridling the passions; improving the gift of speech; receiving reproof; the omniscience of God; his dealings with the righteous and the wicked; the advantages of piety and peace; and the evil of sloth, rashness, and avarice. VERSE 1 - soft. * Pr 25:15 Jud 8:1-3 1Sa 25:21-33 - grievous * :18; 10:12; 28:25; 29:22 Jud 12:3-6 1Sa 25:10,11,21,22 2Sa 19:43 * 1Ki 12:13-16 VERSE 2 - tongue. * :23,28; 12:23; 13:16; 16:23; 25:11,12 Ps 45:1 Ec 10:12,13 Isa 50:4 - poureth. Heb. belcheth, or, bubbleth. * Ps 59:7 VERSE 3 * Pr 5:21 2Ch 16:9 Job 34:21,22 Jer 16:17; 23:24; 32:19 Heb 4:13 VERSE 4 - A wholesome. Heb. The healing of the. * Pr 12:18; 16:24 Mal 4:2 - a tree. * Pr 3:18 Ge 3:22-24 1Ti 6:3 Re 2:7 - a breach. * Pr 18:8,14; 26:22 Ps 52:2-4; 109:22 VERSE 5 - fool. * Pr 10:1; 13:1,18 1Sa 2:23-25 2Sa 15:1-6 1Ch 22:11-13; 28:9,20 - but. * :31,32; 1:23; 6:23; 19:20; 25:12 Ps 141:5 Tit 1:13; 2:15 VERSE 6 - the house. * :16; 8:21; 13:22; 21:20 Ps 112:3 Heb 11:26 - in the revenues. * Pr 10:22; 16:8 Job 20:19-23 Ps 37:16 Ec 4:6; 5:10-14 Jas 5:1-3 VERSE 7 - lips. * Ps 37:30; 45:2; 51:13-15; 71:15-18; 78:2-6; 119:13 Ec 12:9,10 * So 4:11 Mt 10:27; 28:18-20 Mr 16:15 Ac 18:9,10 Ro 10:14-17 * Ro 15:18-21 Eph 4:29 2Ti 2:2 - the heart. * Pr 10:20,21 Mt 12:34 Jas 3:6 VERSE 8 - sacrifice. * Pr 21:27; 28:9 Isa 1:10-15; 61:8; 66:3 Jer 6:20; 7:21-23 Am 5:21,22 * Joh 4:24 - the prayer. * :29 1Ch 29:17 Ps 17:1 So 2:14 VERSE 9 - The way. * Pr 4:19; 21:4,8 Ps 1:6; 146:8,9 Mt 7:13 Jer 44:4 Hab 1:13 - he loveth. * Pr 21:21 Isa 26:7; 51:1,7 Ho 6:3 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:22 VERSE 10 - Correction. or, Instruction. grievous. * Pr 12:1; 13:1; 23:35 1Ki 18:17; 21:20; 22:8 Joh 3:20; 7:7 - and he. * Pr 1:30; 5:12; 10:17 Isa 1:5,6 Eze 24:13,14 VERSE 11 - Hell. * Pr 27:20 Job 26:6 Ps 139:8 Re 1:18 - the hearts. * 2Ch 6:30 Ps 7:9; 44:21 Jer 17:10 Joh 2:24,25; 21:17 Heb 4:13 * Re 2:23 VERSE 12 - scorner. * :10; 9:7,8 Am 5:10 Joh 3:18-21; 7:7 2Ti 4:3 - neither. * 2Ch 18:7 Job 21:14 VERSE 13 - merry. * :15; 17:22 2Co 1:12 - by. * Pr 12:25; 18:14 Ne 2:2 Joh 14:1 2Co 2:7; 7:10 VERSE 14 - heart. * Pr 1:5; 9:9 1Ki 3:6-12 Ps 119:97,100 Ac 17:11 2Pe 3:18 - the mouth. * Pr 12:23 Isa 30:10; 44:20 Ho 12:1 VERSE 15 - All. * Ge 37:35; 47:9 Ps 90:7-9 - but. * Pr 16:22; 17:22 Ac 16:25 Ro 5:2,3,11; 12:12 2Co 1:5,12; 6:10 * 1Pe 1:6-8; 4:13 VERSE 16 - little. * Pr 16:8; 28:6 Ps 37:16 1Ti 6:6 - great. * Pr 10:22 Ec 2:10,11,18-23; 5:10-12 VERSE 17 * Pr 17:1; 21:19 Ps 133:1-3 Php 2:1 1Jo 4:16 VERSE 18 - wrathful. * Pr 10:12; 26:21; 28:25; 29:22 2Sa 19:43; 20:1 Jas 3:14-16 - he. * :1; 25:15 Ge 13:8,9 Jud 8:1-3 1Sa 25:24-44 Ec 10:4 Mt 5:9 * Ac 6:1-5 Jas 1:19,20 VERSE 19 - way of the lazy. * Pr 22:5,13; 26:13 Nu 14:1-3,7-9 - the way of the righteous. * Pr 3:6; 8:9 Ps 5:8; 25:8,9,12; 27:11 Isa 30:21; 35:8 - made plain. Heb. raised up as a causey. * Isa 57:14 VERSE 20 - wise. * Pr 10:1; 23:15,16; 29:3 1Ki 1:48; 2:9; 5:7 Php 2:22 - despiseth. * Pr 23:22; 30:17 Ex 20:12 Le 19:3 VERSE 21 - joy. * Pr 10:23; 14:9; 26:18,19 - destitute of wisdom. Heb. void of heart. * Pr 11:12 *marg: - a man. * Pr 14:16 Job 28:28 Ps 111:10 Eph 5:15 Jas 3:13 VERSE 22 * Pr 11:14; 20:18 Ec 8:6 VERSE 23 - joy. * Pr 12:14; 16:13; 24:26; 25:11,12 Eph 4:29 - in due season. Heb. in his season. * Ec 3:1 Isa 50:4 - how. * 1Sa 25:32,33 VERSE 24 - way. * Pr 6:23 Ps 16:11; 139:24 Jer 21:8 Mt 7:14 Joh 14:6 - above. * Php 3:20 Col 3:1,2 - that. * Pr 2:18; 5:5; 7:27; 9:8; 23:14 VERSE 25 - destroy. * Pr 12:7; 14:11 Job 40:11-13 Ps 52:1,5; 138:6 Isa 2:12 Da 5:20 * 1Pe 5:5 - but. * De 10:17,18 Ps 68:5,6; 146:9 Jas 1:27 VERSE 26 - thoughts. * Pr 6:16-19; 24:9 Jer 4:14 Mt 15:19 - but. * :23 Ps 19:14; 37:30,31; 45:1 Mt 12:34-37 - pleasant words. Heb. words of pleasantness. VERSE 27 - He that is. * Pr 1:19; 11:19,29; 20:21 De 7:26 Jos 6:18; 7:11,12,24,25 1Sa 8:3-5 * 2Ki 5:27 Isa 5:8-10 Jer 17:11 Hab 2:9-11 Zec 5:3,4 - but. * Pr 28:16; 29:4 Ex 18:21; 23:8 De 16:19 Isa 33:15,16 VERSE 28 - heart. * :2; 16:23 1Ki 3:23-28 Ec 5:2,6 1Pe 3:15 - the mouth. * Pr 10:19; 13:16; 29:11,20 Ec 10:12-14 Mt 12:34 Tit 1:10,11 * Jas 3:6-8 2Pe 2:18 VERSE 29 - far. * Ps 10:1; 34:16; 73:27; 138:6 Mt 25:46 Eph 2:12,13 - he heareth. * :8 Ps 34:15-17; 66:18,19; 145:18,19 Isa 55:8,9 Joh 9:31 * Ro 8:26,27 Jas 5:16-18 1Pe 3:12 VERSE 30 - light. * Pr 13:9 Ezr 9:8 Ec 11:7 Re 21:23; 22:5 - a good. * Pr 17:22; 25:25 Ps 89:15 Lu 2:10-19 - the bones. * Pr 3:8 Isa 58:11 VERSE 31 - ear. * :5; 1:23; 9:8,9; 13:20; 19:20; 25:12 Isa 55:3 - abideth. * Joh 15:3,4 1Jo 2:19 VERSE 32 - refuseth. * Pr 1:24-33; 5:11,12; 8:33-36 Ps 50:17 Heb 12:15 - instruction. or, correction. * Pr 29:1 Isa 1:5 Jer 5:3 Eze 24:13,14 - heareth. or, obeyeth. * Pr 5:13 De 21:18,20 Mt 7:24-27 Jas 1:22 Re 3:19 - getteth understanding. Heb. possesseth an heart. * :14,21 *marg: * Pr 17:16; 18:15 VERSE 33 - fear. * Pr 1:7; 8:13 Job 28:28 Ps 34:11; 111:10 - and. * Pr 18:12; 25:6,7; 29:23 Lu 14:11 Php 2:5-11 Jas 4:10 1Pe 5:5 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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