1 Maxims of wisdom; distinguishing the righteous from the wicked by their thoughts, words, and works; noting the different event of their conduct; and teaching discretion both in temporal and spiritual things. VERSE 1 - loveth. * Pr 2:10,11; 8:17,32; 18:1 Ps 119:27,97-100 2Th 2:10 - he that. * Pr 5:12,13; 9:7,8 Ps 32:9; 92:6 Isa 1:3 VERSE 2 - good. * Pr 8:35 Ps 112:5 Ec 8:8 Ac 11:24 Ro 5:7 - a man. * Pr 1:31; 6:18 Ps 9:15 Isa 32:5-7 VERSE 3 - shall not be established. * Pr 10:25 Job 5:3-5; 15:29; 20:5-9; 27:16-18 - the root. * :12 Ps 15:5; 125:1,2 1Sa 25:33 Eph 3:17 Col 2:7 VERSE 4 - virtuous. * Pr 14:1; 19:13,14; 31:10-25 1Co 11:7,11 - she. * Pr 21:9,19; 27:15,16 - as. * Pr 14:30 Hab 3:16 VERSE 5 - thoughts. * Pr 11:23; 24:9 Ps 119:15; 139:23 Isa 55:7 Jer 4:14 - counsels. * Ps 12:2,3; 36:2-4; 41:6,7; 140:1-3 Mt 2:3-8,16; 26:4 1Co 4:5 * 2Co 4:2 VERSE 6 - words. * Pr 1:11-19 2Sa 17:1-4 Isa 59:7 Jer 5:26 Mic 7:1,2 Ac 23:12,15 * Ac 25:3 - the mouth. * Pr 14:3 Es 4:7-14; 7:4-6 VERSE 7 - wicked. * Pr 11:21; 14:11; 15:25 Es 9:6-10,14 Job 5:3,4; 11:20; 18:15-20 * Job 27:18-23 Ps 37:10,35-37; 73:18,19 - the house. * Pr 14:1; 24:3,4 2Sa 7:16,26 Mt 7:24-27 VERSE 8 - commended. * Ge 41:39 1Sa 16:18; 18:30 Ec 8:1 Lu 12:42-44; 16:8 1Co 3:10-15 * 1Co 4:5 2Co 10:18 - he. * Pr 1:26; 3:35; 5:23 1Sa 13:13; 25:17 Ps 132:18 Da 12:2 Mal 2:8,9 * Mt 27:4,5 Ac 12:23 - of a perverse heart. Heb. perverse of heart. VERSE 9 - He that is, etc. Or, rather, as in the old translation "He that is despised, and is his own servant, is better than he that boasteth himself and wanteth bread;" with which the versions generally agree. That is, it is better to be in lowness and obscurity, and to support oneself by manual labor, than to want the necessaries of life, through a foolish vanity, or the pride of birth, which refuses to labor. - despised. * Pr 13:7 Lu 14:11 VERSE 10 - righteous. * Ge 33:13,14 Nu 22:28-32 De 25:4 Joh 4:11 - but. * Ge 37:26-28 Jud 1:7 1Sa 11:2 Joh 19:31,32 Jas 2:13-16 - tender mercies. or, bowels. * 1Jo 3:17 VERSE 11 - tilleth. * Pr 13:23; 14:4,23; 27:27; 28:19 Ge 3:19 Ps 128:2 Eph 4:28 * 1Th 4:11,12 2Th 3:8 - he that followeth. * Pr 1:10-19; 4:14,15; 6:32; 7:7; 9:6,13,16; 13:20 Jud 9:4 Ps 26:4 * Jon 2:8 Tit 1:10,11 VERSE 12 - desireth. * Pr 1:17-19; 29:5,6 Ps 9:15; 10:9 Jer 5:26-28 Mic 7:2 Hab 1:15-17 - net. or, fortress. * Pr 10:15 - the root. * Ps 1:3 Isa 27:6; 37:31 Jer 17:7,8 Lu 8:13-15 Joh 15:5,16 * Ro 6:22 VERSE 13 - wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips. Heb. snare of the wicked is in the transgression of lips. * Pr 6:2; 15:2; 18:6,7 1Ki 2:23 Ps 5:6; 64:8 Da 6:24 Mt 27:25 - but. * Pr 11:8 Ge 48:16 2Sa 4:9 Ps 34:19 Ec 7:18 Ro 8:35-37 2Pe 2:9 VERSE 14 - satisfied. * Pr 13:2; 18:20,21 Ps 63:5 - and. * Isa 3:10,11 Mt 10:41,42; 16:27 2Th 1:6,7 Heb 2:2; 11:26 VERSE 15 - way. * Pr 3:7; 14:16; 16:2,25; 26:12,16; 28:11; 30:12 Lu 18:11 Ga 6:3 - but. * Pr 1:5; 9:9; 19:20 Ec 4:13 Jer 38:15-28 VERSE 16 - fool's. * Pr 25:28; 29:11 1Sa 20:30-34 1Ki 19:1,2 - presently. Heb. in that day. but. * Pr 10:12; 16:22; 17:9; 29:11 Jas 1:19 VERSE 17 - that. * Pr 14:5,25 1Sa 22:14,15 - but. * Pr 6:19; 19:5,28; 21:28; 24:28 Mt 15:19; 26:59 Ac 6:13 1Pe 3:16 VERSE 18 - that. * Pr 25:18 Ps 52:2; 57:4; 59:7; 64:3 Jas 3:6-8 - like. Compare. * Re 1:16 - but. * Pr 10:20,21; 13:17; 15:7; 16:24 Da 11:33 Re 22:2 VERSE 19 - lip. * Zec 1:4-6 Mt 24:35 - but. * Pr 19:9 Job 20:5 Ps 52:5 Ac 5:3-10 VERSE 20 - Deceit. * :12; 26:24-26 Jer 17:16 Mr 7:21,22; 12:14-17 Ro 1:29 - but. * Isa 9:6,7 Zec 6:13 Mt 5:9 Heb 12:14 1Pe 3:8-13 VERSE 21 - no. * Ro 8:28 1Co 3:22,23 2Co 4:17 - filled. * Pr 1:31; 14:14 Jer 13:12-14 Hab 2:16 Re 18:6 VERSE 22 - Lying. * Pr 6:16,17 Ps 5:6 Isa 9:15 Eze 13:19,22 Re 21:8; 22:15 - but. * Pr 11:1,20; 15:8 Jer 9:24 VERSE 23 - A prudent. * Pr 10:19; 11:13; 13:16 - but. * Pr 15:2 Ec 10:3,12-14 VERSE 24 - hand. * Pr 10:4; 13:4; 17:2; 22:29 1Ki 11:28; 12:20 - but. * :27; 19:15; 21:25,26; 22:13; 24:30-34; 26:13-16 - lazy. or, deceitful. VERSE 25 - Heaviness. * Pr 14:10; 15:13,15,23; 17:22; 18:14 Ne 2:1,2 Ps 38:6; 42:11 * Mr 14:33,34 - but. * :18; 15:23; 16:24; 25:11; 27:9 Isa 50:4 Zec 1:13 2Co 2:4-7 VERSE 26 - righteous. * :13; 17:27 Ps 16:3 Mt 5:46-48 Lu 6:32-36 1Pe 2:18-21 - excellent. or, abundant. but. * Ps 18:12,13 Jas 1:13,14 2Pe 2:18-22 1Jo 2:26 Re 12:9; 13:14 VERSE 27 - lazy. * Pr 13:4; 23:2; 26:15 - but. * Pr 15:16; 16:8 Ps 37:16 VERSE 28 * Pr 8:35; 9:11; 10:16; 11:19 Eze 18:9,20-24 Ro 5:21; 6:22,23 * Tit 2:11,12 1Jo 2:29; 3:7 3Jo 1:11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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