1 From particular admonitions, 4 he proceeds to general exhortations, 10 shewing how he rejoiced at their liberality towards him lying in prison, not so much for the supply of his own wants as for the grace of God in them. 19 And so he concludes with prayer and salutations. VERSE 1 - Therefore. * Php 3:20,21 2Pe 3:11-14 - and. See on ch. * Php 1:8; 2:26 - my joy. * Php 2:16 2Co 1:14 1Th 2:19,20; 3:9 - so. * Php 1:27 Ps 27:14; 125:1 Mt 10:22 Joh 8:31; 15:3,4 Ac 2:42; 11:23 * Ac 14:22 Ro 2:7 1Co 15:58; 16:13 Ga 5:1 Eph 6:10-18 Col 4:12 * 1Th 3:8,13 2Th 2:15 2Ti 2:1 Heb 3:14; 4:14; 10:23,35,36 2Pe 3:17 * Jude 1:20,21,24,25 Re 3:10,11 VERSE 2 - that. * Php 2:2,3; 3:16 Ge 45:24 Ps 133:1-3 Mr 9:50 Ro 12:16-18 1Co 1:10 * Eph 4:1-8 1Th 5:13 Heb 12:14 Jas 3:17,18 1Pe 3:8-11 VERSE 3 - I. * :2 Ro 12:1 Phm 1:8,9 - true. See on ch. * Php 2:20-25 Col 1:7 - help. * Php 1:27 Ac 9:36-41; 16:14-18 Ro 16:2-4,9,12 1Ti 5:9,10 - whose. * Ex 32:32 Ps 69:28 Isa 4:3 Eze 13:9 Da 12:1 Lu 10:20 Re 3:5 * Re 13:8; 17:8; 20:12,15; 21:27 VERSE 4 - Rejoice. See on ch. * Php 3:1 Ro 12:12 - alway. * Ps 34:1,2; 145:1,2; 146:2 Mt 5:12 Ac 5:41; 16:25 Ro 5:2,3 * 1Th 5:16-18 Jas 1:2-4 1Pe 4:13 - again. * Php 3:1 2Co 13:1,2 Ga 1:8 VERSE 5 - your. * Mt 5:39-42; 6:25,34 Lu 6:29-35; 12:22-30; 21:34 1Co 6:7; 7:29-31 * 1Co 8:13; 9:25 Tit 3:2 Heb 13:5,6 1Pe 1:11 - The. * Mt 24:48-50 1Th 5:2-4 2Th 2:2 Heb 10:25 Jas 5:8,9 1Pe 4:7 * 2Pe 3:8-14 Re 22:7,20 VERSE 6 - careful. * Da 3:16 Mt 6:25-33; 10:19; 13:22 Lu 10:41; 12:29 1Co 7:21,32 * 1Pe 5:7 - in. * Ge 32:7-12 1Sa 1:15; 30:6 2Ch 32:20; 33:12,13 Ps 34:5-7; 51:15 * Ps 55:17,22; 62:8 Pr 3:5,6; 16:3 Jer 33:3 Mt 7:7,8 Lu 18:1,7 * Lu 12:22 Eph 6:18 Col 4:2 1Th 5:17,18 1Pe 4:7 Jude 1:20,21 - thanksgiving. * 1Sa 7:12 2Co 1:11 Eph 5:20 Col 3:15,17 - known. * Pr 15:8 So 2:14 Mt 6:8 VERSE 7 - the peace. * Php 1:2 Nu 6:26 Job 22:21; 34:29 Ps 29:11; 85:8 Isa 26:3,12; 45:7 * Isa 48:18; 48:22; 55:11,12; 57:19-21 Jer 33:6 Lu 1:79; 2:14 * Joh 14:27; 16:33 - See on * Ro 1:7; 5:1; 8:6; 14:17; 15:13 2Co 13:11 Ga 5:22 Col 3:15 2Th 3:16 * Heb 13:20 Re 1:4 - passeth. * Eph 3:19 Re 2:17 - shall. * Ne 8:10 Pr 2:11; 4:6; 6:22 - through. * 1Pe 1:4,5 Jude 1:1 VERSE 8 - Finally. See on ch. * Php 3:1 - whatever. * Ro 12:9-21 1Co 13:4-7 Ga 5:22 Jas 3:17 2Pe 1:5-7 - are true. * Mt 22:16 Joh 7:18 Ro 12:9 2Co 6:8 Eph 4:25; 5:9; 6:14 1Pe 1:22 * 1Jo 3:18 - honest. or, venerable. * Ac 6:3 Ro 12:17; 13:13 2Co 8:21; 13:7 1Th 4:12 1Ti 2:2; 3:4,8,11 * Tit 2:2,7 *Gr: * Tit 3:14 *marg: * Heb 13:18 1Pe 2:12 - are just. * Ge 18:19 De 16:20 2Sa 23:3 Ps 82:2 Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:7 Isa 26:7 * Mr 6:20 Lu 2:25; 23:50 Ac 10:22 Tit 1:8 - are pure. * 1Ti 4:12; 5:2 Tit 2:14 Jas 1:27; 3:17 2Pe 3:1 1Jo 3:3 - are lovely. * 2Sa 1:23 So 5:16 1Co 13:1-13 1Pe 4:8 - are of. * Ac 6:3; 10:22; 22:12 Col 4:5 1Th 5:22 1Ti 3:7; 5:10 Heb 11:2 - virtue. * Ru 3:11 Pr 12:4; 31:10,29 2Pe 1:3,4 - praise. * Pr 31:31 Ro 2:29; 13:3 1Co 4:5 2Co 8:18 - think. * Lu 16:15 1Th 5:21 1Jo 4:1 VERSE 9 - which. * Php 3:17 1Co 10:31-33; 11:1 1Th 1:6; 2:2-12,14; 4:1-8 2Th 3:6-10 - do. * De 5:1 Mt 5:19,20; 7:21,24-27 Lu 6:46; 8:21 Joh 2:5; 13:17; 15:14 * Ac 9:6 2Th 3:4 Jas 1:22 2Pe 1:10 1Jo 3:22 - the God. * :7 Ro 15:33; 16:20 1Co 14:33 2Co 5:19,20; 13:11 1Th 5:23 * Heb 13:20,21 - with. * Isa 8:10; 41:10 Mt 1:23; 28:20 2Ti 4:22 VERSE 10 - I. See on ch. * Php 1:1,3 2Co 7:6,7 - your. * 2Co 11:9 Ga 6:6 - hath flourished. or, is revived. * Ps 85:6 Ho 14:7 - ye lacked. * 2Co 6:7 Ga 6:10 VERSE 11 - in respect. * 1Co 4:11,12 2Co 6:10; 8:9; 11:27 - I have. * Php 3:8 Ge 28:20 Ex 2:21 Mt 6:31-34 Lu 3:14 1Ti 6:6-9 Heb 10:34 * Heb 13:5,6 VERSE 12 - how to be. * 1Co 4:9-13 2Co 6:4-10; 10:1,10; 11:7,27; 12:7-10 - I am. * De 32:10 Ne 9:20 Isa 8:11 Jer 31:19 Mt 11:29; 13:52 Eph 4:20,21 VERSE 13 - can. * Joh 15:4,5,7 2Co 3:4,5 - through. See on * 2Co 12:9,10 Eph 3:16; 6:10 Col 1:11 Isa 40:29-31; 41:10; 45:24 VERSE 14 - ye have. * 1Ki 8:18 2Ch 6:8 Mt 25:21 3Jo 1:5-8 - ye did. * :18; 1:7 Ro 15:27 1Co 9:10,11 Ga 6:6 1Ti 6:18 Heb 10:34; 13:16 VERSE 15 - in the. * 2Ki 5:16,20 2Co 11:8-12; 12:11-15 - I. * Ac 16:40; 17:1-5 VERSE 16 - in. * 1Th 2:9 - once. * 1Th 2:18 VERSE 17 - because. * :11 Mal 1:10 Ac 20:33,34 1Co 9:12-15 2Co 11:16 1Th 2:5 1Ti 3:3 * 1Ti 6:10 Tit 1:7 1Pe 5:2 2Pe 2:3,15 Jude 1:11 - fruit. * Php 1:11 Mic 7:1 Joh 15:8,16 Ro 15:28 2Co 9:9-13 Tit 3:14 - to. * Pr 19:17 Mt 10:40-42; 25:34-40 Lu 14:12-14 Heb 6:10 VERSE 18 - I have all. or, I have received all. abound. * :12 2Th 1:3 - Epaphroditus. * Php 2:25,26 - an. * Joh 12:3-8 2Co 2:15,16 Eph 5:2 Heb 13:16 1Pe 2:5 - acceptable. * Ro 12:1 2Co 9:12 VERSE 19 - God. * 2Sa 22:7 2Ch 18:13 Ne 5:19 Da 6:22 Mic 7:7 Joh 20:17,27 Ro 1:8 * 2Co 12:21 Phm 1:4 - supply. * Ge 48:15 De 8:3,4 Ne 9:15 Ps 23:1-5; 41:1-3; 84:11; 112:5-9 * Pr 3:9,10; 11:24,25 Mal 3:10 Lu 12:30-33 2Co 9:8-11 - according. * Ps 36:8; 104:24; 130:7 Ro 9:23; 11:33 Eph 1:7,18; 2:7; 3:8,16 * Col 1:27; 3:16 1Ti 6:17 - glory. * Ro 8:18 2Co 4:17 1Th 2:12 1Pe 5:1,10 VERSE 20 - unto. * Php 1:11 Ps 72:19; 115:1 Mt 6:9,13 Ro 11:36; 16:27 Ga 1:5 Eph 3:21 * 1Ti 1:17 Jude 1:25 Re 1:6; 4:9-11; 5:12; 7:12; 11:13; 14:7 - Amen. * :23 Mt 6:12; 28:20 VERSE 21 - Salute. See on * Ro 16:3-16 - saint. * Php 1:1 1Co 1:2 Eph 1:1 - The. * Ro 16:21,22 Ga 1:2; 2:3 Col 4:10-14 Phm 1:23,24 VERSE 22 - the. * Ro 16:16 2Co 13:13 Heb 13:24 1Pe 5:13 3Jo 1:14 - they. * Php 1:13 - Caesar's. The cruel, worthless, and diabolical Nero was at this time emperor of Rome; but it is not improbable that the empress Poppaea was favorably inclined to Christianity, as Josephus relates that ([theosebes <2318> gar <1063> en <2258>]) 'she was a worshipper of the true God.' Jerome states, (in Phm.) that Paul had converted many in Caesar's family; for 'being by the emperor cast into prison, he became more known to his family, and turned the house of Christ's persecutor into a church.' VERSE 23 * Ro 16:20,24 2Co 13:14 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. The Church at Philippi in Macedonia was planted by the Apostle Paul about A.D. 53, (Ac. 16:9-40;) and it appears he visited them again, A.D. 60, though no particulars are recorded concerning that visit, (Ac. 20:6.) The Philippians were greatly attached to Paul, and testified their affection by sending him supplies, even when laboring for other churches, (ch. 4:15, 16; 2 Co. 11:9;) and when they heard that he was under confinement at Rome, they sent Epaphroditus, one of their pastors, to him with a present, lest he should want necessaries during his imprisonment, (ch. 2:25; 4:10,14-18.) The more immediate occasion of the Epistle was the return of Epaphroditus, by whom the apostle sent it as a grateful acknowledgment of their kindness; which occurred towards the close of his first imprisonment, about the end of A.D. 62, or the commencement of 63. GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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