1 Paul exhorts them to unity, and to all humbleness of mind, by the example of Christ's humility and exaltation; 12 to a careful proceeding in the way of salvation, that they be as lights to the wicked world, 16 and comforts to him their apostle, who is now ready to be offered up to God. 19 He hopes to send Timothy to them, and Epaphroditus also. VERSE 1 - any comfort. * Php 3:3 Lu 2:10,11,25 Joh 14:18,27; 15:11; 16:22-24; 17:13 Ro 5:1,2 * Ro 15:12,13 1Co 15:31 2Co 1:5,6; 2:14 2Th 2:16,17 Heb 6:18 * 1Pe 1:6-8 - if any comfort. * Ps 133:1 Joh 15:10-12 Ac 2:46; 4:32 Ga 5:22 Eph 4:30-32 Col 2:2 * 1Jo 4:7,8,12,16 - if any fellowship. * Ro 5:5; 8:9-16,26 1Co 3:16; 6:19,20; 12:13 2Co 13:14 Ga 4:6 * Eph 1:13,14; 2:18-22; 4:4 1Pe 1:2,22,23 1Jo 3:24 - if any bowels. See on ch. * Php 1:8 Col 3:12 VERSE 2 - Fulfil. * :16; 1:4,26,27 Joh 3:29 2Co 2:3; 7:7 Col 2:5 1Th 2:19,20; 3:6-10 * 2Th 2:13 2Ti 1:4 Phm 1:20 1Jo 1:3,4 2Jo 1:4 3Jo 1:4 - that. See on ch. * Php 1:27 - like minded. * :20; 3:15,16; 4:2 Ro 12:16; 15:5,6 1Co 1:10 2Co 13:11 1Pe 3:8,9 - one accord. * Ac 1:14; 2:1,46; 5:12 VERSE 3 - nothing. * :14; 1:15,16 Pr 13:10 Ro 13:13 1Co 3:3 2Co 12:20 Ga 5:15,20,21,26 * Col 3:8 1Ti 6:4 Jas 3:14-16; 4:5,6 1Pe 2:1,2 - but. * Lu 14:7-11; 18:14 Ro 12:10 1Co 15:9 Eph 4:2; 5:21 1Pe 5:5 VERSE 4 * Mt 18:6 Ro 12:15; 14:19-22; 15:1 1Co 8:9-13; 10:24,32,33; 12:22-26 * 1Co 13:4,5 2Co 6:3; 11:29 Jas 2:8 VERSE 5 * Mt 11:29; 20:26-28 Lu 22:27 Joh 13:14,15 Ac 10:38; 20:35 * Ro 14:15; 15:3,5 1Co 10:33; 11:1 Eph 5:2 1Pe 2:21; 4:1 1Jo 2:6 VERSE 6 - in. * Isa 7:14; 8:8; 9:6 Jer 23:6 Mic 5:2 Mt 1:23 Joh 1:1,2,18; 17:5 * Ro 9:5 2Co 4:4 Col 1:15,16 1Ti 1:17; 3:16 Tit 2:13 Heb 1:3,6,8 * Heb 13:8 - thought. * Ge 32:24-30; 48:15,16 Eze 8:2-6 Jos 5:13-15 Ho 12:3-5 Zec 13:7 * Joh 5:18,23; 8:58,59; 10:30,33,38; 14:9; 20:28 Re 1:17,18; 21:6 VERSE 7 - made. * Ps 22:6 Isa 49:7; 50:5,6; 52:14; 53:2,3 Da 9:26 Zec 9:9 Mr 9:12 * Ro 15:3 2Co 8:9 Heb 2:9-18; 12:2; 13:3 - the form. * Isa 42:1; 49:3,6; 52:13; 53:11 Eze 34:23,24 Zec 3:8 Mt 12:18 * Mt 20:28 Mr 10:44,45 Lu 22:27 Joh 13:3-14 Ro 15:8 - in the. * :6 Joh 1:14 Ro 1:3; 8:3 Ga 4:4 Heb 2:14-17; 4:15 - likeness. or, habit. VERSE 8 - in. * Mt 17:2 Mr 9:2,3 Lu 9:29 - he. * Pr 15:33 Ac 8:33 Heb 5:5-7; 12:2 - and became. * Ps 40:6-8 Isa 50:5,6 Mt 26:39,42 Joh 4:34; 15:10 Heb 5:8,9 * Heb 10:7-9 - the death. * De 21:23 Ps 22:16 Joh 10:18; 12:28-32; 14:31 Ga 3:13 Tit 2:14 * Heb 12:2 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 VERSE 9 - God. * Ge 3:15 Ps 2:6-12; 8:5-8; 45:6,7; 69:29,30; 72:17-19; 91:14; 110:1,5 * Isa 9:7; 49:6-8; 52:13; 53:12 Da 2:44,45; 7:14 Mt 11:27; 28:18 * Lu 10:22 Joh 3:35,36; 5:22-27; 13:3; 17:1-3,5 Ac 2:32-36; 5:31 * Ro 14:9-11 1Co 15:24-27 Heb 2:9; 12:2 2Pe 1:17 Re 1:5; 3:21; 5:12 * Re 11:15; 19:16 - given. * Ps 89:27 Eph 1:20-23 Col 1:18 Heb 1:4 1Pe 3:22 VERSE 10 - every. * Ge 41:43 Isa 45:23-25 Mt 27:29; 28:18 Ro 11:4; 14:10,11 Eph 3:14 * Heb 1:6 Re 4:10; 5:13,14 - under. * Mt 12:40 Joh 5:28,29 Eph 4:9 Re 20:13 VERSE 11 - every. * Ps 18:49 *marg: * Mt 10:32 Joh 9:22; 12:42 Ro 10:9; 15:9 1Jo 4:2,15 2Jo 1:7 Re 3:5 - is Lord. * Ps 110:1 Jer 23:6 Lu 2:11 Joh 13:13; 20:28 Ac 2:36; 10:36 * Ro 10:9-12; 14:9,11 1Co 8:6; 12:3; 15:47 - to the. * Joh 5:23; 13:31,32; 14:13,23; 16:14,15; 17:1 1Pe 1:21 VERSE 12 - my beloved. * Php 4:1 1Co 4:14 1Pe 2:11 - as ye. * Php 1:5,27,29 - work. * Php 3:13,14 Pr 10:16; 13:4 Mt 11:12,29 Lu 13:23,24 Joh 6:27-29 * Ro 2:7 1Co 9:24-27; 15:58 Ga 6:7-9 1Th 1:3 Heb 4:11; 6:10,11 * Heb 12:1 2Pe 1:5-10; 3:18 - own. * :19 Ro 13:11-14 1Co 9:20-23 2Ti 2:10 - with. * Ezr 10:3 Ps 2:11; 119:120 Isa 66:2,5 Ac 9:6; 16:29 1Co 2:3 * 2Co 7:15 Eph 6:5 Heb 4:1; 12:28,29 VERSE 13 - God. * 2Ch 30:12 Isa 26:12 Jer 31:33; 32:38 Joh 3:27 Ac 11:21 2Co 3:5 * Heb 13:21 Jas 1:16-18 - to will. * 1Ki 8:58 1Ch 29:14-18 Ezr 1:1,5; 7:27 Ne 2:4 Ps 110:3; 119:36 * Ps 141:4 Pr 21:1 Joh 6:45,65 Eph 2:4,5 2Th 2:13,14 Tit 3:4,5 * 1Pe 1:3 - good. * Lu 12:32 Ro 9:11,16 Eph 1:5,9,11; 2:8 2Th 1:11 2Ti 1:9 VERSE 14 - without. * :3 Ex 16:7,8 Nu 14:27 Ps 106:25 Mt 20:11 Mr 14:5 Ac 6:1 * 1Co 10:10 Jas 5:9 1Pe 4:9 Jude 1:16 - disputings. * Pr 13:10; 15:17,18 Mr 9:33,34 Ac 15:2,7,39 Ro 12:18; 14:1; 16:17 * 1Co 1:10-12; 3:3-5 2Co 12:20 Ga 5:15,26 Eph 4:31,32 1Th 5:13,15 * 1Ti 6:3-5 Heb 12:14 Jas 1:20; 3:14-18; 4:1 1Pe 3:11 VERSE 15 - blameless. * Lu 1:6 1Co 1:8 Eph 5:27 1Th 5:23 1Ti 3:2,10; 5:7 Tit 1:6 * 2Pe 3:14 - and. * Mt 10:16 Ro 16:19 Heb 7:26 - harmless. or, sincere. * Php 1:10 - sons. * Mt 5:45,48 Lu 6:35 2Co 6:17 Eph 5:1,2,7 1Pe 1:14-17; 2:9 * 1Jo 3:1-3 - rebuke. * 1Ti 5:14,20 Tit 2:10,15 Re 3:9 - a crooked. * De 32:5 Ps 122:5 Mt 17:17 Ac 20:30 1Pe 2:12 - ye shine. or, shine ye. * Isa 60:1 Mt 5:14-16 Joh 5:35 Eph 5:8 VERSE 16 - Holding. * Php 1:27 Ps 40:9; 71:17 Mt 10:27 Lu 12:8 Ro 10:8-16 Re 22:17 - the word. * Joh 6:63,68 Ac 13:26 2Ti 2:15-17 Heb 4:12 1Pe 1:23 1Jo 1:1 - that I may. * Php 1:26 2Co 1:14 1Th 2:19 - that I have. * Isa 49:4 1Co 9:26 Ga 2:2; 4:11 1Th 3:5 VERSE 17 - and if. * :30; 1:20 Ac 20:24; 21:13 2Co 12:15 1Th 2:8 2Ti 4:6 1Jo 3:16 - offered. Gr. poured forth. the sacrifice. * Php 4:18 Ro 12:1; 15:16 Heb 13:15,16 1Pe 2:5 - I joy. * 2Co 7:4 Col 1:24 1Th 3:7-9 VERSE 18 - do. * Php 3:1; 4:4 Eph 3:13 Jas 1:2-4 VERSE 19 - But. or, Moreover. * :24 Jer 17:5 Mt 12:21 Ro 15:12 Eph 1:13 2Ti 1:12 *marg: * Jas 4:15 1Pe 1:21 - to send. * :23,25; 1:1 Ro 16:21 1Co 4:17 Eph 6:21,22 Col 4:8,9 1Th 3:2,6 - that I. * :28 1Th 3:6-8 2Th 1:3 Phm 1:5-7 3Jo 1:3,4 VERSE 20 - I have. * :2,22 Ps 55:13 Pr 31:29 Joh 10:13; 12:6 1Co 1:10,11 Col 4:11 * 1Ti 1:2 2Ti 1:5 - like-minded. or, so dear unto me. * 1Sa 18:1,3 VERSE 21 - all. * :4 Isa 56:11 Mal 1:10 Mt 16:24 Lu 9:57-62; 14:26 Ac 13:13; 15:38 * 1Co 10:24,33; 13:5 2Ti 1:15; 3:2; 4:10,16 - the. * Php 1:20,21 2Co 1:5; 5:14,15 VERSE 22 - ye. * Ac 16:3-12 2Co 2:9; 8:8,22,24 - as. See on ver. * :20 1Co 4:17 1Ti 1:2,18 2Ti 1:2 Tit 1:4 VERSE 23 - so. * 1Sa 22:3 VERSE 24 - See on ver. * :19; 1:25,26 Ro 15:28,29 Phm 1:22 2Jo 1:12 3Jo 1:14 VERSE 25 - Epaphroditus. * Php 4:18 - my brother. * 2Co 2:13; 8:22 Phm 1:1 - companion. * Php 4:3 1Co 3:9 2Co 8:23 Col 1:7; 4:11 1Th 3:2 Phm 1:1,24 - fellowsoldier. * 2Ti 2:3,4 Phm 1:2 - but. * Pr 25:13 Joh 17:18 2Co 8:23 Heb 3:1 *Gr: - and he. * Php 4:18 2Co 11:7-9 VERSE 26 - he longed. * Php 1:3,8; 4:1 2Sa 13:39 Ro 1:11 2Co 9:14 - full. * Job 9:27 Ps 69:20 Pr 12:25 Isa 61:3 Mt 11:28; 26:37 Ro 9:2 * 1Pe 1:6 - ye had. * 2Sa 24:17 Joh 11:35,36 Ac 21:13 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 Ga 6:2 * Eph 3:13 VERSE 27 - nigh. * :30 2Ki 20:1 Ps 107:18 Ec 9:1,2 Joh 11:3,4 Ac 9:37 - but God. * Job 5:19 Ps 30:1-3,10,11; 34:19; 103:3,4; 107:19-22 Isa 38:17 * Isa 43:2 Ac 9:39-41 - but on. * Isa 27:8 Jer 8:18; 10:24; 45:3 Hab 3:2 1Co 10:13 2Co 2:7 VERSE 28 - ye see. * :26 Ge 45:27,28; 46:29,30; 48:11 Joh 16:22 Ac 20:38 2Ti 1:4 - and that. See on ver. * :27 2Co 2:3 1Jo 1:3,4 VERSE 29 - Receive. * Mt 10:40,41 Lu 9:5 Joh 13:20 Ro 16:2 1Co 16:10 2Co 7:2 * Col 4:10 3Jo 1:10 - with. * Isa 52:7 Lu 2:10,11 Ac 2:46; 8:8 Ro 10:15 Eph 4:9-12 - and. * 2Co 10:18 1Th 5:12 Heb 13:17 - hold such in reputation. or, honor such. * Ac 28:10 1Co 16:18 1Ti 5:17 VERSE 30 - the work. * 1Co 15:53; 16:10 - nigh. * :17,27; 1:19,20 Mt 25:36-40 Ac 20:24 Ro 16:4 2Co 12:15 * Re 12:11 - to. * Php 4:10,18 1Co 16:17 Phm 1:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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