1 The passover is again commanded. 6 A second passover for the unclean or absent. 15 The cloud directs the removals and encampments of the Israelites. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2514. B.C. 1490. An. Ex. Is. 2. Abib. in the first month. The fourteen first verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commencement of this book; but as there is no evidence of a transposition, it is better to conclude with Houbigant, that "it is enough to know, that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order." - See on ch. * Nu 1:1 Ex 40:2 VERSE 2 - keep. * Ex 12:1-20 - his appointed. * Nu 28:16 Ex 12:6,14 Le 23:5 De 16:1,2 Jos 5:10 2Ch 35:1 Ezr 6:19 * Mr 14:12 Lu 22:7 1Co 5:7,8 VERSE 3 - the fourteenth. * 2Ch 30:2,15 - at even. Heb. between the two evenings. * Ex 12:6 *marg: * Heb 9:26 - according to all the rites. * :11,12 - See on * Ex 12:7-11 VERSE 4 - keep the passover. * Ex 12:1-11 Le 23:5 De 16:1 Jos 5:10 VERSE 5 - they kept. * Jos 5:10 - according. * Nu 8:20; 29:40 Ge 6:22; 7:5 Ex 39:32,42 De 1:3; 4:5 Mt 28:20 * Joh 15:14 Ac 26:19 Heb 3:5; 11:8 VERSE 6 - defiled. * Nu 5:2; 6:6,7; 19:11,16,18 Le 21:11 Joh 18:28 - they came. * Nu 15:33; 27:2,5 Ex 18:15,19,26 Le 24:11 VERSE 7 - we may not offer. * :2 Ex 12:27 De 16:2 2Ch 30:17-19 1Co 5:7,8 VERSE 8 - Stand. * Ex 14:13 2Ch 20:17 - I will. * Nu 27:5 Ps 25:14; 85:8 Pr 3:5,6 Eze 2:7; 3:17 Joh 7:17; 17:8 * Ac 20:27 1Co 4:4; 11:23 Heb 3:5,6 VERSE 9 VERSE 10 - be unclean. * :6,7 Ro 15:8-19; 16:25,26 1Co 6:9-11 Eph 2:1,2,12,13; 3:6-9 - yet he shall keep. * Mt 5:24 1Co 11:28 VERSE 11 - fourteenth. * :3 Ex 12:2-14,43-49 2Ch 30:2-15 Joh 19:36 - and eat it. * Ex 12:8 VERSE 12 - shall leave. * Ex 12:10 - break any bone. In the East, Belon says, he "met with shepherds who were roasting sheep whole, which they sold to travellers stuck upon sticks of willow tree. The entrails were taken out, and the body again sewed up." * Ex 12:46 Joh 19:36 - according. * :3 Ex 12:43 VERSE 13 - forbeareth. * Nu 15:30,31; 19:13 Ge 17:14 Ex 12:15 Le 17:4,10,14-16 Heb 2:3 * Heb 6:6; 10:26-29; 12:25 - because. See on ver. * :2,3,7 - bear his sin. * Nu 5:31 Le 20:20; 22:9 Eze 23:49 Heb 9:28 VERSE 14 * Ex 12:48,49 Le 19:10; 22:25; 24:22; 25:15 De 29:11; 31:12 * Isa 56:3-7 Eph 2:19-22 VERSE 15 - on the day. * Ex 40:2,18 - the cloud. * Nu 14:14 Ex 14:19,20,24; 33:9,10; 40:34 Ne 9:12,19 Ps 78:14; 105:39 * Isa 4:5 Eze 10:3,4 1Co 10:1 - at even. * Ex 13:21; 40:38 VERSE 16 * :18-22 Ex 13:21,22; 40:38 De 1:33 Ne 9:12,19 Ps 78:14; 105:39 * Isa 4:5,6 1Co 10:1 2Co 5:19 Re 21:3 This cloud not only enlightened the Israelites, but also protected them, and was a continual pledge of God's presence and protection. To this manifestation of the Divine glory, the prophet Isaiah alludes, when he says, (Isa 4:5,) "The Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night." God is the director, protector, and glory of his church. VERSE 17 - when the cloud. * Nu 10:11,33,34 Ex 40:36-38 Ps 80:1,2 Isa 49:10 Joh 10:3-5,9 - and in the. * Ex 33:14,15 Ps 32:8; 73:24 Joh 10:3,4,9 VERSE 18 - and at the. * :20; 10:13 Ex 17:1 2Jo 1:6 - as long as. * 1Co 10:1 There is no time lost, while we are waiting God's time. It is as acceptable a piece of submission to the will of God, to sit still contentedly when our lot requires it, as to work for him when we are called to it. VERSE 19 - tarried long. Heb. prolonged. kept the. See on ch. * Nu 1:52,53; 3:8 Zec 3:7 VERSE 20 - few. * Ge 34:30 Job 16:22 Isa 10:19 *marg: - according to. * Ec 1:2 Jer 22:10 Eze 37:25 Zep 1:15,16 Mt 10:40,41 VERSE 21 - abode. Heb. was. * Ne 9:12,19 VERSE 22 - abode. See on ver. * :17; 1:54; 8:20; 23:21,22 Ex 39:42; 40:16,36,37 De 1:6,7; 2:3,4 * Ps 32:8; 48:14; 73:24; 77:20; 107:7; 143:10 Pr 3:5,6 Ac 1:4 VERSE 23 - they kept. * :19 Ge 26:5 Jos 22:3 Eze 44:8 Zec 3:7 Some of the Levites may have been appointed to watch the moving of the pillar, and to give timely notice to the camp of its beginning to stir; and this is called "keeping the charge of the Lord." It is uncomfortable staying when God is departed, but very safe and pleasant going, when we see God go before us, and resting where he appoints us to rest. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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