1 Balak's sacrifices. 7 Balaam's parables. 13 Balak's sacrifices. 18 Balaam's parables. 25 Balak's sacrifices. VERSE 1 - Build me. * :29 Eze 33:31 Jude 1:11 - seven altars. * Ex 20:24; 27:1-8 1Sa 15:22 2Ki 18:22 Ps 50:8,9 Pr 15:8 * Isa 1:11-15 Mt 23:14 - seven oxen. * Nu 29:32 1Ch 15:26 2Ch 29:21 Job 42:8 Eze 45:23 VERSE 2 - offered. * :14,30 VERSE 3 - Stand. * :15 - burnt. * Ge 8:20; 22:2,7,8,13 Ex 18:12 Le 1:1 - peradventure. * :15; 22:8,9,31-35; 24:1 - went to an high place. or, went solitary. VERSE 4 - God. * :16; 22:9,20 - I have prepared. See on ver. * :1 Isa 58:3,4 Mt 20:12 Lu 18:12 Joh 16:2 Ro 3:27 Eph 2:9 VERSE 5 * :16; 22:35 De 18:18 Pr 16:1,9 Isa 51:16; 59:21 Jer 1:9 * Lu 12:12 Joh 11:51 VERSE 6 VERSE 7 - he took. * :18; 24:3,15,23 Job 27:1; 29:1 Ps 78:2 Eze 17:2; 20:49 Mic 2:4 * Hab 2:6 Mt 13:33,35 Mr 12:12 - parable. The word {mashal,} which as a verb is to rule, have authority, and also to compare, as a noun signifies whatever is expressed in parabolic or figurative language. All these oracular speeches of Balaam are in hemistich metre in the original. They are highly dignified and sublime; and may be considered as immediate poetic productions of the Spirit of God. (ch. 24:2.) - Aram. * Nu 22:5 Ge 10:22; 28:2,7 De 23:4 - Come. * Nu 22:6,11,17 Pr 26:2 - defy Israel. * 1Sa 17:10,25,26,36,45 2Sa 21:21; 23:9 VERSE 8 * :20,23 Isa 44:25; 47:12,13 VERSE 9 - the people. They shall ever be a distinct nation. This prophecy has been literally fulfilled, through a period of 3,300 years, to the present day. - dwell alone. * Ex 19:5,6; 33:16 De 33:28 Es 3:8 2Co 6:17 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:9 - shall not. * De 32:8 Ezr 9:2 Jer 46:28 Am 9:9 Ro 15:8-10 Eph 2:12-14 VERSE 10 - can count. * Ge 13:16; 22:17; 28:14 - the dust. i.e., The posterity of Jacob, which was to be so numerous as to resemble the dust. - the fourth. * Nu 2:9,16,24,31 - me. Heb. my soul, or, my life. the death. * Ps 37:37; 116:15 Pr 14:32 Isa 57:1,2 Lu 2:29,30 1Co 3:21,22 * 1Co 15:53-57 2Co 5:1 Php 1:21-23 2Ti 4:6-8 2Pe 1:13-15 * Re 14:13 VERSE 11 - See on ver. * :7,8; 22:11,17; 24:10 Ps 109:17-20 VERSE 12 * :20,26; 22:38; 24:13 Pr 26:25 Ro 16:18 Tit 1:16 VERSE 13 - unto. * 1Ki 20:23,28 Mic 6:5 - utmost. * Nu 22:41 - and curse me. * Jos 24:9 Ps 109:17 Jas 3:9,10 VERSE 14 - Pisgah. or, the hill. * Nu 21:20 De 3:27 *marg: * De 4:49; 34:1 *marg: - built seven. * :1,2,29 Isa 1:10,11; 46:6 Ho 12:11 VERSE 15 * :3; 22:8 VERSE 16 - See on ver. * :5; 22:35; 24:1 VERSE 17 - What. * :26 1Sa 3:17 Jer 37:17 VERSE 18 - Rise up. * Jud 3:20 VERSE 19 - God. * 1Sa 15:29 Ps 89:35 Hab 2:3 Mal 3:6 Lu 21:33 Ro 11:29 * Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18 Jas 1:17 - or hath he. * 1Ch 17:17 Mic 7:20 VERSE 20 - he hath. * Nu 22:12 Ge 12:2; 22:17 - I cannot. * Nu 22:18,38 Joh 10:27-29 Ro 8:38,39 1Pe 1:5 VERSE 21 - hath not. * Ps 103:12 Isa 1:18; 38:17 Jer 50:20 Ho 14:2-4 Mic 7:18-20 * Ro 4:7,8; 6:14; 8:1 2Co 5:19 - the Lord. * Ex 13:21; 29:45,46; 33:14-16; 34:9 Jud 6:13 2Ch 13:12 Ps 23:4 * Ps 46:7,11 Isa 8:10; 12:6; 41:10 Eze 48:35 Mt 1:23 2Co 6:16 - the shout. * Ps 47:5-7; 89:15,18; 97:1; 118:15 Isa 33:22 Lu 19:37,38 2Co 2:14 VERSE 22 - God. * Nu 22:5; 24:8 Ex 9:16; 14:18; 20:2 Ps 68:35 - the strength. * De 33:17 Job 39:10,11 Ps 22:21 - unicorn. The {reaim,} most probably denotes the rhinoceros, so called from the horn on its nose. In size he is only exceeded by the elephant; and in strength and power inferior to none. He is at least twelve feet in length, from the snout to the tail; six or seven feet in height; and the circumference of the body is nearly equal to his length. He is particularly distinguished from all other animals by the remarkable and offensive weapon he carries on his nose; which is very hard horn, solid throughout, directed forward. He principally feeds upon large succulent plants, prickly shrubs, and branches; and delights in marshy places. VERSE 23 - no enchantment. * Nu 22:6; 24:1 Ge 3:15 Mt 12:25,27; 16:18 Lu 10:18,19 Ro 16:20 * Re 12:9 - against. or, in. according. * Ps 44:1-3; 136:13-20 Isa 63:9-12 Da 9:15 Mic 6:4,5; 7:15 - What hath. * Ps 31:19; 64:9; 126:2,3 Isa 41:4 Joh 11:47 Ac 4:16; 5:12,14 * Ac 10:38; 15:12 Ga 1:23,24 1Th 1:8,9 VERSE 24 - as a great. * Nu 24:8,9 Ge 49:9 De 33:20 Ps 17:12 Pr 30:30 Isa 31:4 Am 3:8 * Re 5:5 - he shall. * Nu 24:17 Ge 49:27 Da 2:44 Mic 5:8,9 Zec 10:4,5; 12:6 Re 19:11-21 VERSE 25 * Ps 2:1-3 VERSE 26 * :12,13; 22:18,38; 24:12,13 1Ki 22:14 2Ch 18:13 Ac 4:19,20; 5:29 VERSE 27 - Come. * :13 - peradventure. See on ver. * :19,20 Job 23:13 Pr 19:21; 21:30 Isa 14:27; 46:10,11 Mal 3:6 * Ro 11:29 VERSE 28 - Jeshimon. * Nu 21:20 VERSE 29 - See on ver. * :1,2 VERSE 30 * :30 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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