1 The religious manner of reading and hearing the law. 9 They comfort the people. 13 The forwardness of them to hear and be instructed. 16 They keep the feast of tabernacles. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3559. B.C. 445. all the people. * Ezr 3:1-13 - as one man. * Jud 20:1,8 - before. * :16; 3:26; 12:37 - Ezra. * :4-9 Ezr 7:6,11 Jer 8:8,9 Mt 13:52; 23:2,13,34 - bring. * 2Ch 34:15 Isa 8:20 Mal 4:4 VERSE 2 - priest. * De 17:18; 31:9,10 Mal 2:7 - congregation. * De 31:11-13 2Ch 17:7-9 Ac 15:21 - could hear with understanding. Heb. understood in hearing. * Isa 28:9 - the first. * Le 23:24 Nu 29:1 VERSE 3 - he read. * Lu 4:16-20 Ac 13:15,27; 15:21 - morning. Heb. light. * Ac 20:7,11; 28:23 - ears. * Mt 7:28,29 Mr 12:37 Lu 8:18; 19:48 Ac 16:14; 17:11 1Th 2:13 * Heb 2:1-3 Re 2:29; 3:22 VERSE 4 - pulpit. Heb. tower. Maaseiah. * Ne 10:25; 11:5 - Malchiah. * Ne 10:3 - Hashum. * Ne 10:18 Ezr 10:33 - Meshullam. * Ne 10:7,20; 11:7; 12:13 Ezr 10:29 VERSE 5 - opened. * Lu 4:16,17 - sight. Heb. eyes. stood up. * Jud 3:20 1Ki 8:14 VERSE 6 - blessed. * 1Ch 29:20 2Ch 6:4 Ps 41:13; 72:18,19 Eph 1:3 1Pe 1:3 - Amen. * Ne 5:13 Jer 28:6 Mt 6:13 1Co 14:16 - with lifting. * Ge 14:22 Ps 28:2; 63:4; 134:2; 141:2 La 3:41 1Ti 2:8 - bowed. * Ge 24:26 Ex 4:31; 12:27 2Ch 20:18; 29:30 - with their faces. * Le 9:24 Mt 26:39 Re 7:11 VERSE 7 - Jeshua. * Ne 3:19; 9:4; 10:9; 12:24 - Bani. * Ne 3:17; 9:4; 10:13 - Sherebiah. * Ne 9:4; 10:12; 12:24 Ezr 8:18 - Akkub. * Ne 11:16,19; 12:25 - Hodijah. * Ne 10:10,18 - Maaseiah. * :4; 3:23; 12:41,42 Ezr 10:22 - Kelita. * Ne 10:10 Ezr 10:23 - Azariah. * Ne 3:23; 10:2; 12:33 - Jozabad. * Ezr 10:22,23 - Hanan. * Ne 10:10 - Pelaiah. * Ne 10:10 - caused. * Le 10:11 De 33:10 2Ch 17:7-9; 30:22 Mal 2:7 VERSE 8 - and gave the sense. * Hab 2:2 Mt 5:21,22,27,28 Lu 24:27,32,45 Ac 8:30-35; 17:2,3 * Ac 28:23 VERSE 9 - Nehemiah. * Ne 7:65,70; 10:1 Ezr 2:63 - Tirshatha. or, governor. Ezra. * Ezr 7:11 - the Levites. * :7,8 2Ch 15:3; 30:22; 35:3 Ho 4:6 - This day. * :2 Le 23:24 Nu 29:1-6 - mourn not. * De 12:7,12; 16:11,14,15; 26:14 Ec 3:4 Isa 61:3 Mal 2:13 - all the people. * 2Ki 22:11,19 2Ch 34:19,21 Ro 3:20; 7:9 2Co 7:9-11 VERSE 10 - Go your way. * Ec 2:24; 3:13; 5:18; 9:7 1Ti 6:17,18 - eat. * So 5:1 - send. * De 26:11-13 Es 9:19,22 Job 31:16-18 Ec 11:2 Lu 11:41 Re 11:10 - the joy. * Ps 28:7,8; 149:2 Pr 17:22 Isa 6:7,8; 12:1-3; 35:1-4; 61:10 * Joe 2:23 2Co 8:2; 12:8,9 Php 3:4 VERSE 11 - stilled. * Nu 13:30 VERSE 12 - to send. * :10 - to make. * Ps 126:1-3 - because. * :7,8 Job 23:12 Ps 19:8-11; 119:14,16,72,97,103,104,111,127, * Ps 119:130,171,174 Pr 2:10,11; 24:13,14 Jer 15:16 Lu 24:32 * Ro 7:18 VERSE 13 - the second. * 2Ch 30:23 Pr 2:1-6; 8:33,34; 12:1 Mr 6:33,34 Lu 19:47,48 Ac 4:1 * Ac 13:42 - to understand the words of the law. or, that they might instruct in the words of the law. * :7,8 Lu 24:32 2Ti 2:24,25 VERSE 14 - by. Heb. by the hand of. dwell. * Le 23:34,40-43 De 16:13-15 Zec 14:16-19 Joh 7:2 - booths. * Ge 33:17 - the feast. That is, the feast of tabernacles, which was held in the month {Tisri,} the seventh of the ecclesiastical year, in commemoration of the sojourning of the Israelites in the wilderness after they had been delivered from Egyptian bondage. For other particulars see the parallel passages. VERSE 15 - And that. * Le 23:4 - in Jerusalem. * De 16:16 - the mount. * Jud 9:48,49 Mt 21:1 - fetch. * Le 23:40 - olive. * Ge 8:11 - palm. * Joh 12:13 Re 7:9 VERSE 16 - the roof. * De 22:8 2Sa 11:2 Jer 19:13; 32:29 - the courts. * 2Ch 20:5; 33:5 - the street of the water gate. * :3; 3:26; 12:37 - gate of Ephraim. * Ne 12:37,39 2Ki 14:13 VERSE 17 - sat under. * Joh 1:14 Heb 11:9,13 - Jeshua. * Jos 1:1 - Joshua. * Heb 4:8 - Jesus. had not. * 2Ch 7:8-10; 8:13 Ezr 3:4 - done so. * 2Ch 30:26; 35:18 - there was. * 1Ch 29:22 2Ch 7:10; 30:21-23 VERSE 18 - day by day. * De 31:10-13 - a solemn assembly. Heb. a restraint. according. * Le 23:36 Nu 29:35 Joh 7:37 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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