1 The priests and the Levites which came up with Zerubbabel. 10 The succession of high priests. 22 Certain chief Levites. 27 The solemnity of the dedication of the walls. 44 The offices of priests and Levites appointed in the temple. We have in this chapter a record of little more than the names of a great many priests and Levites, that were eminent in their day among the returned Jews. It is good to know what our godly ancestors and predecessors were, that we may learn thereby what we should be. VERSE 1 - the priests. * Ne 7:7 Ezr 2:1,2 - Zerubbabel. * 1Ch 3:17-19 Ezr 3:8; 4:2; 5:2 Hag 1:1,12,14; 2:2,21-23 * Zec 4:6-10 Mt 1:12,13 - Zorobabel. Salathiel. Jeshua. * :10 Zec 3:1-9; 6:11 - Joshua. Seraiah. * :12-21; 10:2-8 Ezr 2:2 VERSE 2 - Malluch. * :14 - Melicu. VERSE 3 - Shechaniah. * :14 - Shebaniah. Rehum. * :15 - Harim. Meremoth. * :15 - Meraioth. VERSE 4 - Ginnetho. Instead of Ginnetho, many MSS., and Vulgate have Ginnethon. * :16 - Ginnethon. Abijah. * Lu 1:5 - Abia. VERSE 5 - Miamin. * :17 - Miniamin. Maadiah. The variation between Moadiah, [M"wadyâh <\\S#4153h\\>,] and Maadiah, [Maadyâh <\\S#4573h\\>,] merely arises from the elision of [Vâv,] {wav;} the LXX., however, in ver. 17, have [ .] * :17 - Moadiah. VERSE 6 - Joiarib. * Ne 11:10 1Ch 9:10 - Jehoiarib. VERSE 7 - Sallu. The variation of [Call-w <\\S#5543h\\>,] Sallu, and [Callay <\\S#5543\\>,] Sallai, is simply caused by the mutation of [Vâv,] {wav} and [Y"wd,] {yood.} * :20 - Sallai. the chief. "The chief of the priests" seem to have been the heads of the courses established by David. * 1Ch 24:18 - of Jeshua. * :1 Ezr 3:2 Hag 1:1 Zec 3:1 VERSE 8 - Jeshua. * Ne 7:48; 9:4; 10:9-13 - Mattaniah. * Ne 11:17,22 - the thanksgiving. that is, The psalms of thanksgiving. * :24 1Ch 9:33 VERSE 9 - over against. * Ps 134:1-3 VERSE 10 - Jeshua. * :26 1Ch 6:3-15 - Eliashib. * Ne 3:1; 13:4,7,28 VERSE 11 - Jonathan. Jaddua is supposed to be Jaddus the high priest, who went in his pontifical robes to meet Alexander the Great, when advancing to destroy Jerusalem; who was so struck with his appearance, that he forbore all hostilities, and granted many privileges to the Jews. According to Eusebius, he was high priest from A.M. 3665 to 3982. * :11 VERSE 12 - the chief. * :22 1Ch 9:33,34; 15:12; 24:6-31 - Seraiah. * :1 VERSE 13 VERSE 14 - Melicu. * :2 - Malluch. Shebaniah. Two MSS., and Vulgate in ver. 3, have Shebaniah; and here many MSS. have Shechaniah. * :3 - Shechaniah. VERSE 15 - Harim. * :3 - Rehum. Meraioth. * :3 - Meremoth. VERSE 16 - Iddo. * :4 - Ginnethon. * :4 - Ginnetho. VERSE 17 - Miniamin. The LXX., and Vulgate have here [ ,] Miamin. * :5 - Miamin. Moadiah. * :5 - Maadiah. VERSE 18 - Shemaiah. * :6 VERSE 19 - Joiarib. i.e., Jah contends. * Ezr 8:16 - Mattenai. i.e., liberal; my gifts; gift of the Lord. <\\S#4982h\\>. * :19 Ezr 10:33,37 VERSE 20 - Sallai. * :7 - Sallu. VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - Eliashib. * :10,11 - recorded. * :12,13 VERSE 23 - the book. * 1Ch 9:14-44 VERSE 24 - Hashabiah. * :8; 8:7; 9:4; 10:9-13 - according. * 1Ch 23:1-32; 25:1-26:32 - the man. * De 33:1 Jos 14:6 1Ki 17:24 2Ch 8:14 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 3:17 - ward. * :9 Ezr 3:10,11 VERSE 25 - Mattaniah. * :8,9; 11:17-19 1Ch 9:14-17 - keeping. * 1Ch 23:32; 26:12 Isa 21:8 - thresholds. or, treasuries, or assemblies. VERSE 26 - Joiakim. * :10 - Nehemiah. * Ne 8:9 Ezr 7:6,11 VERSE 27 - A.M. 3559. B.C. 445. the dedication. Jerusalem was the holy city, and the wall was built under the immediate superintendence and blessing of Jehovah: it was therefore proper that it should be dedicated to that God who was there worshipped by solemn praises, prayers, and sacrifices. The dedication seems to have consisted in processions of the most eminent persons around the walls, with thanksgivings to God, who had enabled them to bring the work to so happy a conclusion; and, no doubt, to all this were added a particular consecration of the city to God, and the most earnest invocation that He would take it under His guardianship, and defend it and its inhabitants against their enemies. * De 20:5 Ps 30:1 *title - out. * Ne 11:20 1Ch 15:4,12; 25:6; 26:31 2Ch 5:13; 29:4-11,30 Ezr 8:15-20 - gladness. * Ne 8:17 De 16:11 2Sa 6:12 2Ch 29:30 Ezr 6:16 Ps 98:4-6; 100:1,2 * Php 4:4 - thanksgivings. * 1Ch 13:8; 15:16,28; 16:5,42; 23:5; 25:1-6 2Ch 5:13; 7:6 * Ezr 3:10,11 Ps 81:1-4; 92:1-3; 149:3; 150:2-5 Re 5:8 VERSE 28 - plain. * Ne 6:2 - Netophathi. * 1Ch 2:54; 9:16 VERSE 29 - the house. Or, Beth-Gilgal, a village erected where the Israelites encamped after they had crossed the Jordan. * De 11:30 Jos 5:9; 10:43 - Geba. * Ne 11:31 Jos 21:17 1Ch 6:60 - Azmaveth. * Ezr 2:24 VERSE 30 - themselves. * Ge 35:2 Ex 19:10,15 Nu 19:2-20 2Ch 29:5,34 Ezr 6:21 Job 1:5 * Heb 5:1,3 VERSE 31 - the princes. * 1Ch 13:1; 28:1 2Ch 5:2 - two great. * :38,40 - dung gate. * Ne 2:13; 3:13,14 VERSE 32 - Hoshaiah. i.e., saved by Jah; Jah has saved; set free of the Lord. <\\S#1955h\\>. * :32 Jer 42:1; 43:2 VERSE 33 - Azariah. * Ne 10:2-7 VERSE 34 VERSE 35 - with trumpets. * Nu 10:2-10 Jos 6:4 2Ch 5:12; 13:12 - Zechariah. * Ne 11:17 1Ch 6:39-43; 25:2; 26:10,11 VERSE 36 - musical instruments. * :24 1Ch 23:5 2Ch 8:14 Am 6:5 - Ezra. * Ezr 7:1; 8:1 VERSE 37 - the fountain gate. * Ne 2:14; 3:15,16 - the stairs. Jerusalem was built on very uneven ground, some hills being enclosed within the walls, there was a necessity, therefore, for steps, by which to ascend and descend; probably similar to what is seen in the city of Bristol. * Ne 3:15 2Sa 5:7-9 - water gate. * Ne 3:26; 8:1,3,16 VERSE 38 - other. * :31 - tower. * Ne 3:11 - broad. * Ne 3:8 VERSE 39 - the gate of Ephraim. * Ne 8:16 2Ki 14:13 - the old. * Ne 3:6 - the fish gate. * Ne 3:3 Zep 1:10 - the tower. * Ne 3:1 Jer 31:38 - the sheep. * Ne 3:32 Joh 5:2 - the prison. * Ne 3:25,31 *Heb: * Jer 32:2 VERSE 40 * :31,32 Ps 42:4; 47:6-9; 134:1-3 VERSE 41 - with trumpets. * :35 VERSE 42 - sang loud. Heb. made their voice to be heard. * Ps 81:1; 95:1; 98:4-9; 100:1,2 Isa 12:5,6 - overseer. * Ne 11:14 VERSE 43 - offered. * Nu 10:10 De 12:11,12 1Ch 29:21,22 2Ch 7:5-7,10; 29:35,36 * Ps 27:6 - God. * 2Ch 20:27 Job 34:29 Ps 28:7; 30:11,12; 92:4 Isa 61:3; 66:10-14 * Jer 33:11 Joh 16:22 - the wives also. * Ex 15:20,21 2Ch 20:13 Ps 148:11-13 Jer 31:13 Mt 21:9,15 * Eph 5:19 Jas 5:13 - the joy. * 1Sa 4:5 Ezr 3:13 VERSE 44 - some. * Ne 10:37-39; 13:5,12,13 2Ch 13:11,12; 31:11-13 - chambers. * 1Ch 9:26; 26:21-26 - of the law. that is, appointed by the law. Judah rejoiced. Heb. the joy of Judah. Levites. * Nu 3:10; 8:24,25 1Ch 23:28 2Ch 5:11,12 Pr 8:34 Isa 40:31 * Ro 12:7 - waited. Heb. stood. VERSE 45 - the singers. * 1Ch 25:1-26:32 - the ward. That is, they suffered no unclean person to enter the temple. * 1Ch 23:28 2Ch 23:6 VERSE 46 - and Asaph. * 1Ch 25:1-31 2Ch 29:30 Ps 73:1 *title * Ps 83:1 *title VERSE 47 - Zerubbabel. * :1,12,26 - gave. * Ne 10:35-39; 13:10-12 2Ch 31:5,6 Mal 3:8-10 Ga 6:6 - and they. That is, the people separated, or set apart, the tenth of the produce of their lands for the use of the Levites; and the Levites separated the tenth of their tithes for the priests. * Nu 18:21-29 - sanctified. that is, set apart. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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