1 Nehemiah, understanding by Hanani the misery of Jerusalem, mourns, fasts, and prays. 5 His prayer. VERSE 1 - Nehemiah. * Ne 10:1 - in the month. * Ezr 10:9 Zec 7:1 - in the twentieth. * Ezr 7:7 - Shushan. Shushan, or Susa, was the capital of Susiana, a province of Persia, and the winter residence of the Persian monarchs; situated about 252 miles east of Babylon, and the same distance south-south-east of Ecbatana, in lat. 32°, long. 49°. The circumference of its walls was about 120 stadia. Shouster is supposed to occupy its site. * Es 1:2; 3:15 Da 8:2 VERSE 2 - Hanani. * Ne 7:2 - I asked. * Ps 122:6-9; 137:5,6 - that had escaped. * Ezr 9:8,9,14 Jer 44:14 Eze 6:9; 7:16; 24:26,27 VERSE 3 - the province. * Ne 7:6; 11:3 Ezr 2:1; 5:8 Es 1:1 - in great. * Ne 9:36,37 Ps 44:11-14; 137:1-3 Isa 32:9-14 La 1:7; 3:61; 5:1 - reproach. * 1Ki 9:7 Ps 79:4 Isa 43:28 Jer 24:9; 29:18; 42:18; 44:8-12 - the wall. * Ne 2:17 2Ki 25:10 Isa 5:5; 64:10,11 Jer 5:10; 39:8; 52:14 VERSE 4 - I sat down. * 1Sa 4:17-22 Ezr 10:1 Ps 69:9,10; 102:13,14; 137:1 Da 9:3 * Zep 3:18 Ro 12:15 - the God. * Ne 2:4 Ezr 5:11,12 Da 2:18 Jon 1:9 VERSE 5 - the great. * Ne 4:14 De 7:21 1Ch 17:21 Ps 47:2 Da 9:4-19 - keepeth. * Ex 20:6 De 7:9 1Ki 8:23 Heb 6:13-18 VERSE 6 - thine ear. * 1Ki 8:28,29 2Ch 6:40 Ps 34:15; 130:2 Da 9:17,18 - day and night. * 1Sa 15:11 Ps 55:17; 88:1 Lu 2:37; 18:7 1Ti 5:5 2Ti 1:3 - confess. * Ezr 9:6,7; 10:11 Ps 32:5 Isa 64:6,7 La 3:39-42 Da 9:4,20 * 1Jo 1:9 - both I. * 2Ch 28:10; 29:6 Ps 106:6 Isa 6:5 La 5:7 Eph 2:3 VERSE 7 - dealt. * Ne 9:29-35 Ps 106:6 Da 9:5,6 - corruptly. * 2Ch 27:2 Ho 9:9 Zep 3:7 Re 19:2 - the commandments. * Le 27:34 De 4:1; 5:1; 6:1; 28:15 1Ki 2:3 Ps 19:8,9; 119:5-8 - which thou. * De 4:5 2Ch 25:4 Ezr 7:6 Da 9:11,13 Mal 4:4 VERSE 8 - Remember. * Ps 119:49 Lu 1:72 - If ye transgress. * Le 26:33-46 De 4:25-27; 28:64; 32:26-28 1Ki 9:6,7 VERSE 9 - if ye turn. * Le 26:39-42 De 4:29-31; 30:2-5 Jer 29:11-14 - yet will I. * 1Ch 16:35 Ps 106:47; 147:2 Isa 11:12; 56:8 Jer 12:15; 31:10 * Jer 32:37; 50:19,20 Mt 24:31 - will bring. * Jer 3:14 Eze 36:24 - the place. * De 12:5,21 1Ki 9:3 Ezr 6:12 VERSE 10 - Now these. * Ex 32:11 De 9:29 Isa 63:16-19; 64:9 Da 9:15-27 - whom. * Ex 15:13 De 15:15 Ps 74:2 - thy strong. * Ex 6:1; 13:9 Ps 136:12 Da 9:15 VERSE 11 - Let now. See on ver. * :6 Ps 86:6; 130:2 - who desire. * Pr 1:29 Isa 26:8,9 Heb 13:18 - grant. * Ne 2:8 Ge 32:11,28; 43:14 Ezr 1:1; 7:6,27,28 Pr 21:1 - For I was. The office of cup-bearer was one of great trust, honor, and emolument, in the Persian court. To be in such a place of trust he must have been in the king's confidence; for no eastern potentate would have a cup-bearer to whom he could not trust his life, poison being often administered in that way. It was an office much desired, because it gave access to the king in those seasons of hilarity when men are most disposed to grant favors. * Ne 2:1 Ge 40:2,9-13,21,23; 41:9 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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