1 Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees concerning the breach of the sabbath, 3 by scripture, 9 by reason, 13 and by a miracle. 22 He heals a man possessed that was blind and dumb; 24 and confuting the absurd charge of casting out devils by Beelzebub, he shows that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven. 36 Account shall be made of idle words. 38 He rebukes the unfaithful, who seek after a sign, 46 and shows who is his brother, sister, and mother. VERSE 1 - went. * Mr 2:23-28 Lu 6:1-5 - to pluck. * De 23:25 VERSE 2 - Behold. * :10 Ex 20:9-11; 23:12; 31:15-17; 35:2 Nu 15:32-36 Isa 58:13 * Mr 3:2-5 Lu 6:6-11; 13:10-17; 23:56 Joh 5:9-11,16,17; 7:21-24 * Joh 9:14-16 VERSE 3 - Have. * :5; 19:4; 21:16; 22:31 Mr 12:10,26 Lu 6:3; 10:26 - what. * 1Sa 21:3-6 Mr 2:25,26 VERSE 4 - the shew-bread. * Ex 25:30 Le 24:5-9 - but. * Ex 29:32,33 Le 8:31; 24:9 VERSE 5 - on. * Nu 28:9,10 Joh 7:22,23 - profane. * Ne 13:17 Eze 24:21 VERSE 6 * :41,42; 23:17-21 2Ch 6:18 Hag 2:7-9 Mal 3:1 Joh 2:19-21 * Eph 2:20-22 Col 2:9 1Pe 2:4,5 VERSE 7 - if. * Mt 9:13; 22:29 Ac 13:27 - I will. That is, I desire, or require mercy, or acts of humanity, rather than sacrifice. * Isa 1:11-17 Ho 6:6 Mic 6:6-8 - condemned. * Job 32:3 Ps 94:21; 109:31 Pr 17:15 Jas 5:6 VERSE 8 * Mt 9:6 Mr 2:28; 9:4-7 Lu 6:5 Joh 5:17-23 1Co 9:21; 16:2 * Re 1:10 VERSE 9 - he went. * Mr 3:1-5 Lu 6:6-11 VERSE 10 - which. * 1Ki 13:4-6 Zec 11:17 Joh 5:3 - Is it. * Mt 19:3; 22:17,18 Lu 13:14; 14:3-6; 20:22 Joh 5:10; 9:16 - that. * Isa 32:6; 59:4,13 Lu 6:6,7; 11:54; 23:2,14 Joh 8:6 VERSE 11 - what. This was an argumentum ad hominem. The Jews held that such things were lawful on the sabbath day, and our Savior very properly appealed to their canons in vindication of his intention to heal the distressed man. * Lu 13:15-17; 14:5 - and if. * Ex 23:4,5 De 22:4 VERSE 12 - is a. * Mt 6:26 Lu 12:24 - it is. * Mr 3:4 Lu 6:9 VERSE 13 - and it. * Lu 13:13 Ac 3:7,8 VERSE 14 - went. * Mt 27:1 Mr 3:6 Lu 6:11 Joh 5:18; 10:39; 11:53,57 - held a council. or, took counsel. VERSE 15 - he withdrew. * Mt 10:23 Lu 6:12 Joh 7:1; 10:40-42; 11:54 - great. * Mt 4:24,25; 19:2 Mr 3:7-12; 6:56 Lu 6:17-19 Joh 9:4 Ga 6:9 * 1Pe 2:21 VERSE 16 * Mt 9:30; 17:9 Mr 7:36 Lu 5:14,15 VERSE 17 - it. * Mt 8:17; 13:35; 21:4 Isa 41:22,23; 42:9; 44:26 Lu 21:22; 24:44 * Joh 10:35; 12:38; 19:28 Ac 13:27 - saying. * Isa 42:1-4 VERSE 18 - Behold. This prophecy is expressly referred to the Messiah by the Targumist, who renders, 'Behold my servant the Messiah,' etc. ha avdi mesheecha; and it was amply fulfilled in the gentle, lowly, condescending and beneficent nature of Christ's miracles and personal ministry, his perseverance in the midst of opposition, without engaging in contentious disputation, and his kind and tender dealing with weak and tempted believers. - my servant. * Isa 49:5,6; 52:13; 53:11 Zec 3:8 Php 2:6,7 - whom I. * Ps 89:19 Isa 49:1-3 Lu 23:35 1Pe 2:4 - my beloved. * Mt 3:17; 17:5 Mr 1:11; 9:7 Lu 9:35 Eph 1:6 Col 1:1,13 *marg: * 2Pe 1:17 - I will. * Mt 3:16 Isa 11:2; 59:20,21; 61:1-3 Lu 3:22; 4:18 Joh 1:32-34; 3:34 * Ac 10:38 - and he. * Isa 32:15,16; 49:6; 60:2,3; 62:2 Jer 16:19 Lu 2:31,32 Ac 11:18 * Ac 13:46-48; 14:27; 26:17,18 Ro 15:9-12 Eph 2:11-13; 3:5-8 VERSE 19 * Mt 11:29 Zec 9:9 Lu 17:20 Joh 18:36-38 2Co 10:1 2Ti 2:24,25 VERSE 20 - bruised. * Mt 11:28 2Ki 18:21 Ps 51:17; 147:3 Isa 40:11; 57:15; 61:1-3 * La 3:31-34 Eze 34:16 Lu 4:18 2Co 2:7 Heb 12:12,13 - till. * Ps 98:1-3 Isa 42:3,4 Ro 15:17-19 2Co 2:14; 10:3-5 Re 6:2 * Re 19:11-21 VERSE 21 * Isa 11:10 Ro 15:12,13 Eph 1:12,13 Col 1:27 VERSE 22 - was. * Mt 9:32 Mr 3:11 Lu 11:14 - he healed. * Mr 7:35-37; 9:17-26 - blind. * Ps 51:15 Isa 29:18; 32:3,4; 35:5,6 Ac 26:18 VERSE 23 - the people. * Mt 9:33; 15:30,31 - Is not. * Mt 9:27; 15:22; 21:9; 22:42,43 Joh 4:29; 7:40-42 VERSE 24 - when. * Mt 9:34 Mr 3:22 Lu 11:15 - Beelzebub. Gr. Beelzebul, and so. * :27 VERSE 25 - Jesus. * Mt 9:4 Ps 139:2 Jer 17:10 Am 4:13 Mr 2:8 Joh 2:24,25; 21:17 * 1Co 2:11 Heb 4:13 Re 2:23 - Every kingdom. * Isa 9:21; 19:2,3 Mr 3:23-26 Lu 11:17,18 Ga 5:15 Re 16:19 * Re 17:16,17 VERSE 26 - his. * Joh 12:31; 14:30; 16:11 2Co 4:4 Col 1:13 1Jo 5:19 Re 9:11 * Re 12:9; 16:10; 20:2,3 VERSE 27 - Beelzebub. * :24 - by whom. * Mr 9:38,39 Lu 9:49,50; 11:19 Ac 19:13-16 - they. * Mt 12:41,42 Lu 19:22 Ro 3:19 VERSE 28 - I cast. * :18 Mr 16:17 Lu 11:20 Ac 10:38 - then. * Mt 6:33; 21:31,43 Isa 9:6,7 Da 2:44; 7:14 Mr 1:15; 11:10 * Lu 1:32,33; 9:2; 10:11; 11:20; 16:16; 17:20,21 Ro 14:17 Col 1:13 * Heb 12:28 VERSE 29 * Isa 49:24; 53:12 Mr 3:27 Lu 11:21,22 1Jo 3:8; 4:4 Re 12:7-10 * Re 20:1-3,7-9 VERSE 30 - that is. * Mt 6:24 Jos 5:13; 24:15 1Ch 12:17,18 Mr 9:40 Lu 9:50; 11:23 * 2Co 6:15,16 1Jo 2:19 Re 3:15,16 - gathereth. * Ge 49:10 Ho 1:11 Joh 11:52 VERSE 31 - All. * Isa 1:18; 55:7 Eze 33:11 1Ti 1:13-15 Heb 6:4 *etc: * Heb 10:26,29 1Jo 1:9; 2:1,2 - blasphemy. Blasphemy, [blasphemia <988>,] either from [blapto <984> ten phemen,] to hurt, or blast the reputation, or from [ballo <906> tais phemais,] to smite with words, or reports, when applied to men denotes injurious speaking, or calumny, and when used in reference to God signifies speaking impiously of his nature, attributes, and works. - but. * Mr 3:28-30 Lu 12:10 Ac 7:51 1Jo 5:16 VERSE 32 - whosoever. * Mt 11:19; 13:55 Lu 7:34; 23:34 Joh 7:12,52 Ac 3:14,15,19 * Ac 26:9-11 1Ti 1:13,15 - but. * Joh 7:39 Heb 6:4-6; 10:26-29 - it shall not. * Job 36:13 Mr 3:29 Lu 16:23-26 VERSE 33 - make the good tree. * Mt 23:26 Eze 18:31 Am 5:15 Lu 11:39,40 Jas 4:8 - and his fruit good. * Mt 3:8-10; 7:16-20 Lu 3:9; 6:43,44 Joh 15:4-7 Jas 3:12 VERSE 34 - generation. * Mt 3:7; 23:33 Lu 3:7 Joh 8:44 1Jo 3:10 - how. * 1Sa 24:13 Ps 10:6,7; 52:2-5; 53:1; 64:3,5; 120:2-4; 140:2,3 * Isa 32:6; 59:4,14 Jer 7:2-5 Ro 3:10-14 Jas 3:5-8 - for. * Lu 6:45 VERSE 35 - good man. * Mt 13:52 Ps 37:30,31 Pr 10:20,21; 12:6,17-19; 15:4,23,28 * Pr 16:21-23; 25:11,12 Eph 4:29 Col 3:16; 4:6 - and an. * :34 VERSE 36 - every. * Ec 12:14 Ro 2:16 Eph 6:4-6 Jude 1:14,15 Re 20:12 - idle word. [Rhema <4487>,] [argos <692>,] i.e., [ergo--work/act/deed,] from a, privative, and [ergon <2041>,] work, a word that produces no good effect, and is not calculated to produce any. "Discourse," says Dr. Doddridge, 'tending to innocent mirth, to exhilarate the spirits, is not idle discourse; as the time spent in necessary recreation is not idle time.' VERSE 37 - For by. * Pr 13:3 - justified. * Jas 2:21-25 VERSE 38 - Master. * Mt 16:1-4 Mr 8:11,12 Lu 11:16,29 Joh 2:18; 4:48 1Co 1:22 VERSE 39 - adulterous. * Isa 57:3 Mr 8:38 Jas 4:4 - no sign. * Mt 16:4 Lu 11:29,30 VERSE 40 - as. * Jon 1:17 - so. * Mt 16:21; 17:23; 27:40,63,64 Joh 2:19 - in the heart. * Ps 63:9 Jon 2:2-6 VERSE 41 - men. * Lu 11:32 - rise. * :42 Isa 54:17 Jer 3:11 Eze 16:51,52 Ro 2:27 Heb 11:7 - this. * :39,45; 16:4; 17:17; 23:36 - because. * Jon 3:5-10 - behold. * :6,42 Joh 3:31; 4:12; 8:53-58 Heb 3:5,6 VERSE 42 - queen. * 1Ki 10:1 *etc: * 2Ch 9:1 *etc: * Lu 11:31 *etc: * Ac 8:27,28 - hear. * 1Ki 3:9,12,28; 4:29,34; 5:12; 10:4,7,24 - behold. * Mt 3:17; 17:5 Isa 7:14; 9:6,7 Joh 1:14,18 Php 2:6,7 Heb 1:2-4 VERSE 43 - when. Had there been no reality in demoniacal possessions, as some have supposed, our Lord would scarcely have appealed to a case of this kind here, to point out the real state of the Jewish people, and their approaching desolation. Had this been only a vulgar error, of the nonsense of which the learned scribes and wise Pharisees must have been convinced, the case, not being in point, because not true, must have been treated with contempt by the very people for whose conviction it was designed. - the unclean. * Lu 11:24 Ac 8:13 - he. * Job 1:7; 2:2 1Pe 5:8 - dry. * Ps 63:1 Isa 35:6,7; 41:18 Eze 47:8-12 Am 8:11-13 - seeking. * Mt 8:29 Mr 5:7-13 Lu 8:28-32 VERSE 44 - my. * :29 Lu 11:21,22 Joh 13:27 Eph 2:2 1Jo 4:4 - he findeth. * Mt 13:20-22 Ps 81:11,12 Ho 7:6 Joh 12:6; 13:2 Ac 5:1-3; 8:18-23 * 1Co 11:19 2Th 2:9-12 1Ti 6:4,5,9,10 1Jo 2:19 Jude 1:4,5 * Re 13:3,4,8,9 VERSE 45 - seven. * :24 Mr 5:9; 16:9 Eph 6:12 - more. * Mt 23:15 - and the. * Lu 11:26 Heb 6:4-8; 10:26-31,39 2Pe 2:14-22 1Jo 5:16,17 * Jude 1:10-13 - Even. And so it was; for they became worse and worse, as if totally abandoned to diabolical influence, till the besom of destruction swept them away. * Mt 21:38-44; 23:32-39,24,34 Lu 11:49-51; 19:41-44 Joh 15:22-24 * Ro 11:8-10 1Th 2:15,16 VERSE 46 - yet. * Mr 2:21; 3:31 *etc: * Lu 8:10,19-21 - his. * Mt 13:55 Mr 6:3 Joh 2:12; 7:3,5,10 Ac 1:14 1Co 9:5 Ga 1:19 VERSE 47 VERSE 48 - Who is. * Mt 10:37 De 33:9 Mr 3:32,33 Lu 2:49,52 Joh 2:3,4 2Co 5:16 VERSE 49 - his disciples. * Mt 28:7 Mr 3:34 Joh 17:8,9,20; 20:17-20 VERSE 50 - do. * Mt 7:20,21; 17:5 Mr 3:35 Lu 8:21; 11:27,28 Joh 6:29,40; 15:14 * Ac 3:22,23; 16:30,31; 17:30; 26:20 Ga 5:6; 6:15 Col 3:11 Heb 5:9 * Jas 1:21,22 1Pe 4:2 1Jo 2:17; 3:23,24 Re 22:14 - the same. * Mt 25:40,45; 28:10 Ps 22:22 Joh 20:17 Ro 8:29 Heb 2:11-17 - and sister. * So 4:9,10,12; 5:1,2 1Co 9:5 2Co 11:2 Eph 5:25-27 - and mother. * Joh 19:26,27 1Ti 5:2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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