1 The genealogy of Christ from Abraham to Joseph. 18 He is miraculously conceived of the Holy Ghost by the Virgin Mary, when she was espoused to Joseph. 19 The angel satisfies the doubts of Joseph, and declares the names and office of Christ: Jesus is born. VERSE 1 - generation. * Ge 2:4; 5:1 Isa 53:8 Lu 3:23-38 Ro 9:5 - the son of David. * Mt 9:27; 15:22; 22:42-45 2Sa 7:13,16 Ps 89:36; 132:11 Isa 9:6,7; 11:1 * Jer 23:5; 33:15-17,26 Am 9:11 Zec 12:8 Lu 1:31,32,69,70 * Joh 7:42 Ac 2:30; 13:22 Ro 1:3 Re 22:16 - the son of Abraham. * Ge 12:3; 22:18; 26:3-5; 28:13,14 Ro 4:13 Ga 3:16 VERSE 2 - Abraham. * Ge 21:2-5 Jos 24:2,3 1Ch 1:28 Isa 51:2 Lu 3:34 Ac 7:8 Ro 9:7-9 * Heb 11:11,17,18 - Isaac begat. * Ge 25:26 Jos 24:4 1Ch 1:34 Isa 41:8 Mal 1:2,3 Ro 9:10-13 - Jacob begat. * Ge 29:32-35; 30:5-20; 35:16-19; 46:8-2 * Ge 49:8-12 Ex 1:2-5 1Ch 2:1-2 * 1Ch 5:1,2 Lu 3:33,34 Ac 7:8 Heb 7:14 Re 7:5 - Juda. VERSE 3 - Judas. * Ge 38:27,29,30; 46:12 - Judah, Pharez, Zarah. * Nu 26:20,21 1Ch 2:3,4 - Zerah. * 1Ch 9:6 - Thamar. * Ge 38:6,11,24-26 - Tamar. and Phares. * Ge 46:12 Nu 26:21 Ru 4:18 1Ch 2:5; 4:1 - Hezron. * Lu 3:33 - Aram. * Ru 4:19 1Ch 2:9 - Ram. VERSE 4 - Aminadab. * Ru 4:19,20 1Ch 2:10-12 - Amminadab. Naasson. * Nu 1:7; 2:3; 7:12,17; 10:14 - Nahshon. * Lu 3:32 VERSE 5 - Salmon. * Ru 4:21 1Ch 2:11,12 - Salma, Boaz. Rachab. * Jos 2:1-22 * Jos 6:22-25 Heb 11:31 Jas 2:25 - Rahab. Booz. * Ru 1:4,16,17,22; 2:1-4:22 - Obed begat. * Lu 3:32 VERSE 6 - Jesse. * Ru 4:22 1Sa 16:1,11-13; 17:12,58; 20:30,31; 22:8 2Sa 23:1 * 1Ch 2:15 Ps 72:20 Isa 11:1 Ac 13:22,23 - Solomon. * 2Sa 12:24,25 1Ch 3:5; 14:4; 28:5 - her. * 2Sa 11:3,26,27 1Ki 1:11-17,28-31; 15:5 Ro 8:3 - Urias. * 2Sa 23:39 1Ch 11:41 - Uriah. VERSE 7 - Roboam. * 1Ki 11:43; 12:1-24 * 1Ch 3:10 2Ch 9:31; 13:7 - Rehoboam. Abia. * 1Ki 14:31 - Abijam. * 2Ch 12:1 - Abijah. Asa. * 1Ki 15:8-23 2Ch 14:1-16:14 VERSE 8 - Josaphat. * 1Ki 15:24; 22:2-50 * 2Ki 3:1 2Ch 17:1-20:37 - Jehoshaphat. Joram. * 1Ki 22:50 2Ki 8:16 - Jehoram. * 1Ch 3:11 2Ch 21:1 - Ozias. * 2Ki 14:21; 15:1-6 - Azariah. * 2Ch 26:1-23 - Uzziah. VERSE 9 - Joatham. * 2Ki 15:7,32-38 1Ch 3:11-13 2Ch 26:21; 27:1-9 - Jotham. Achaz. * 2Ki 15:38; 16:1-20 * 2Ch 27:9; 28:1-27 * Isa 7:1-13 - Ahaz. Ezekias. * 2Ki 16:20; 18:1-20:21 2Ch 28:27; 29:1-32:33 * Isa 36:1-39:8 - Hezekiah. VERSE 10 - Manasses. * 2Ki 20:21; 21:1-18; 24:3,4 1Ch 3:13-15 2Ch 32:33; 33:1-19 - Manasseh. Amon. * 2Ki 21:19-26 2Ch 33:20-24 - Josias. * 1Ki 13:2 2Ki 21:26; 22:1-20; 23:1-30 2Ch 33:25; 34:1-33; 35:1-27 * Jer 1:2,3 - Josiah. VERSE 11 - Josias. 'Some read, Josias begat Jakim, and Jakim begat Jechonias.' - Jechonias. * 2Ki 23:31-37; 24:1-20 1Ch 3:15-17 2Ch 36:1-8 * Jer 2:10-28 - about. * 2Ki 24:14-16; 25:11 2Ch 36:10,20 Jer 27:20; 39:9; 52:11-15,28-30 * Da 1:2 VERSE 12 - Jechonias. * 2Ki 25:27 - Jehoiachin. * 1Ch 3:17,19-24 - Jeconiah. * Jer 22:24,28 - Coniah. and. * Ezr 3:2; 5:2 Ne 12:1 Hag 1:1,12,14; 2:2,23 - Shealtiel, Zerubbabel. * Lu 3:27 VERSE 13 * :13 VERSE 14 * :14 VERSE 15 VERSE 16 - Joseph. * :18-25; 2:13 Lu 1:27; 2:4,5,48; 3:23; 4:22 - of whom. * Mr 6:3 Lu 1:31-35; 2:7,10,11 - who. * Mt 27:17,22 Joh 4:25 VERSE 17 VERSE 18 - the birth. * Lu 1:27-38 - of the. * Ge 3:15 Job 14:4; 15:14 Lu 1:25,35 Ga 4:4,5 Heb 7:26; 10:5 VERSE 19 - her husband. * Le 19:20 De 22:23,24 - a just. * Ge 6:9 Ps 112:4,5 Mr 6:20 Lu 2:25 Ac 10:22 - a public. * Ge 38:24 Le 20:10 De 22:21-24 Joh 8:4,5 - was. * De 24:1-4 Mr 10:4 VERSE 20 - while. * Ps 25:8,9; 94:19; 119:125; 143:8 Pr 3:5,6; 12:5 Isa 26:3; 30:21 - the angel. * Jud 13:3,8,9 Lu 1:10-13,19,26-38 * Lu 2:8-14 - in. * Mt 2:13,19,22 Ge 31:11 Nu 12:6 Job 4:13-16; 33:15-17 Joe 2:28 - Joseph. * Isa 7:2,13 Jer 33:26 Lu 2:4 - fear not. * Mt 28:5 Ge 46:3 1Ki 17:13 Isa 51:7 Jer 40:9 Lu 1:30 - that. * :18 Jer 31:22 - conceived. Gr. begotten. VERSE 21 - she. * Ge 17:19,21; 18:10 Jud 13:3 2Ki 4:16,17 Lu 1:13,35,36 - thou. * Lu 1:31; 2:21 - JESUS. that is, Savior. Heb. for. * Ps 130:7,8 Isa 12:1,2; 45:21,22 Jer 23:6; 33:16 Eze 36:25-29 * Da 9:24 Zec 9:9 Joh 1:29 Ac 3:26; 4:12; 5:31; 13:23,38,39 * Eph 5:25-27 Col 1:20-23 Tit 2:14 Heb 7:25 1Jo 1:7; 2:1,2; 3:5 * Re 1:5,6; 7:14 VERSE 22 - that. * Mt 2:15,23; 5:17; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35,21 1Ki 8:15,24 Ezr 1:1 * Lu 21:22; 24:44 Joh 10:35; 12:38-40; 15:25; 17:12; 18:9, * Joh 19:36,37 Ac 3:18; 13:27-29 Re 17:17 VERSE 23 - a virgin. * Isa 7:14 - they shall call his name. or, his name shall be called. Emmanuel * Isa 7:14; 8:8 - Immanuel. God. * Mt 28:20 Ps 46:7,11 Isa 8:8-10; 9:6,7; 12:2 Joh 1:14 Ac 18:9 * Ro 1:3,4; 9:5 2Co 5:19 1Ti 3:16 2Ti 4:17,22 VERSE 24 - did. * Ge 6:22; 7:5; 22:2,3 Ex 40:16,19,25,27,32 2Ki 5:11-14 Joh 2:5-8 * Joh 15:14 Heb 11:7,8,24-31 Jas 2:21-26 VERSE 25 - she. * Ex 13:2; 22:29 Lu 2:7 Ro 8:29 - and he. * Lu 2:21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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