1 Christ feeds the people miraculously; 10 refuses to give a sign to the Pharisees; 14 admonishes his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod; 22 gives a blind man his sight; 27 acknowledges that he is the Christ who should suffer and rise again; 34 and exhorts to patience in persecution for the profession of the gospel. VERSE 1 * Mt 15:32 *etc: VERSE 2 - compassion. * Mr 1:41; 5:19; 6:34; 9:22 Ps 103:13; 145:8,15 Mic 7:19 Mt 9:36 * Mt 14:14; 20:34 Lu 7:13; 15:20 Heb 2:17; 4:15; 5:2 - and have. * Mt 4:2-4; 6:32,33 Joh 4:6-8,30-34 VERSE 3 * Jud 8:4-6 1Sa 14:28-31; 30:10-12 Isa 40:31 VERSE 4 - From. * Mr 6:36,37,52 Nu 11:21-23 2Ki 4:42-44; 7:2 Ps 78:19,20 * Mt 15:33 Joh 6:7-9 VERSE 5 - How. * Mr 6:38 Mt 14:15-17; 15:34 Lu 9:13 VERSE 6 - to sit. * Mr 6:39,40 Mt 14:18,19; 15:35,36 Lu 9:14,15; 12:37 Joh 2:5; 6:10 - gave thanks. * Mr 6:41-44 1Sa 9:13 Mt 15:36; 26:26 Lu 24:30 Joh 6:11,23 * Ro 14:6 1Co 10:30,31 Col 3:17 1Ti 4:3-5 VERSE 7 - fishes. * Lu 24:41,42 Joh 21:5,8,9 - he blessed. * Lu 6:41 Mt 14:19 VERSE 8 - and were. This was another incontestable miracle--four thousand men, besides women and children, (Mat. 15:28,) fed with seven loaves (or rather cakes) and a few small fishes! Here there must have been a manifest creation of substance--for, they all ate, and were filled. * :19,20 Ps 107:8,9; 145:16 Mt 16:10 Lu 1:53 * Joh 6:11-13,27,32-35,47-58 Re 7:16,17 - they took. * 1Ki 17:14-16 2Ki 4:2-7,42-44 VERSE 9 VERSE 10 - straightway. * Mt 15:39 - Dalmanutha. Dalmanutha is supposed to have been a town east of the sea of Gennesaret, in the district of Magdala, and not far from the city of that name. VERSE 11 - Pharisees. * Mr 2:16; 7:1,2 Mt 12:38; 16:1-4; 19:3; 21:23; 22:15,18,23,34,35 * Lu 11:53,54 Joh 7:48 - seeking. * Lu 11:16; 12:54-57 Joh 4:48; 6:30 1Co 1:22,23 - tempting. * Mr 12:15 Ex 17:2,7 De 6:16 Mal 3:15 Lu 10:25 Ac 5:9 1Co 10:9 VERSE 12 - he sighed. * Mr 3:5; 7:34; 9:19 Isa 53:3 Lu 19:41 Joh 11:33-38 - Why. * Mr 6:6 Lu 16:29-31; 22:67-70 Joh 12:37-43 - There. * Mt 12:39,40; 16:4 Lu 11:29,30 VERSE 13 * Ps 81:12 Jer 23:33 Ho 4:17; 9:12 Zec 11:8,9 Mt 7:6; 15:14 * Lu 8:37 Joh 8:21; 12:36 Ac 13:45,46; 18:6 VERSE 14 - had forgotten. * Mt 16:5 VERSE 15 - he charged. * Nu 27:19-23 1Ch 28:9,10,20 1Ti 5:21; 6:13 2Ti 2:14 - Take. * Pr 19:27 Mt 16:6,11,12 Lu 12:1,2,15 - the leaven of the. * Ex 12:18-20 Le 2:11 1Co 5:6-8 - of Herod. * Mr 12:13 Mt 22:15-18 VERSE 16 * Mt 16:7,8 Lu 9:46; 20:5 VERSE 17 - knew. * Mr 2:8 Joh 2:24,25; 16:30; 21:17 Heb 4:12,13 Re 2:23 - perceive. * Mr 3:5; 6:52; 16:14 Isa 63:17 Mt 15:17; 16:8,9 Lu 24:25 * Heb 5:11,12 VERSE 18 - see. * Mr 4:12 De 29:4 Ps 69:23; 115:5-8 Isa 6:9,10; 42:18-20; 44:18 * Jer 5:21 Mt 13:14,15 Joh 12:40 Ac 28:26,27 Ro 11:8 - do. * 2Pe 1:12 VERSE 19 - the five. * Mr 6:38-44 Mt 14:17-21 Lu 9:12-17 Joh 6:5-13 VERSE 20 * :1-9 Mt 15:34-38 VERSE 21 - How. * :12,17; 6:52; 9:19 Ps 94:8 Mt 16:11,12 Joh 14:9 1Co 6:5; 15:34 VERSE 22 - Bethsaida. * Mr 6:45 Mt 11:21 Lu 9:10; 10:13 Joh 1:44; 12:21 - they bring. * Mr 2:3; 6:55,56 - to touch. * Mr 5:27-29 Mt 8:3,15; 9:29 VERSE 23 - by the. * Isa 51:18 Jer 31:32 Ac 9:8 Heb 8:9 - out. * Mr 7:33 Isa 44:2 - spit. * Joh 9:6,7 Re 3:18 VERSE 24 - I see. * Jud 9:36 Isa 29:18; 32:3 1Co 13:9-12 VERSE 25 - and saw. * Pr 4:18 Mt 13:12 Php 1:6 1Pe 2:9 2Pe 3:18 VERSE 26 - Neither. * Mr 5:43; 7:36 Mt 8:4; 9:30; 12:16 VERSE 27 - the towns. * Mt 16:13 *etc: - and by. * Lu 9:18,19 *etc: VERSE 28 - John. * Mr 6:14-16 Mt 14:2; 16:14 Lu 9:7-9 - Elias. * Mr 9:11-13 Mal 4:5 - Elijah. * Joh 1:21 VERSE 29 - But. * Mr 4:11 Mt 16:15 Lu 9:20 1Pe 2:7 - Thou. * Mt 16:16 Joh 1:41-49; 4:42; 6:69; 11:27 Ac 8:37; 9:20 1Jo 4:15; 5:1 VERSE 30 * :26; 7:36; 9:9 Mt 16:20 Lu 9:21 VERSE 31 - he began. * Mr 9:31,32; 10:33,34 Mt 16:21; 17:22; 20:17-19 Lu 9:22; 18:31-34 * Lu 24:6,7,26,44 - rejected. * Mr 12:10 1Sa 8:7; 10:19 Ps 118:22 Isa 53:3 Mt 21:42 Lu 17:25 * Joh 12:48 Ac 3:13-15; 7:35,51,52 - and after. * Ho 6:2 Jon 1:17 Mt 12:40 Joh 2:19 1Co 15:4 VERSE 32 - openly. * Joh 16:25,29 - Peter. * Mr 4:38 Mt 16:22 Lu 10:40 Joh 13:6-8 VERSE 33 - turned. * Mr 3:5,34 Lu 22:61 - he rebuked. * Le 19:17 2Sa 19:22 Ps 141:5 Pr 9:8,9 Mt 15:23 Lu 9:55 * 1Ti 5:20 Tit 1:13 Re 3:19 - Get. * Ge 3:4-6 Job 2:10 Mt 4:10 Lu 4:8 1Co 5:5 - savorest. * Mt 6:31,32 Ro 8:5-8 Php 3:19 - Gr. * Jas 3:15-18 1Pe 4:1 1Jo 2:15 VERSE 34 - called. * Mr 7:14 Lu 9:23; 20:45 - Whosoever. * Mr 9:43-48 Mt 5:29,30; 7:13,14; 16:24 Lu 13:24; 14:27,33 * Ro 15:1-3 1Co 8:13; 9:19 Php 3:7 Tit 2:12 - take. * Mr 10:21 Mt 10:38; 27:32 Joh 19:17 Ac 14:22 Ro 6:6; 8:17 * 1Co 4:9-13; 15:31 Ga 2:20; 5:24; 6:14 Php 3:10 Col 1:24; 3:5 * 2Th 3:11 1Pe 4:1,13 Re 2:10 - follow. * Nu 14:24 1Ki 14:8 Lu 14:26; 18:22 Joh 10:27; 13:36,37; 21:19,20 * Heb 13:13 2Pe 1:14 1Jo 3:16 VERSE 35 - will save. * Es 4:11-16 Jer 26:20-24 Mt 10:39; 16:25 Lu 9:24; 17:33 * Joh 12:25,26 Ac 20:24; 21:13 2Ti 2:11-13; 4:6-8 Heb 11:35 * Re 2:10; 7:14; 12:11 - for. * Mt 5:10-12; 10:22; 19:29 Lu 6:22,23 Joh 15:20,21 Ac 9:16 * 1Co 9:23 2Co 12:10 2Ti 1:8 1Pe 4:12-16 VERSE 36 - what. * Job 2:4 Ps 49:17; 73:18-20 Mt 4:8-10; 16:26 Lu 9:25; 12:19,20 * Lu 16:19-23 Php 3:7-9 Re 18:7,8 - profit. * Job 22:2 Mal 3:14 Ro 6:21 Heb 11:24-26 Jas 1:9-11 VERSE 37 * Ps 49:7,8 1Pe 1:18,19 VERSE 38 - ashamed. * Mt 10:32,33 Lu 19:26; 12:8,9 Ac 5:41 Ro 1:16 Ga 6:14 * 2Ti 1:8,12,16; 2:12,13 Heb 11:26; 12:2,3; 13:13 1Jo 2:23 - adulterous. * Mt 12:39; 16:4 Jas 4:4 - the Son. * Mr 14:62 Da 7:13 Mt 16:27; 24:30; 25:31; 26:64 Joh 1:14; 5:27; 12:34 - when. * De 33:2 Da 7:10 Zec 14:5 Mt 13:41 Joh 1:51 1Th 1:7,8 * Jude 1:14,15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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