1 Jesus brought bound, and accused before Pilate. 6 Upon the clamor of the common people, the murderer Barabbas is loosed, and Jesus delivered up to be crucified. 16 He is crowned with thorns, spit on, and mocked; 21 faints in bearing his cross; 27 hangs between two thieves; 29 suffers the triumphing reproaches of the Jews; 39 but is confessed by the centurion to be the Son of God; 42 and is honorably buried by Joseph. VERSE 1 - straightway. * Ps 2:2 Mt 27:1,2 Lu 22:66 Ac 4:5,6,25-28 - and delivered. * Mr 10:33,34 Mt 20:18,19 Lu 18:32,33; 23:1,2 *etc: * Joh 18:28 *etc: * Ac 3:13 VERSE 2 * Mt 2:2; 27:11 Lu 23:3 Joh 18:33-37; 19:19-22 1Ti 6:13 VERSE 3 - the chief. * Mt 27:12 Lu 23:2-5 Joh 18:29-31; 19:6,7,12 - but. * :5; 14:60,61 Isa 53:7 VERSE 4 - Answerest. * Mt 26:62; 27:13 Joh 19:10 VERSE 5 - Jesus. * Isa 53:7 Joh 19:9 - Pilate. * Ps 71:7 Isa 8:18 Zec 3:8 Mt 27:14 1Co 4:9 VERSE 6 * Mt 26:2,5; 27:15 Lu 23:16,17 Joh 18:39,40 Ac 24:27; 25:9 VERSE 7 * Mt 27:16 Lu 23:18,19,25 VERSE 8 VERSE 9 - Will. * Mt 27:17-21 Joh 18:39; 19:4,5,14-16 Ac 3:13-15 VERSE 10 - for envy. * Ge 4:4-6; 37:11 1Sa 18:8,9 Pr 27:4 Ec 4:4 Mt 27:18 Ac 13:45 * Tit 3:3 Jas 3:14-16; 4:5 1Jo 3:12 VERSE 11 * Ho 5:1 Mt 27:20 Joh 18:40 Ac 3:14 VERSE 12 - What. * Mt 27:22,23 Lu 23:20-24 Joh 19:14-16 - whom. * :1,2; 11:9-11 Pr 2:6,7 Isa 9:6,7 Jer 23:5,6 Zec 9:9 * Mt 2:2-4; 21:5 Lu 23:2 Ac 5:31 VERSE 13 VERSE 14 - Why. * Isa 53:9 Mt 27:4,19,24,54 Lu 23:4,14,15,21,41,47 Joh 18:38 * Joh 19:6 Heb 7:26 1Pe 1:19 - And. * Ps 69:4 Isa 53:3 Mt 27:23-25 Lu 23:23,24 Joh 19:12-15 * Ac 7:54-57; 19:34; 22:22,23 VERSE 15 - willing. * Pr 29:25 Ps 57:11 Mt 27:26 Lu 23:24,25 Joh 19:1,16 Ac 24:27 * Ac 25:9 Ga 1:19 - when. * Mr 10:34 Ps 129:3 Isa 50:6 Mt 20:19; 27:26 Lu 18:33 Joh 19:1 * 1Pe 2:24 VERSE 16 - the soldiers. * Mt 27:27 - Praetorium. [Praitorion <4232>,] in Latin, praetorium, was properly the tent or house of the praetor, a military, and sometimes a civil officer. * Joh 18:28; 19:9 VERSE 17 * Mt 27:28-30 Lu 23:11 Joh 19:2-5 VERSE 18 - Hail. * :29-32 Ge 37:10,20 Mt 27:42,43 Lu 23:36,37 Joh 19:14,15 VERSE 19 - they smote. * Mr 9:12; 10:34; 14:65 Job 13:9; 30:8-12 Ps 22:6,7; 35:15-17 * Ps 69:12,19,20 Isa 49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53:3-5 Mic 5:1 Mt 20:18,19 * Lu 18:32,33; 22:63; 23:11,36 Heb 12:2,3; 13:13 - and bowing. * Ge 24:52; 43:28 1Ki 19:18 Es 3:2-5 Isa 45:23 Ro 11:4; 14:10,11 * Php 2:10 VERSE 20 - and led. * Mt 27:31 Joh 19:16 VERSE 21 - they compel. * Mt 27:32 Lu 23:26 - a Cyrenian. * Ac 2:10; 6:9; 11:20; 13:1 - and Rufus. * Ro 16:13 - to bear. * Lu 14:27 Joh 15:18-20 VERSE 22 - Golgotha. * Mt 27:33 *etc: * Lu 23:27-33 - Calvary. * Joh 19:17 *etc: VERSE 23 - they. * Mt 27:34 Lu 23:36 Joh 19:28-30 - but. * Mr 14:25 Mt 26:19 Lu 22:18 VERSE 24 - crucified. * De 21:23 Ps 22:16,17 Isa 53:4-8 Ac 5:30 2Co 5:21 Ga 3:13 * 1Pe 2:24 - they parted. * Ps 22:18 Mt 27:35,36 Lu 23:34 Joh 19:23,24 VERSE 25 - the. * :33 Mt 27:45 Lu 23:44 Joh 19:14 Ac 2:15 VERSE 26 - the superscription. * De 23:5 Ps 76:10 Pr 21:1 Isa 10:7; 46:10 - THE KING OF THE JEWS. * Ps 2:6 Zec 9:9 Mt 2:2; 27:37 Lu 23:37,38 Joh 19:18-22 VERSE 27 * Mt 27:38 Lu 23:32,33 Joh 19:18 VERSE 28 * Isa 53:12 Lu 22:37 Heb 12:2 VERSE 29 - they. * Ps 22:7,8,12-14; 35:15-21; 69:7,19,20,26; 109:25 La 1:12; 2:15 * Mt 27:39,40 - Ah. * Mr 14:58 Ge 37:19,20 Mt 26:61 Joh 2:18-22 VERSE 30 VERSE 31 - also. * Ps 2:1-4; 22:16,17 Mt 27:41-43 Lu 23:35-37 - He. * Joh 11:47-52; 12:23,24 1Pe 3:17,18 VERSE 32 - Christ. * Mr 14:61,62 Isa 44:6 Zep 3:15 Zec 9:9 Joh 1:49; 12:13; 19:12-15 * Joh 20:25-29 - that. * Ro 3:3 2Ti 2:18 - And. * Mt 27:44 Lu 23:39-43 VERSE 33 - when. * :25 Mt 27:45 Lu 23:44,45 - darkness. * Ps 105:28 Isa 50:3,4 Am 8:9,10 VERSE 34 - at. * Da 9:21 Lu 23:46 Ac 10:3 - Eloi. * Ps 22:1 Mt 27:46 Heb 5:7 - why. * Ps 27:9; 42:9; 71:11 Isa 41:17 La 1:12; 5:20 VERSE 35 - he. * Mr 9:11-13 Mt 17:11-13; 27:47-49 VERSE 36 * :23 Ps 69:21 Lu 23:36 Joh 19:28-30 VERSE 37 * Mt 27:50 Lu 23:46 Joh 19:30 VERSE 38 * Ex 26:31-34; 40:20,21 Le 16:2 *etc: * 2Ch 3:8-14 Mt 27:51-53 Lu 23:45 Heb 4:14-16; 6:19; 9:3-12 * Heb 10:19-23 VERSE 39 - the centurion. The centurion was a military captain, and commander of a century, or 100 men. In order to have a proper notion of his office, it may be desirable to explain the construction and array of the Roman legion. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into three maniples, and each maniple into two centuries; so that there were thirty maniples, and sixty centuries in a legion, which, if the century had always, as the word imports, consisted of 100 soldiers, would have formed a combined phalanx of 6,000 men. The number in a legion, however, varied at different periods; in the time of Polybius it was 4,200. The order of battle was that of three lines; the hastati, or spearmen, occupied the front; the principes, the second line; the triarii, (also called pilani, from their weapon, the pilam,) the third. The centurions were appointed by the tribunes, and generally selected from the common soldiers according to their merit; although the office was sometimes obtained for money, or through the favor of the consuls. Their badge was a vine rod, or sapling. * :44 Mt 8:5-10 Ac 10:1; 27:1-3,43 - he said. * Mt 27:43,54 Lu 23:47,48 VERSE 40 - women. * Ps 38:11 Mt 27:55,56 Lu 23:49 Joh 19:25-27 - Mary Magdalene. * Mr 16:9 Mt 28:1 Lu 8:2,3 Joh 20:11-18 - Mary the. * :47; 16:1 Mt 13:55; 27:55,61 Joh 19:25 1Co 9:5 Ga 1:19 Jas 1:1 - Salome. * Mr 16:1 VERSE 41 - ministered. * Mt 27:56 Lu 8:2,3 VERSE 42 * Mt 27:57,62 Lu 23:50-54 Joh 19:38 VERSE 43 - an. * Mr 10:23-27 - which. * Lu 2:25,38; 23:51 - and went. * Mr 14:54,66 *etc: * Mt 19:30; 20:16 Ac 4:8-13 Php 1:14 VERSE 44 * Joh 19:31-37 VERSE 45 - he gave. * Mt 27:58 Joh 19:38 VERSE 46 - and took. * Mt 27:59,60 Lu 23:53 Joh 19:38-42 - and laid. * Isa 53:9 - hewn. * Isa 22:16 - and rolled. * Mr 16:3,4 Mt 27:60; 28:2 Joh 11:38 VERSE 47 * :40; 16:1 Mt 27:61; 28:1 Lu 23:55,56; 24:1,2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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