1 Augustus taxes all the Roman empire. 6 The nativity of Christ. 8 An angel relates it to the shepherds, and many sing praises to God for it. 15 The shepherds glorify God. 21 Christ is circumcised. 22 Mary purified. 25 Simeon and Anna prophesy of Christ, 39 who increases in wisdom, 41 questions in the temple with the doctors, 51 and is obedient to his parents. VERSE 1 - Caesar. * Lu 3:1 Ac 11:28; 25:11,21 Php 4:22 - all. * Mt 24:14 Mr 14:9; 16:15 Ro 1:8 - taxed. or, enrolled. VERSE 2 - taxing. * Ac 5:37 - governor. * Lu 3:1 Ac 13:7; 18:12; 23:26; 26:30 VERSE 3 VERSE 4 - Joseph. * Lu 1:26,27; 3:23 - of the city. * Lu 4:16 Mt 2:23 Joh 1:46 - unto. * Ge 35:19; 48:7 Ru 1:19; 2:4; 4:11,17,21,22 1Sa 16:1,4; 17:12,58 * 1Sa 20:6 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:1-6 Joh 7:42 - he was. * Lu 1:27; 3:23-31 Mt 1:1-17 VERSE 5 * De 22:22-27 Mt 1:18,19 VERSE 6 - A.M. 4000. B.C. 4. so. * Ps 33:11 Pr 19:21 Mic 5:2 - the days. * Lu 1:57 Re 12:1-5 VERSE 7 - she. * Isa 7:14 Mt 1:25 Ga 4:4 - and wrapped. * :11,12 Ps 22:6 Isa 53:2,3 Mt 8:20; 13:55 Joh 1:14 2Co 8:9 - the inn. * Lu 10:34 Ge 42:27; 43:21 Ex 4:24 VERSE 8 - abiding. * Ge 31:39,40 Ex 3:1,2 1Sa 17:34,35 Ps 78:70,71 Eze 34:8 * Joh 10:8-12 - watch over their flock by night. or, the night-watches. VERSE 9 - lo. * Lu 1:11,28 Jud 6:11,12 Mt 1:20 Ac 27:23 1Ti 3:16 - and the. * Ex 16:7,10; 40:34,35 1Ki 8:11 Isa 6:3; 35:2; 40:5; 60:1 Eze 3:23 * Joh 12:41 2Co 3:18; 4:6 Re 18:1 - and they. * Lu 1:12 Isa 6:4,5 Ac 22:6-9; 26:13,14 Heb 12:21 Re 20:11 VERSE 10 - Fear not. * Lu 1:13,30 Da 10:11,12,19 Mt 28:5 Re 1:17,18 - I bring. * Lu 1:19; 8:1 Isa 40:9; 41:27; 52:7; 61:1 Ac 13:32 Ro 10:15 - to. * :31,32; 24:47 Ge 12:3 Ps 67:1,2; 98:2,3 Isa 49:6; 52:10 Mt 28:18 * Mr 1:15; 16:15 Ro 15:9-12 Eph 3:8 Col 1:23 VERSE 11 - unto. * Lu 1:69 Isa 9:6 Mt 1:21 Ga 4:4,5 2Ti 1:9,10 Tit 2:10-14; 3:4-7 * 1Jo 4:14 - in. * :4 Mt 1:21 - which. * :26; 1:43; 20:41,42 Ge 3:15; 49:10 Ps 2:2 Da 9:24-26 Mt 1:16; 16:16 * Joh 1:41,45; 6:69; 7:25-27,41; 20:31 Ac 2:36; 17:3 1Jo 5:1 - the Lord. * Lu 1:43; 20:42-44 Ac 10:36 1Co 15:47 Php 2:11; 3:8 Col 2:6 VERSE 12 * Ex 3:12 1Sa 10:2-7 Ps 22:6 Isa 53:1,2 VERSE 13 - a multitude. * Ge 28:12; 32:1,2 1Ki 22:19 Job 38:7 Ps 68:17; 103:20,21; 148:2 * Isa 6:2,3 Eze 3:12 Da 7:10 Lu 15:10 Eph 3:10 Heb 1:14 1Pe 1:12 * Re 5:11 VERSE 14 - Glory. * Lu 19:38 Ps 69:34,35; 85:9-12; 96:11-13 Isa 44:23; 49:13 Joh 17:4 * Eph 1:6; 3:20,21 Php 2:11 Re 5:13 - and. * Lu 1:79 Isa 9:6,7; 57:19 Jer 23:5,6 Mic 5:5 Zec 6:12,13 Joh 14:27 * Ac 10:36 Ro 5:1 2Co 5:18-20 Eph 2:14-18 Col 1:20 Heb 13:20,21 - good. * Joh 3:16 Eph 2:4,7 2Th 2:16 Tit 3:4-7 1Jo 4:9,10 VERSE 15 - into. * Lu 24:51 2Ki 2:1,11 1Pe 3:22 - shepherds. Gr. men the shepherds. Let. * Ex 3:3 Ps 111:2 Mt 2:1,2,9-11; 12:42 Joh 20:1-10 VERSE 16 - with. * Lu 1:39 Ec 9:10 - found. See on ver. * :7,12; 19:32; 22:13 VERSE 17 * :38; 8:39 Ps 16:9,10; 66:16; 71:17,18 Mal 3:16 Joh 1:41-46; 4:28,29 VERSE 18 - wondered. * :33,47; 1:65,66; 4:36; 5:9,10 Isa 8:18 VERSE 19 * :51; 1:66; 9:43,44 Ge 37:11 1Sa 21:12 Pr 4:4 Ho 14:9 VERSE 20 * Lu 18:43; 19:37,38 1Ch 29:10-12 Ps 72:17-19; 106:48; 107:8,15,21 * Isa 29:19 Ac 2:46,47; 11:18 VERSE 21 - eight. * Lu 1:59 Ge 17:12 Le 12:3 Mt 3:15 Ga 4:4,5 Php 2:8 - his name was. * Lu 1:31 Mt 1:21,25 VERSE 22 - See on * Le 12:2-6 VERSE 23 - Every. * Ex 13:2,12-15; 22:29; 34:19 Nu 3:13; 8:16,17; 18:15 VERSE 24 - A pair. * Le 12:2,6-8 2Co 8:9 VERSE 25 - just. * Lu 1:6 Ge 6:9 Job 1:1,8 Da 6:22,23 Mic 6:8 Ac 10:2,22; 24:16 * Tit 2:11-14 - waiting. * :38 Isa 25:9; 40:1 Mr 15:43 - Holy Ghost. * Lu 1:41,67 Nu 11:25,29 2Pe 1:21 VERSE 26 - it. * Ps 25:14 Am 3:7 - see death. [Horao ton thanatos,] to see death, is a Hebraism for to die, exactly corresponding to [yir'eh mahvet.] * Ps 89:49 Lu 9:27 Ps 89:48 Joh 8:51 Heb 11:5 - the Lord's. * Ps 2:2,6 Isa 61:1 Da 9:24-26 Joh 1:41; 4:29; 20:31 Ac 2:36; 9:20 * Ac 10:38; 17:3 Heb 1:8,9 VERSE 27 - by. * Lu 4:1 Mt 4:1 Ac 8:29; 10:19; 11:12; 16:7 Re 1:10; 17:3 - the parents. * :41,48,51 - to. See on ver. * :22 VERSE 28 - took. * Mr 9:36; 10:16 - and. * :13,14,20 Lu 1:46,64,68 Ps 32:11; 33:1; 105:1-3; 135:19,20 VERSE 29 - now. * Ge 15:15; 46:30 Ps 37:37 Isa 57:1,2 Php 1:23 Re 14:13 - according. * :26 VERSE 30 - See on ver. * :10,11; 3:6 Ge 49:18 2Sa 23:1-5 Isa 49:6 Ac 4:10-12 VERSE 31 * Ps 96:1-3,10-13; 97:6-8; 98:2,3 Isa 42:1-4,10-12; 45:21-25 * Isa 62:1,2 VERSE 32 - light. * Isa 9:2; 42:6,7; 49:6; 60:1-3,19 Mt 4:16 Ac 13:47,48; 28:28 * Ro 15:8,9 - and. * Ps 85:9 Isa 4:2; 45:25; 60:19 Jer 2:11 Zec 2:5 1Co 1:31 Re 21:23 VERSE 33 * :48; 1:65,66 Isa 8:18 VERSE 34 - blessed. * Ge 14:19; 47:7 Ex 39:43 Le 9:22,23 Heb 7:1,7 - set. * Isa 8:14,15 Ho 14:9 Mt 21:44 Joh 3:20; 9:29 Ro 9:32 1Co 1:23 * 2Co 2:15 1Pe 2:7 - and rising. * Ac 2:36-41; 3:15-19; 6:7; 9:1-20 - for a. * Ps 22:6-8; 69:9-12 Isa 8:18 Mt 11:19; 26:65-67; 27:40-45,63 * Joh 5:18; 8:48-52; 9:24-28 Ac 4:26; 13:45; 17:6; 24:5; 28:22 * 1Co 1:23 Heb 12:1-3 1Pe 4:14 VERSE 35 - a sword. * Ps 42:10 Joh 19:25 - that. * Lu 16:14,15 De 8:2 Jud 5:15,16 Mt 12:24-35 Joh 8:42-47; 15:22-24 * Ac 8:21-23 1Co 11:19 1Jo 2:19 VERSE 36 - a prophetess. * Ex 15:20 Jud 4:4 2Ki 22:14 Ac 2:18; 21:9 1Co 12:1 - Aser. * Ge 30:13 - Asher. * Re 7:6 - she. * Job 5:26 Ps 92:14 VERSE 37 - which. * Ex 38:8 1Sa 2:2 Ps 23:6; 27:4; 84:4,10; 92:13; 135:1,2 Re 3:12 - but. * Ps 22:2 Ac 26:7 1Ti 5:5 Re 7:15 VERSE 38 - coming. * :27 - gave. * :28-32; 1:46 *etc: * Lu 1:64 *etc: * 2Co 9:15 Eph 1:3 - looked. * :25; 23:51; 24:21 Mr 15:43 - Jerusalem. or, Israel. VERSE 39 - performed. * :21-24; 1:6 De 12:32 Mt 3:15 Ga 4:4,5 - they returned. * :4 Mt 2:22,23 - Nazareth. Nazareth, now Nassara, was a small town of Zebulun, in Lower Galilee, according to Eusebius, fifteen miles east of Legio, near mount Tabor, and, according to D'Arvieux, about eight leagues, or according to Maundrell, seven hours, or about twenty miles S.E. of Acre. It is one of the principal towns of the pashalic of Acre, containing a population of about 3,000 souls, of whom 500 are Turks, the remainder being Christians. It is delightfully situated on elevated ground, in a valley, encompassed by mountains. VERSE 40 - the child. * :52 Jud 13:24 1Sa 2:18,26; 3:19 Ps 22:9 Isa 53:1,2 - strong. * Lu 1:80 Eph 6:10 2Ti 2:1 - filled. * :47,52 Isa 11:1-5 Col 2:2,3 - the grace. * Ps 45:2 Joh 1:14 Ac 4:33 VERSE 41 - A.M. 4012. A.D. 8. went. * Ex 23:14-17; 34:23 De 12:5-7,11,18; 16:1-8,16 1Sa 1:3,21 - the. * Ex 12:14 Le 23:5 Nu 28:16 Joh 2:13; 6:4; 11:55; 13:1 VERSE 42 * :42 VERSE 43 * 2Ch 30:21-23; 25:17 VERSE 44 - in. * Ps 42:4; 122:1-4 Isa 2:3 VERSE 45 VERSE 46 - after. * :44,45 1Ki 12:5,12 Mt 12:40; 16:21; 27:63,64 - the doctors. * Lu 5:17 Ac 5:34 - both. * Isa 49:1,2; 50:4 VERSE 47 * Lu 4:22,32 Ps 119:99 Mt 7:28 Mr 1:22 Joh 7:15,46 VERSE 48 VERSE 49 - my. * :48 Ps 40:8 Mal 3:1 Mt 21:12 Joh 2:16,17; 4:34; 5:17; 6:38; 8:29 * Joh 9:4 VERSE 50 * Lu 9:45; 18:34 VERSE 51 - came. * :39 - and was. * Mt 3:15 Mr 6:3 Eph 5:21; 6:1,2 1Pe 2:21 - kept. * :19 Ge 37:11 Da 7:28 VERSE 52 - Jesus. * :40; 1:80 1Sa 2:26 - stature. or, age. and in. * Pr 3:3,4 Ac 7:9,10 Ro 14:18 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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