1 The first offerings of Aaron, for himself and the people. 8 The sin offering, 12 and the burnt offering for himself. 15 The offerings for the people. 23 Moses and Aaron bless the people. 24 Fire comes from the Lord, upon the altar. VERSE 1 - the eighth day. Not on the eighth day of the month, but on the first day after their consecration, which occupied seven days, and before which they were deemed unfit to minister in holy things, being considered in a state of imperfection. All creatures, for the most part, were considered as in a state of uncleanness and imperfection, seven days, and perfected on the eighth. (see ch. 12:2, 3; 14:8-10; 15:13, 14; 22:27; Nu 6:9, 10.) * Le 8:33; 14:10,23; 15:14,29 Nu 6:10 Eze 43:26,27 Mt 28:1 VERSE 2 - a young. * :7,8; 4:3; 8:14 Ex 29:1 2Co 5:21 Heb 5:3; 7:27; 10:10-14 - and a ram. * Le 8:18 VERSE 3 - Take ye. * Le 4:23; 16:5,15 Ezr 6:17; 10:19 Isa 53:10 Ro 8:3 2Co 5:21 * Tit 2:14 Heb 9:26-28 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 Re 5:9 - a kid. As the offering here is a kid, which was the sacrifice of the sin of the ruler, some think that the reading of the Samaritan and the LXX. is to be preferred: "Speak unto the Elders of Israel." - a calf. See on ver. * :2 - both. * Le 12:6; 14:10; 23:12 Ex 12:5 VERSE 4 - a bullock. See on ch. * Le 3:1-17 - and a meat. * Le 2:1-16; 6:14-23 Nu 15:3-9 - to-day. * :6,23 Ex 16:10; 19:11; 24:16; 29:43; 40:34,35 Nu 14:10; 16:19 * 1Ki 8:10-12 Eze 43:2 VERSE 5 - and all the congregation. * Ex 19:17 De 31:12 1Ch 15:3 2Ch 5:2,3 Ne 8:1 VERSE 6 - and the glory. * :23 Ex 16:10; 24:16; 40:34,35 1Ki 8:10-12 2Ch 5:13,14 * Eze 43:2 VERSE 7 - offer thy. * :2; 4:3,20; 8:34 1Sa 3:14 Heb 5:3; 7:27,28; 9:7 - offer the. * Le 4:16-20 Heb 5:1 VERSE 8 * Le 1:4,5; 4:4,29 VERSE 9 * Le 4:6,7,17,18,25,30; 8:15; 16:18 Heb 2:10; 9:22,23; 10:4-19 VERSE 10 - the fat. See on ch. * Le 3:3-5,9-11; 4:8-12,34,35; 8:16,17 Ps 51:17 Pr 23:26 Isa 53:10 * Isa 57:15; 66:2 - as the Lord. * Le 4:8 VERSE 11 * Le 4:11,12,21; 8:17; 16:27,28 Heb 13:11,12 VERSE 12 - See on ch. * Le 1:1-17; 8:18-21 Eph 5:2,25-27 VERSE 13 * :13 VERSE 14 * Le 8:21 VERSE 15 * :3; 4:27-31; 9:15 Nu 28:1-29:31 Isa 53:10 2Co 5:21 Tit 2:14 * Heb 2:17; 5:3 VERSE 16 - manner. or, ordinance. * :12-14; 1:3-10; 8:18-21 Heb 10:1-22 VERSE 17 - the meat. * :1; 2:1,2 Ex 29:38,41 Joh 6:53 Ga 2:20 - took an handful thereof. Heb. filled his hand out of it. beside. * Ex 29:38-42 VERSE 18 - a sacrifice. * Le 3:1-17; 7:11-18 Ro 5:1,10 Eph 2:14-17 Col 1:20 VERSE 19 * :10; 3:5,16 VERSE 20 - they put. * Le 7:29-34 - burnt. * Le 3:14-17 VERSE 21 - the breasts. * Le 7:24,26,30-34 Ex 29:27,28 Isa 49:3 Lu 2:13 1Pe 4:11 - as Moses commanded. The Samaritan text, and thirty MSS. have, {kaasher tzivvah yehowah eth Moshe,} "as Jehovah commanded Moses;" which is also the reading of the LXX., Arabic, and Targum of Onkelos, and seems to be the true reading, being supported, not only by these authorities, but by the whole chapter itself.' VERSE 22 - his hand. or, as the Greek has it, "his hands." Menachem gives reason why it is written hand, to signify the right hand, because that was lifted up higher than the left. The lifting up of the hand was a gesture used in speaking, and signifying any weighty thing, Isa 49:22; and particularly in swearing, Ge 14:22; praying, Ps 28:2; and blessing, either of God, Ps 134:2, or of men, as in this place. Paul, speaking of prayer, uses the phrase, "lifting up holy hands;" as also David: "Let the lifting up of my hands be as the evening sacrifice." * Ge 14:18-20 Nu 6:23-27 De 10:8; 21:5 1Ki 8:55 1Ch 23:13 * 2Ch 6:3 Ps 72:17 Mr 10:16 Lu 24:50 Ac 3:26 2Co 13:14 * Heb 7:6,7 1Pe 3:9 VERSE 23 - came out. * Lu 1:21,22 Heb 9:24-28 - the glory. * :6 Nu 14:10; 16:19,42 VERSE 24 - there came a fire. These victims were consumed by a fire of no human kindling. Josephus says that "a fire proceeded from the victims themselves, of its own accord, which had the appearance of a flash of lightning, and consumed all that was upon the altar." * Le 6:13 Ge 4:3,4; 15:17 Ex 3:2 Jud 6:21; 13:19,20,23 1Ki 18:38 * 2Ki 19:15 1Ch 21:26 2Ch 6:2; 7:1-3 Ps 20:3,4; 80:1 *marg: - they shouted. * Ge 17:3 Nu 14:5; 16:22 1Ki 18:39 2Ch 7:3 Ezr 3:11 Mt 26:39 * Re 4:9; 5:8; 7:11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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