1 The meat offering of flour with oil and incense, 4 either baked in the oven, 5 or on a plate, 7 or in a frying-pan. 12 The first fruits not to be burnt on the altar. 13 Salt to be used with every offering. 14 The offering of first fruits in the ear. VERSE 1 - meat offering. {Minchah,} from the Arabic {manacha,} to give, especially as a reciprocal gift, a gift, oblation, or eucharistical or gratitude offering, for the bounties of providence displayed in the fruits of the earth. It is termed a meat offering by our translators, because the term meat in their time was the general name for food. * Le 6:14-18,20-23; 9:17 Nu 15:4-21 Isa 66:20 Joh 6:35 - fine flour. * Ex 29:2 Nu 7:13,19 Joe 1:9; 2:14 - pour oil. * :4-8,15,16; 7:10-12 1Jo 2:20,27 Jude 1:20 - frankincense. * Mal 1:11 Lu 1:9,10 Re 8:3 VERSE 2 - the memorial. * :9; 5:12; 6:15; 24:7 Ex 30:16 Nu 5:18 Ne 13:14,22 Isa 66:3 * Ac 10:4 VERSE 3 - the remnant. * Le 6:16,17,26; 7:9; 10:12,13; 21:22 Nu 18:9 1Sa 2:28 - most holy. * Le 6:17; 10:12; 21:22 Ex 29:37 Nu 18:9 VERSE 4 - meat offering. * 1Ch 23:28,29 Ps 22:14 Eze 46:20 Mt 26:38 Joh 12:27 - the oven. {Tannur}, probably such an oven as that described by D'Arvieux, as used by the Arabs. He states that they make a fire in a great stone pitcher, and when heated, mix meal and water, which they apply with the hollow of their hands to the outside, and this soft paste spreading itself upon it, is baked in an instant, and the bread comes of as thin as our wafers. * Le 1:11; 6:17; 7:12; 10:12 Ex 12:8 1Co 5:7,8 Heb 7:26 1Pe 2:1,22 - wafers. * Ex 16:31; 29:2 Isa 42:1; 44:3-5; 61:1 Joh 3:34 VERSE 5 - in a pan. or, on a flat plate, or slice. {Machavath,} a flat iron plate, such as the Arabs still use to bake their cakes on, and which is called a griddle in some of our counties. * Le 6:21; 7:9 1Ch 23:29 Eze 4:3 VERSE 6 * Le 1:6 Ps 22:1-21 Mr 14:1-15:47 Joh 18:1-19:42 VERSE 7 - the frying-pan. {Marchesheth}, a shallow earthen vessel, like a frying pan, which the Arabs call a {tajen.} - of fine. See on ver. * :1,2 VERSE 8 VERSE 9 - a memorial. * :2; 6:15 - an offering. * :2 Ex 29:18 Ps 22:13,14 Isa 53:10 Zec 13:7,9 Ro 12:1; 15:16 * Eph 5:2 Php 2:17; 4:18 VERSE 10 - See on ver. * :3 VERSE 11 - no leaven. * Le 6:17 Ex 12:19,20 Mt 16:6,11,12 Mr 8:15 Lu 12:1 1Co 5:6-8 * Ga 5:9 - honey. * Pr 24:13; 25:16,27 Lu 21:34 Ac 14:22 1Pe 4:2 VERSE 12 - the oblation. * Ge 23:10,11,17 Ex 22:29; 23:10,11,19 Nu 15:20 De 26:10 * 2Ch 31:5 1Co 15:20 Re 14:4 - be burnt. Heb. ascend. VERSE 13 - with salt. * Ezr 7:22 Eze 43:24 Mt 5:13 Mr 9:49,50 Col 4:6 - the salt. * Nu 18:19 2Ch 13:5 - with all thine. * Eze 43:24 VERSE 14 - a meat offering. These first fruits seem to have been the voluntary oblation brought by individuals, of the finest ears of corn out of the field, before the harvest was ripe. * Le 22:29; 23:10,14-17,20 Ge 4:3 Nu 28:2 De 26:2 Pr 3:9,10 * Isa 53:2-10 Mal 1:11 1Co 15:20 Re 14:4 - corn beaten. * 2Ki 4:42 VERSE 15 - See on ver. * :1 VERSE 16 - See on ver. * :1,2,4-7,9,12 Ps 141:2 Isa 11:2-4; 61:1 Ro 8:26,27 Heb 5:7 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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