1 An angel rebukes the people at Bochim. 6 The wickedness of the new generation after Joshua. 14 God's anger and pity towards them. 20 The Canaanites left to prove Israel. VERSE 1 - And an angel. or messenger. * Jud 6:12; 13:3 Ge 16:7-10,13; 22:11,12; 48:16 Ex 3:2-6; 14:19; 23:20 * Ex 33:14 Jos 5:13,14 Isa 63:9 Ho 12:3-5 Zec 3:1,2 Mal 3:1 * Ac 7:30-33 - Bochim. * :5 - I made. * Ex 3:7,8; 14:14; 20:2 De 4:34 Ps 78:51-53; 105:36-38 - have brought. * Ge 12:7; 22:16,17; 26:3,4 Jos 3:10 Ps 105:44,45 - I will never. See on * Ge 17:7,8 Le 26:42 Nu 14:34 Ps 89:34 Jer 14:21; 33:20,21 * Zec 11:10 VERSE 2 - And ye shall. * Ex 23:32,33; 34:12-16 Nu 33:52,53 De 7:2-4,16,25,26; 12:2,3 * De 20:16-18 2Co 6:14-17 - but ye have. * :20 Ezr 9:1-3,10-13 Ps 78:55-58; 106:34-40 Jer 7:23-28 * 2Th 1:8 1Pe 4:17 - why have. * Ge 3:11,12; 4:10 Ex 32:21 Jer 2:5,18,31-33,36 VERSE 3 - I also said. * :21 Nu 33:55 Jos 23:13 - their gods. * Jud 3:6 Ex 23:33; 34:12 De 7:16 1Ki 11:1-7 Ps 106:36 VERSE 4 - the people. * 1Sa 7:6 Ezr 10:1 Pr 17:10 Jer 31:9 Zec 12:10 Lu 6:21; 7:38 * 2Co 7:10 Jas 4:9 VERSE 5 - Bochim. that is, Weepers. * Ge 35:8 Jos 7:26 - they sacrificed. * Jud 6:24; 13:19 1Sa 7:9 VERSE 6 - Joshua. * Jos 22:6; 24:28-31 VERSE 7 - the people. * Jos 24:31 2Ki 12:2 2Ch 24:2,14-22 Php 2:12 - outlived. Heb. prolonged days after. VERSE 8 - Joshua. * Jos 24:29,30 VERSE 9 - Timnath-heres. This was his own inheritance; and Eusebius says it was celebrated in his time for the tomb of Joshua. * Jos 19:50; 24:30 - Timnath-serah VERSE 10 - A.M. cir. 2590. B.C. cir. 1414. An. Ex. Is. cir. 77. gathered. * Ge 15:15; 25:8,17; 49:33 Nu 27:13 De 31:16 2Sa 7:12 Ac 13:36 - knew not. * Ex 5:2 1Sa 2:12 1Ch 28:9 Job 21:14 Ps 92:5,6 Isa 5:12 Jer 9:3 * Jer 22:16; 31:34 Ga 4:8,9 2Th 1:8 Tit 1:16 VERSE 11 - did evil. * Jud 4:1; 6:1; 13:1 Ge 13:13; 38:7 2Ch 33:2,6 Ezr 8:12 - and served Baalim. {Bäâlim,} or lords, seems to have been the common appellation of the Syrian gods; whence we have Baal-peor, Baal-zebub, etc. * Jud 3:7; 10:6,10 1Sa 7:4 1Ki 18:18 2Ch 28:2; 33:3 Jer 2:23; 9:14 * Ho 2:13-17 VERSE 12 - forsook. See on * De 13:5; 29:18,25; 31:16,17; 32:15; 33:17 - other gods. * Jud 5:8 De 6:14,15 - bowed. See on * Ex 20:5 De 5:9 VERSE 13 - served. * :11; 3:7; 10:6 1Sa 31:10 1Ki 11:5,33 2Ki 23:13 Ps 106:36 * 1Co 8:5; 10:20-22 VERSE 14 - the anger. * Jud 3:7,8; 10:7 Le 26:28 Nu 32:14 De 28:20,58; 29:19,20; 31:17,18 * 2Ch 36:16 Ps 106:40-42 - he delivered. * 2Ki 17:20 2Ch 15:5 - sold them. * Jud 3:8; 4:2 Ps 44:12 Isa 50:1 - could not. * Jud 1:19,34 Le 26:37 De 32:30 Jos 7:12,13 Ps 44:9,10 Jer 37:10 VERSE 15 - against. * Jer 18:8; 21:10; 44:11,27 Mic 2:3 - had said. * Le 26:15-46 De 4:25-28; 28:15-68 Jos 23:15,16 - had sworn. * De 32:40,41 - greatly. * Jud 10:9 1Sa 13:6; 14:24; 30:6 2Co 4:8 VERSE 16 - A.M. 2591-2909. B.C. 1413-1095. the Lord. * Jud 3:9,10,15; 4:5; 6:14 1Sa 12:11 Ac 13:20 - judges. The {shophetim} were not judges in the usual sense of the term; but were heads or chiefs of the Israelites, raised up on extraordinary occasions, who directed and ruled the nation with sovereign power, administered justice, made peace or war, and led the armies over whom they presided. Officers with the same power, and nearly the same name, were established in New Tyre, after the termination of the regal state; and the Carthaginian Suffetes, the Athenian Archons, and the Roman Dictators, appear to have been nearly the same. - delivered. Heb. saved. * Ne 9:27 Ps 106:43-45 VERSE 17 - they would. * 1Sa 8:5-8; 12:12,17,19 2Ch 36:15,16 Ps 106:43 - whoring. * Ex 34:15,16 Le 17:7 Ps 73:27; 106:39 Ho 2:2 Re 17:1-5 - quickly. * Ex 32:8 De 9:12,16 Ga 1:6 - which their. * :7 Jos 24:24,31 VERSE 18 - then the Lord. * Ex 3:12 Jos 1:5 Ac 18:9,10 - it repented. * Jud 10:16 Ge 6:6 De 32:36 Ps 90:13; 106:44,45 Jer 18:7-10 * Ho 11:8 Jon 3:10 - their groanings. * Ex 2:24 2Ki 13:4,22,23 Ps 12:5 VERSE 19 - when the. See on ver. * :7; 3:11,12; 4:1; 8:33 Jos 24:31 2Ch 24:17,18 - corrupted. or, were corrupt. more. * Jer 16:12 Mt 23:32 - ceased not from. Heb. let nothing fall of. stubborn. * 1Sa 15:23 Ps 78:8 Jer 3:17; 23:17 VERSE 20 - the anger. * :14; 3:8; 10:7 Ex 32:10,11 De 32:22 - transgressed. * Ex 24:3-8 De 29:10-13 Jos 23:16; 24:21-25 Jer 31:32 Eze 20:37 VERSE 21 * :3; 3:3 Jos 23:13 Eze 20:24 VERSE 22 - through. See on ch. * Jud 3:1-4 - prove. * Ge 22:1 De 8:2,16; 13:3 2Ch 32:31 Job 23:10 Ps 66:10 Pr 17:3 * Mal 3:2,3 VERSE 23 - left. or, suffered. * :23 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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