1 Tola judges Israel in Shamir. 3 Jair, whose thirty sons had thirty cities. 6 The Philistines and Ammonites oppress Israel. 10 In their misery God sends them to their false gods. 15 Upon their repentance he pities them. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2772. B.C. 1232. An. Ex. Is. 259. arose. * Jud 2:16; 3:9 - defend. or, deliver. Heb. save. Shamir. * Jos 15:48 VERSE 2 VERSE 3 - A.M. 2795. B.C. 1209. An. Ex. Is. 282. a Gileadite. * Ge 31:48 Nu 32:29 VERSE 4 - rode. * Jud 5:10; 12:14 - called. * Nu 32:41 De 3:14 - Havoth-jair. or, the villages of Jair. VERSE 5 VERSE 6 - A.M. 2817. B.C. 1187. An. Ex. Is. 304. did evil. * Jud 4:1; 6:1; 13:1 - A.M. 2799. B.C. 1205. An. Ex. Is. 286. Baalim. * Jud 2:11-14; 3:7 2Ch 28:23 Ps 106:36 - the gods of Zidon. * 1Ki 11:5,7,33; 16:31 2Ki 17:16,29-31; 23:13 - the gods of the Philistines. * Jud 16:23 1Sa 5:2 2Ki 1:2,3 Jer 2:13 Eze 16:25,26 VERSE 7 - was hot. * Jud 2:14 De 29:20-28; 31:16-18; 32:16-22 Jos 23:15,16 Ps 74:1 * Na 1:2,6 - he sold. * Jud 4:2 1Sa 12:9,10 Ps 44:12 Isa 50:1 VERSE 8 - that year. * :5 Isa 30:13 1Th 5:3 - oppressed. Heb. crushed. VERSE 9 - passed. * Jud 3:12,13; 6:3-5 2Ch 14:9; 20:1,2 - distressed. * De 28:65 1Sa 28:15 2Ch 15:5 VERSE 10 - cried. * Jud 3:9 1Sa 12:10 Ps 106:43,44; 107:13,19,28 VERSE 11 - Did not I. * Jud 2:1-3 - Egyptians. * Ex 14:30 1Sa 12:8 Ne 9:9-11 Ps 78:51-53; 106:8-11 Heb 11:29 - Amorites. * Nu 21:21-25,35 Ps 135:10,11 - children. * Jud 3:11-15 - Philistines. * Jud 3:31 VERSE 12 - Zidonians. * Jud 5:19-31 - Amalekites. * Jud 6:3 - the Maonites. The LXX. have "the Midianites," which Dr. Wall thinks the true reading. But the Maonites might be a tribe of Arabs, inhabitants of Maon. (Jos 15:55. 1Sa 23:24, 25; 25:2,) which assisted Moab. * 2Ch 26:6,7 Ps 106:42,43 VERSE 13 * Jud 2:12 De 32:15 1Ch 28:9 Jer 2:13 Jon 2:8 VERSE 14 * De 32:26-28,37,38 1Ki 18:27,28 2Ki 3:13 Pr 1:25-27 Isa 10:3 * Jer 2:28 VERSE 15 - We have sinned. * 2Sa 12:13; 24:10 Job 33:27 Pr 28:13 1Jo 1:8-10 - do thou. * Jos 9:25 1Sa 3:18 2Sa 10:12; 15:26 Jon 2:4; 3:9 - seemeth, etc. Heb. is good in thine eyes. deliver. * 2Sa 24:14 Job 34:31,32 VERSE 16 - they put. * 2Ch 7:14; 15:8; 33:15 Jer 18:7,8 Eze 18:30-32 Ho 14:1-3,8 - strange gods. Heb. gods of strangers. his soul. * Ge 6:6 Ps 106:44,45 Isa 63:9 Jer 31:20 Ho 11:8 Lu 15:20; 19:41 * Joh 11:34 Eph 4:32 Heb 3:10; 4:15 - grieved. Heb. shortened. Not that there is any grief in God; he has infinite joy and happiness in himself, which cannot be broken in upon by either the sins or the miseries of his creatures. Not that there is any change in God; for he is of one mind, and who can turn him? But his goodness is his glory; by it he proclaims his name, and magnifies it; and as he is pleased to put himself into the relation of a father to his people, so he is pleased to represent his goodness to them by the compassion of a father to his children; for as he is the Father of lights, so is he the Father of mercies. VERSE 17 - gathered together. Heb. cried together. Mizpeh. * Jud 11:11,29 Ge 31:49 VERSE 18 - What man. * Jud 1:1; 11:5-8 Isa 3:1-8; 34:12 - he shall be. * Jud 11:11; 12:7 1Sa 17:25 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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