1 The borders of the lot Judah. 13 Caleb's portion and conquest. 16 Othniel, for his valour, hath Achsah, Caleb's daughter, to wife. 18 She obtains a blessing of her father. 21 The cities of Judah. 63 The Jebusites unconquered. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2561. B.C. 1443. An. Ex. Is. 48. This then was the lot. The geography of the sacred writings presents many difficulties, occasioned by the changes which Canaan has undergone, especially for the last 2,000 years. Many of the ancient towns and villages have had their names so totally changed that their former appellations are no longer discernible; several lie buried under their own ruins, and others have been so long destroyed that not a vestige of them remains. On these accounts it is very difficult to ascertain the precise situation of many places mentioned in these chapters; but this cannot in any measure affect the truth of the narrative. * Jos 14:2 Nu 26:55,56 - even to the. * Nu 33:36,37; 34:3-5 Eze 47:19 VERSE 2 - the salt sea. * Jos 3:16 Ge 14:3 Nu 34:3 Eze 47:8,18 - bay. Heb. tongue. * Isa 11:15 VERSE 3 - Maaleh-acrabbim. or, the going up to Acrabbim. * Nu 34:4 Jud 1:36 - Zin. * Ge 14:7 Nu 20:1; 32:8 - Adar. Probably the same as Hazar-addar, Nu 34:4. - Karkaa. Supposed to be the Coracea of Ptolemy, in Arabia Petr'a Eusebius places a castle called Carcaria at the distance of a day's journey from Petra. VERSE 4 - Azmon. The last city they possessed towards Egypt; east of the River of Egypt or Rhinocorura. * Nu 34:5 - river. * Jos 13:3 Ex 23:31 VERSE 5 * Nu 34:12 VERSE 6 - Beth-hogla. Probably the Bethagla mentioned by Jerome is the same as the "threshing-floor of Atad," (Ge 50:10,) situated three miles from Jericho, and two from Jordan; and belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, though serving as a frontier to the tribe of Judah. * Jos 18:19,20 - the stone. * Jos 18:17 VERSE 7 - Debir. * :15; 10:38,39 - the valley. * Jos 7:26 Isa 65:10 Ho 2:5 - Gilgal. * Jos 4:19; 5:9,10; 10:43 - Adummim. A town and mountain of Benjamin (Jos 18:17,) near Jericho, towards Jerusalem. - En-shemesh. Situated east of Jerusalem, on the confines of Judah and Benjamin. - En-rogel. Supposed to be the same as the fountain of Siloam, east of Jerusalem, at the foot of mount Zion. * 2Sa 17:17 1Ki 1:9 VERSE 8 - valley of the son. A valley near to Jerusalem. * Jos 18:16 2Ki 23:10 2Ch 28:3 Jer 7:31,32; 19:2,6,14 - the Jebusite. * :63; 18:28 Jud 1:8,21; 19:10 - valley of the giants. Situated apparently west of Jerusalem and mount Moriah. * Jos 18:16 2Sa 5:18,22 Isa 17:5 - the valley of Rephaim. VERSE 9 - Nephtoah. * Jos 18:15 - Baalah. A city near Bethshemesh, and, according to Eusebius, nine miles from Jerusalem, in going towards Diospolis. * 2Sa 6:2 1Ch 13:6 - Kirjath-jearim. * Jos 9:17 Jud 18:12 VERSE 10 - Beth-shemesh. Placed by Eusebius ten miles east from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicopolis. * 1Sa 6:12-21 - Timnah. * :57 Ge 38:13 Jud 14:1,5 VERSE 11 - Ekron. * :45; 19:43 1Sa 5:10; 7:14 2Ki 1:2,3,6,16 - mount Baalah. * Jos 19:44 VERSE 12 - the great sea. * :47 Nu 34:6,7 De 11:24 Eze 47:20 VERSE 13 - Caleb. * Jos 14:6-15 Nu 13:30; 14:23,24 De 1:34-36 - the city of Arba. or, Kirjath-arba. * Jos 14:15 VERSE 14 * Jos 10:36,37; 11:21 Nu 13:22,23 Jud 1:10,20 VERSE 15 * Jos 10:3,38 Jud 1:11-13 VERSE 16 * Jud 1:6,12,13 VERSE 17 - Othniel. * Jud 1:13; 3:9,11 - Kenaz. * Jos 14:6 Nu 32:12 - Achsah. * 1Ch 2:49 VERSE 18 - she lighted. * Ge 24:64 1Sa 25:23 VERSE 19 - Give me. * Jud 1:14,15 - a blessing. * Ge 33:11 De 33:7 1Sa 25:27 2Co 9:5 *marg: VERSE 20 * Ge 49:8-12 De 33:7 VERSE 21 - Kabzeel. * Ne 11:25 - Eder. * Ge 35:21 VERSE 22 VERSE 23 - Kedesh. * Jos 12:22 Nu 33:37 De 1:19 - Hazor. The LXX. read [Hasoriónain,] for Hazar-Ithnan, regarding these two as one city. VERSE 24 - Ziph. Eusebius and Jerome say, that Ziph was a village in their time eight miles east from Hebron. * 1Sa 23:14,19,24 Ps 54:1 *title - Telem. * 1Sa 15:4 VERSE 25 - Hazor. Or, rather, Hazar-hadattah, or, as the LXX., Alexandrian, and Vulgate render [Hasór Lé kainé,] {Asor nova,} "New Hazor," to distinguish it from the preceding (ver. 28,) and following Hazor. Eusebius and Jerome say it was a village in their time, on the eastern confines of Askelon. - Kerioth. Or, rather, Kerioth-Hezron: LXX. [hai poleis] (Alex. [polis]) [Haserón,] "the cities (city) of Hezron." * :25 VERSE 26 - Moladah. Probably the same as Malatha, a city frequently mentioned by Eusebius; from whom it appears to have been situated in the southern border of Judah, about twenty miles from Hebron. * 1Ch 4:28 VERSE 27 - Hazar-gaddah. This is apparently the city which Eusebius calls [ ;] which he says, was, in his time, a town situated between Askalon and Ashdod. - Beth-palet. * Ne 11:26 VERSE 28 - Hazar-shual. * Jos 19:3 1Ch 4:28 - Beer-sheba. * Jos 19:2 Ge 21:14,31-33; 26:33 - Bizjoth-jah. Instead of Bizjothjah, the LXX. read, "and their towns and villages." VERSE 29 - Baalah. * :9-11; 19:3 - Azem. * 1Ch 4:29 VERSE 30 - Hormah. * Jos 19:4 Nu 14:45 De 1:44 Jud 1:17 VERSE 31 - Ziklag. * Jos 19:5 1Sa 27:6; 30:1 1Ch 12:1 VERSE 32 - Ain. Probably the [ ] of Eusebius, four miles from Hebron. * Nu 34:11 - Rimmon. * Ne 11:29 VERSE 33 - Eshtaol. This town is placed by Eusebius ten mile from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicopolis: and it is supposed to be a wretched village, called Esdad, about 15 miles south of Yebna. * Jos 19:41 Nu 13:23 Jud 13:25; 16:31 - Zoreah. A town near to Eshtaol, placed at ten miles' distance N. of Eleutheropolis by Eusebius. VERSE 34 - Tappuah. * :53; 12:17 VERSE 35 - Jarmuth. * Jos 10:3,23; 12:11 Ne 11:29 - Adullam. * Jos 12:15 1Sa 22:1 Mic 1:15 - Socoh. Eusebius says, there were two cities of Socoh, an upper and lower, nine miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Jerusalem. * :48 1Sa 17:1 1Ch 4:18 - Azekah. Eusebius and Jerome say there was a town of this name in their time, between Jerusalem and Eleutheropolis. * Jos 10:10 1Sa 17:1 VERSE 36 - Sharaim. * 1Sa 17:52 - Adithaim. Eusebius mentions two cities, called Adatha, one towards Gaza, and the other east of Lydda. - and Gede-rothaim. or, or. fourteen cities. There are fifteen in all; but the two last seem to be only two names of the same city. VERSE 37 VERSE 38 - Mizpeh. * Ge 31:48,49 Jud 20:1; 21:5 1Sa 7:5,6,16; 10:17 - Joktheel. * 2Ki 14:7 VERSE 39 - Lachish. * Jos 10:3,31,32; 12:11 2Ki 18:14,17; 19:8 - Bozkath. * 2Ki 22:1 - Eglon. * Jos 10:3; 12:12 VERSE 40 VERSE 41 - Makkedah. * Jos 10:21,28; 12:16 VERSE 42 - Libnah. * Jos 10:29; 12:15 2Ki 8:22 - Ether. * Jos 19:7 VERSE 43 VERSE 44 - Keilah. * 1Sa 23:1-14 - Achzib. * Ge 38:5 Mic 1:14 - Mareshah. * Mic 1:15 VERSE 45 - Ekron. * Jos 13:3 1Sa 5:10; 6:17 Am 1:8 Zep 2:4 Zec 9:5-7 VERSE 46 - near. Heb. by the place of. * 1Sa 5:1,6 2Ch 26:6 Ne 13:23,24 Isa 20:1 Am 1:8 VERSE 47 - Gaza. * Jud 16:1-21 Jer 47:1,5 Am 1:6,7 Zep 2:4 Ac 8:26 - the river. * :4; 13:3 Ex 23:31 Nu 34:5,6 VERSE 48 - Jattir. * Jos 21:14 VERSE 49 - Kirjath-sannah. * :15 Jud 1:11 VERSE 50 VERSE 51 - Goshen. * Jos 10:41; 11:16 - Giloh. * 2Sa 15:12 VERSE 52 - Dumah. * Isa 21:11 VERSE 53 - Janum. or, Janus. * :53 VERSE 54 - Kirjath-arba. * :13; 14:15 Ge 23:2 VERSE 55 - Maon. * 1Sa 23:25; 25:2,7 2Ch 26:10 Isa 35:2 - Carmel. * 1Ki 18:42 - Ziph. * :24 1Sa 23:14,15; 26:1,2 VERSE 56 VERSE 57 - Timnah. * :10 Ge 38:12 Jer 14:1 VERSE 58 - Gedor. * 1Ch 4:39 VERSE 59 VERSE 60 - Kirjath-baal. * Jos 18:14 1Sa 7:1 VERSE 61 - Beth-arabah. * :6; 18:18 VERSE 62 - the city of. This city was situated somewhere in the vicinity, west of the lake Asphaltites; and supposed by some to be the same as Zoar. - En-gedi. En-gedi, or Hazazon-Tamar, was situated, according to Eusebius, in the desert west of the Dead Sea. Josephus says it was 300 stadia from Jerusalem, and not far from the lake Asphaltites; and consequently it could not have been far from Jericho and the mouth of the Jordan. It was celebrated for the abundance of its palm-trees. * 1Sa 23:29 2Ch 20:2 VERSE 63 * Jud 1:8,21 2Sa 5:6-9 1Ch 11:4-8 Ro 7:14-21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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