1 Jonah repining at God's mercy, 4 is reproved by the type of a gourd. VERSE 1 * Jon 4:9 Mt 20:15 Lu 7:39; 15:28 Ac 13:46 Jas 4:5,6 VERSE 2 - he prayed. * 1Ki 19:4 Jer 20:7 - I fled. * Jon 1:3 Lu 10:29 - thou art. * Ex 34:6,7 Nu 14:18,19 Ps 78:38; 86:5,15; 145:8 Ho 11:8,9 * Joe 2:13,14 Mic 7:18 - and of. * Jon 3:10 Ex 32:14 Ps 90:13 Jer 18:8 Am 7:3,6 VERSE 3 - take. * Nu 11:15; 20:3 1Ki 19:4 Job 3:20,21; 6:8,9 Jer 20:14-18 * Php 1:21-25 - for. * :8 Job 7:15,16 Ec 7:1 1Co 9:15 VERSE 4 - Doest thou well to be angry? or, Art thou greatly angry? * :9 Nu 20:11,12,24 Ps 106:32,33 Mic 6:3 Mt 20:15 Jas 1:19,20 VERSE 5 - Jonah. * Jon 1:5 1Ki 19:9,13 Isa 57:17 Jer 20:9 - till. * Ge 19:27,28 Jer 17:15,16 Lu 19:41-44 VERSE 6 - the Lord. * Jon 1:17 Ps 103:10-14 - gourd. or, palmcrist. Heb. Kikajon. [Qiyqayown <07021>,] probably the palma Christi, called {kiki,} or {kouki,} by the Egyptians, and {Elkherod} by the Arabs, from which caster oil is extracted. It is as large as the olive tree, has leaves like those of a vine, sometimes as broad as the brim of a hat, and is of very quick growth. - So. * Es 5:9 Pr 23:5 Isa 39:2 Am 6:13 Lu 10:20 1Co 7:30 - was exceeding glad. Heb. rejoiced with great joy. VERSE 7 - prepared. * Job 1:21 Ps 30:6,7; 102:10 - it withered. * Ps 90:5,6 Isa 40:6-8 Joe 1:12 VERSE 8 - that God. * :6,7; 1:4,17 Eze 19:12 Re 3:19 - vehement. or, silent. and the sun. * Ps 121:6 So 1:6 Isa 49:10 Re 7:16 - and wished. * :3 Le 10:3 1Sa 3:18 2Sa 15:25,26 Job 2:10 Ps 39:9 VERSE 9 - Doest thou well to be angry? or, Art thou greatly angry? * :4 - I do well to be angry. or, I am greatly angry. * Ge 4:5-14 Job 18:4; 40:4,5 - even. * Jud 16:16 Job 5:2 Mt 26:38 2Co 7:10 Re 9:6 VERSE 10 - had pity on. or, spared. came up in a night. Heb. was the son of the night. * 1Sa 20:31 Ge 17:12 *marg: VERSE 11 - should. * :1 Isa 1:18 Mt 18:33 Lu 15:28-32 - Nineveh. * Jon 1:2; 3:2,3 - sixscore. It is generally calculated that the young children of any place are a fifth of the inhabitants, and consequently the whole population of Nineveh would amount to about 600,000; which is very inferior to that of London and Paris, though they occupy not one quarter of the ground. In eastern cities there are large vacant spaces for gardens and pasturages, so that there might be very "much cattle." - that cannot. * De 1:39 - and also. * Ps 36:6; 104:14,27,28; 145:8,9,15,16 GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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