1 Jonah, sent to Nineveh, flees to Tarshish. 4 He is bewrayed by a storm; 11 thrown into the sea; 17 and swallowed by a fish. VERSE 1 - Jonah. * 2Ki 14:25 Mt 12:39; 16:4 Lu 11:29,30,32 - Jonas. VERSE 2 - Nineveh. * Jon 3:2; 4:11 Ge 10:11 2Ki 19:36 Na 1:1; 2:1-3:19 Zep 2:13-15 - cry. * Jon 3:2 Isa 58:1 Jer 1:7-10 Eze 2:7; 3:5-9 Mic 3:8 Mt 10:18 - for. * Ge 18:20,21 Ezr 9:6 Jas 5:4 Re 18:5 VERSE 3 - to flee. * Jon 4:2 Ex 4:13,14 1Ki 19:3,9 Jer 20:7-9 Eze 3:14 Lu 9:62 Ac 15:38 * Jon 26:19 1Co 9:16 - from. * Ge 3:8; 4:16 Job 1:12; 2:7 Ps 139:7-12 2Th 1:9 - Joppa. * Jos 19:46 2Ch 2:16 Ac 9:36 - Tarshish. As Jonah embarked at Joppa, a seaport on the Mediterranean, it was probably either Tarsus in Cilicia, or rather Tartessus in Spain, to which he intended to flee. When we reflect how such a message would be received in the streets of London at this day, we shall not wonder at the prophet's reluctance to announce the destruction of the proud and idolatrous Nineveh. * Isa 2:16; 23:1,6,10; 60:9 Eze 27:12 VERSE 4 - the Lord. * Ex 10:13,19; 14:21; 15:10 Nu 11:31 Ps 107:24-31; 135:7 Am 4:13 * Mt 8:24-27 Ac 27:13-20 - sent out. Heb. cast forth. like. Heb. thought. VERSE 5 - cried. * :6,14,16 1Ki 18:26 Isa 44:17-20; 45:20 Jer 2:28 Ho 7:14 - and cast. * Job 2:4 Ac 27:18,19,38 Php 3:7,8 - the sides. * 1Sa 24:3 - and was. * Jud 16:19 Mt 25:5; 26:40,41,43,45 Lu 22:45,46 VERSE 6 - What. * Isa 3:15 Eze 18:2 Ac 21:13 Ro 13:11 Eph 5:14 - arise. * Ps 78:34; 107:6,12,13,18-20,28,29 Jer 2:27,28 Mr 4:37-41 - if. * Jon 3:9 2Sa 12:22 Es 4:16 Joe 2:11 Am 5:15 VERSE 7 - every. * Jud 7:13,14 Isa 41:6,7 - and let. * Jos 7:14-18 Jud 20:9,10 1Sa 10:20,21; 14:41,42 Es 3:7 Ps 22:18 * Pr 16:33 Mt 27:35 Ac 1:23-26; 13:19 - for. * Jos 7:10,13; 22:16-20 1Sa 14:38,39 Job 10:2 - and the. * Nu 32:23 Jos 7:18 1Co 4:5 VERSE 8 - Tell. * Jos 7:19 1Sa 14:43 Jas 5:16 - What is thine. * Ge 47:3 1Sa 30:13 VERSE 9 - I am. * Ge 14:13; 39:14 Php 3:5 - and I. * 2Ki 17:25,28,32-35 Job 1:9 Ho 3:5 Ac 27:23 Re 15:4 - the Lord. or, Jehovah. the God. * Ezr 1:2; 5:11; 7:12,13 Ne 1:4; 2:4 Ps 136:26 Da 2:18,19,44 * Re 11:13; 16:11 - which. * Ne 9:6 Ps 95:5,6; 146:5,6 Ac 14:15; 17:23-25 VERSE 10 - were. * Joh 19:8 - exceedingly afraid. Heb. afraid, with great fear. * Da 5:6-9 - Why. * Jos 7:25 2Sa 24:3 - he fled. * :3 Job 27:22 VERSE 11 - What. * 1Sa 6:2,3 2Sa 21:1-6; 24:11-13 Mic 6:6,7 - calm unto us. Heb. silent from us. wrought, and was stormuous. or, grew more and more stormuous. Heb. went and was, etc. VERSE 12 - Take. * 2Sa 24:17 Joh 11:50 - for. * Jos 7:12,20,21 1Ch 21:17 Ec 9:18 Ac 27:24 VERSE 13 - Nevertheless the. There was great humanity and tender feeling in these men. They were probably affected deeply with the candid confession, the disinterested, submissive conduct of the disobedient prophet, and were unwilling to cast him into the deep, until they found that every effort to save themselves was in vain. - rowed. Heb. digged. but. * Job 34:29 Pr 21:30 VERSE 14 - they. * :5,16 Ps 107:28 Isa 26:16 - let. * Ge 9:6 De 21:8 Ac 28:4 - for. * Ps 115:3; 135:6 Da 4:34,35 Mt 11:26 Eph 1:9,11 VERSE 15 - they. * Jos 7:24-26 2Sa 21:8,9 - and the. * Ps 89:9; 93:3,4; 107:29 Mt 8:26 Lu 8:24 - ceased. Heb. stood. VERSE 16 - feared. * :10 Isa 26:9 Da 4:34-37; 6:26 Mr 4:31 Ac 5:11 - offered, etc. Heb. sacrificed a sacrifice unto the Lord, and vowed vows. * Ge 8:20 Jud 13:16 2Ki 5:17 Ps 107:22 Isa 60:5-7 - made. * Ge 28:20 Ps 50:14; 66:13-16; 116:14 Ec 5:4 VERSE 17 - the Lord. * Jon 4:6 Ge 1:21 Ps 104:25,26 Hab 3:2 - in. * Mt 12:40; 16:4 Lu 11:30 - belly. Heb. bowels. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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