1 Jesus reproves the ambition and boldness of his kinsmen; 10 goes up from Galilee to the feast of tabernacles; 14 teaches in the temple. 40 Divers opinions of him among the people. 45 The Pharisees are angry that their officers took him not, and chide with Nicodemus for taking his part. VERSE 1 - A.M. 4037. A.D. 33. walked. * Joh 4:3,54; 10:39,40; 11:54 Lu 13:31-33 Ac 10:38 - Jewry. Jewry, or Judea, as distinguished from Galilee and Samaria, contained the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Simeon, and Dan, being bounded on the north by the village Annach or Dorceus, on the borders of Samaria; on the south by a village called Jarda in Arabia; and extending in breadth from the river Jordan to Joppa and the Mediterranean, having Jerusalem in its center. - because. * :19,25; 5:16-18 Mt 10:23; 21:38 VERSE 2 * Ex 23:16,17 Le 23:34-43 Nu 29:12-38 De 16:13-16 1Ki 8:2,65 * 2Ch 7:9,10 Ezr 3:4 Ne 8:14-18 Zec 14:16-19 VERSE 3 - brethren. * :5 Mt 12:46,47 Mr 3:31 Lu 8:19 Ac 2:14 - Depart. * Ge 37:5-11,20 1Sa 17:28 Jer 12:6 Mt 22:16,17 VERSE 4 - there. * Pr 18:1,2 Mt 6:1,2,5,16; 23:5 Lu 6:45 - shew. * Joh 18:20 1Ki 22:13 Mt 4:6 Ac 2:4-12 VERSE 5 * Joh 1:11-13 Mic 7:5,6 Mr 3:21 VERSE 6 - My time. * :8,30; 2:4; 8:20; 13:1; 17:1 Ps 102:13 Ec 3:1 *etc: * Ac 1:7 VERSE 7 - world. * Joh 15:19 Lu 6:26 Jas 4:4 1Jo 4:5 - but. * Joh 15:18,19,23-25; 17:14 Pr 8:36 Isa 49:7 Zec 11:8 Ro 8:7 * 1Jo 3:12,13 - because. * Joh 3:19 1Ki 21:20; 22:8 Pr 9:7,8; 15:12 Isa 29:21 Jer 20:8 * Am 7:7-13 Mal 3:5 Lu 11:39-54 Ac 5:28-33; 7:51-54 Ga 4:16 * Re 11:5-11 VERSE 8 - I go not. * :6,30; 8:20,30; 11:6,7 1Co 2:15,16 VERSE 9 VERSE 10 - then. * Ps 26:8; 40:8 Mt 3:15 Ga 4:4 - not. * Joh 11:54 Isa 42:2,3 Am 5:13 Mt 10:16 VERSE 11 - Jews. * Joh 11:56 VERSE 12 - murmuring. * :32; 9:16 Php 2:14 - some. * :25-27,40-43; 6:14; 9:16; 10:19-21 Mt 10:25; 16:13-16; 21:46 Lu 7:16 - is a. * Lu 6:45; 18:19; 23:47,50 Ac 11:24 Ro 5:7 - deceiveth. * :47,52 Mt 27:63 VERSE 13 - spake. * Joh 3:2; 9:22,34; 12:42,43; 19:38; 20:19 Pr 29:25 Ga 2:12,13 * 2Ti 2:9-13 Re 2:13 VERSE 14 - the midst. * :2,37 Nu 29:12,13,17,20,23 *etc: - the temple. * Joh 5:14; 8:2; 18:20 Hag 2:7-9 Mal 3:1 Mt 21:12 Lu 19:47 VERSE 15 - marvelled. * :46 Mt 7:28,29; 22:22,33 Lu 2:47 - How. * Mt 13:54 Mr 6:2,3 Lu 4:22 Ac 2:7 *etc: * Ac 4:11,12 - letters. or, learning. * Am 7:14,15 VERSE 16 - My. * Joh 3:11,31; 8:28; 12:49,50; 14:10,24; 17:8,14 Re 1:1 - but. * Joh 5:23,24,30; 6:38-40,44 VERSE 17 * Joh 1:46-49; 8:31,32,43,47 Ps 25:8,9,12; 119:10,101,102 Isa 35:8 * Jer 31:33,34 Ho 6:3 Mic 4:2 Mal 4:2 Mt 6:22 Lu 8:15 Ac 10:1-6 * Ac 11:13,14; 17:11 Php 3:15,16 VERSE 18 - that speaketh. * Joh 5:41; 8:49,50 1Co 10:31-33 Ga 6:12-14 Php 2:3-5 1Th 2:6 * 1Pe 4:11 - seeketh his glory. * Joh 3:26-30; 11:4; 12:28; 13:31,32; 17:4,5 Ex 32:10-13 Nu 11:29 * Pr 25:27 Mt 6:9 VERSE 19 - not. * Joh 1:17; 5:45; 9:28,29 Ex 24:2,3 De 33:4; 1:17 Ac 7:38 Ga 3:19; * Heb 3:3-5 - yet. * Mt 23:2-4 Ro 2:12,13,17-29; 3:10-23 Ga 6:13 - Why. * :25; 5:16,18; 10:31,32,39; 11:53 Ps 2:1-6 Mt 12:14; 21:38 Mr 3:4,6 VERSE 20 - Thou. * Joh 8:48,52; 10:20 Mt 10:25; 11:18,19; 12:24 Mr 3:21,22,30 Ac 26:24 VERSE 21 - I have. * Joh 5:9-11 VERSE 22 - circumcision. * Ge 17:10-14 Le 12:3 Ro 4:9-11 Ga 3:17 VERSE 23 - that the law of Moses should not be broken. or, without breaking the law of Moses. * Mt 12:5 - I have made. Rather, 'I have healed a whole man [holos <3650> anthropos <444>,] and not the circumcised member only. This reasoning was in perfect accordance with the principles of the Jews. So Tanchuma, 'Circumcision, which is performed on one of the 248 members of man, vacates the sabbath; how much more the whole body of a man!' * Joh 5:8,9,14-16 VERSE 24 * Joh 8:15 De 1:16,17; 16:18,19 Ps 58:1,2; 82:2; 94:20,21 Pr 17:15 * Pr 24:23 Isa 5:23; 11:3,4 Jas 2:1,4,9 VERSE 25 - of Jerusalem. * :10,11 - Is not. * :20 VERSE 26 - he speaketh. * Ps 40:9,10; 71:15,16 Pr 28:1 Isa 42:4; 50:7,8 Mt 22:16 Ac 4:13 * Eph 6:19,20 Php 1:14 2Ti 1:7,8 - Do. * :48; 9:22; 11:47-53; 12:42 Lu 7:30 VERSE 27 - we know. * :15; 6:42 Mt 13:54-57 Mr 6:3 Lu 4:22 - no man. * :41,42 Isa 11:1; 53:8 Jer 23:5; 30:21 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:5,6 Ac 8:33 VERSE 28 - Ye both. * Joh 1:46; 8:14 Mt 2:23 Lu 2:4,11,39,51 - and I. * Joh 3:2; 5:43; 8:16,42; 10:36; 12:49; 14:10,31 - is true. * Joh 3:33; 5:32; 8:26 Ro 3:4 2Co 1:18 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18 1Jo 5:10 - whom. * Joh 8:19,54,55; 16:3; 17:3,25 1Sa 2:12 Ps 9:10 Pr 2:3-5 Jer 9:6 * Jer 31:34 Ho 4:1; 5:4; 6:3-6 Mt 11:27 Lu 10:22 Ac 17:23 Ro 1:28 * 2Co 4:6 1Jo 2:3,4 VERSE 29 - I. * Joh 1:18; 8:55; 10:15; 17:25,26 - for. * Joh 3:16,17; 13:3; 16:27,28; 17:18 1Jo 1:2; 4:9,14 VERSE 30 - they. * :19,32; 8:37,59; 10:31,39; 11:57 Mr 11:18 Lu 19:47,48; 20:19 - but. * :6,8,44-46; 8:20; 9:4; 11:9,10 Ps 76:10 Isa 46:10 Lu 13:32,33; 22:53 VERSE 31 - believed. * Joh 2:23,24; 4:39; 6:14,15; 8:30-32; 12:42 Mt 12:23 Lu 8:13 Ac 8:13 * Jas 2:26 - When. * Joh 3:2; 6:2; 9:16; 10:41,42 Mt 11:3-6 VERSE 32 - Pharisees heard. * :47-53; 11:47,48; 12:19 Mt 12:23,24; 23:13 - sent. * :45,46; 18:3 Lu 22:52,53 Ac 5:26 VERSE 33 - Yet. * Joh 12:35,36; 13:1,3,33; 16:5,16-22; 17:11,13 Mr 16:19 VERSE 34 * Joh 8:21-24; 13:33-36; 14:3,6; 17:24 Pr 1:24-31 Ho 5:6 Mt 23:39 * Lu 13:24,25,34,35; 17:22,23 VERSE 35 - the dispersed. * Isa 11:12; 27:12,13 Zep 3:10 Ac 21:21 Jas 1:1 1Pe 1:1 - Gentiles. or, Greeks. teach. * Ps 67:1,2; 98:2,3 Isa 11:10; 49:6 Mt 12:21 Lu 2:32 Ac 11:18 * Ac 13:46-48; 22:21 Eph 3:8 Col 1:27 1Ti 2:7 2Ti 1:11 VERSE 36 - manner. * Joh 3:4,9; 6:41,52,60; 12:34; 16:17,18 - Ye shall. * :34 1Co 2:14 VERSE 37 - the last. * Le 23:36,39 Nu 29:35 1Ki 8:65,66 - and cried. * :28; 1:23 Pr 1:20; 8:1,3; 9:3 Isa 40:2,6; 55:1; 58:1 * Jer 2:2 Mic 6:9 Mt 3:3 - If. * Joh 4:10; 6:35 Ps 36:8,9; 42:2; 63:1; 143:6 Isa 12:3; 41:17,18; 44:3 * Isa 55:1 Am 8:11-13 Re 21:6; 22:1,17 - let. * Joh 5:40; 6:37; 14:6 Isa 55:3 Jer 16:19 Mt 11:28 - drink. * Joh 6:55 So 5:1 Zec 9:15 1Co 10:4,21; 11:25; 12:13 Eph 5:18 VERSE 38 - He that. * De 18:15 - out. * Joh 4:14 Job 32:18,19 Pr 10:11; 18:4 Isa 12:3; 44:3; 58:11; 59:21 * Eze 47:1-12 Zec 14:8 Ga 5:22,23 Eph 5:9 VERSE 39 - this spake. * Joh 14:16,17,26 Pr 1:23 Isa 12:3; 32:15; 44:3 Joe 2:28 Lu 3:16 * Lu 24:49 Ac 1:4-8; 2:4,17,38; 4:31 Ro 8:9 Eph 1:13,14; 4:30 - for. * Joh 16:7 Ps 68:18 Isa 32:15 Ac 2:17,33 2Co 3:8 - glorified. * Joh 12:16; 13:31,32; 14:13; 17:5 Ac 3:13 - Of. * :12; 1:21,25; 6:14 De 18:15-18 Mt 16:14; 21:11 Lu 7:16 Ac 3:22,23 VERSE 40 VERSE 41 - This is. * :31; 1:41,49; 4:25,29,42; 6:69 Mt 16:14-16 - Shall. * :52; 1:46 VERSE 42 - not. * :27 Ps 132:11 Isa 11:1 Jer 23:5 Mic 5:2 Mt 2:5 Lu 2:4,11 - where. * 1Sa 16:1,4,11-13,18; 17:58 VERSE 43 * :12; 9:16; 10:19 Mt 10:35 Lu 12:51 Ac 14:4; 23:7-10 VERSE 44 - no man. * :30; 8:20; 18:5,6 Ac 18:10; 23:11; 27:23-25 VERSE 45 - the officers. * :32 Ac 5:21-27 VERSE 46 - Never. * :26 Mt 7:29 Lu 4:22 VERSE 47 - Are. * :12; 9:27-34 2Ki 18:29,32 2Ch 32:15 Mt 27:63 2Co 6:8 VERSE 48 * :26,50; 12:42 Jer 5:4,5 Mt 11:25 Ac 6:7 1Co 1:20,22-28; 2:8 VERSE 49 * Joh 9:34,40 Isa 5:21; 28:14; 29:14-19; 65:5 1Co 1:20,21; 3:18-20 * Jas 3:13-18 VERSE 50 - he that. * Joh 3:1,2; 19:39 - to Jesus. Gr. to him. VERSE 51 * De 1:17; 17:8-11; 19:15-19 Pr 18:13 VERSE 52 - Art. * Joh 9:34 Ge 19:9 Ex 2:14 1Ki 22:24 Pr 9:7,8 - Search. * :41; 1:46 Isa 9:1,2 Mt 4:15,16 VERSE 53 * Job 5:12,13 Ps 33:10; 76:5,10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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