1 Christ is scourged, crowned with thorns, and beaten. 4 Pilate is desirous to release him, but being overcome with the outrage of the Jews, he delivers him to be crucified. 23 They cast lots for his garments. 25 He commends his mother to John. 28 He dies. 31 His side is pierced. 38 He is buried by Joseph and Nicodemus. VERSE 1 - Pilate. * Mt 27:26 *etc: * Mr 15:15 *etc: * Lu 23:16,23 - scourged. * Ps 129:3 Isa 50:6; 53:5 Mt 20:19; 23:34 Mr 10:33,34 Lu 18:33 * Ac 16:22,23; 22:24,25 2Co 11:24 Heb 11:36 1Pe 2:24 VERSE 2 - the soldiers. * :5 Ps 22:6 Isa 49:7; 53:3 Mt 27:27-31 Mr 15:17-20 Lu 23:11 VERSE 3 - Hail. * Mt 26:49; 27:29 Lu 1:28 - King. * :19-22; 18:33 VERSE 4 - that ye. * :6; 18:38 Mt 27:4,19,24,54 Lu 23:41,47 2Co 5:21 Heb 7:26 1Pe 1:19 * 1Pe 2:22; 3:18 1Jo 3:5 VERSE 5 - Behold. * Joh 1:29 Isa 7:14; 40:9; 43:1 La 1:12 Heb 12:2 VERSE 6 - the chief priest. * :15 Mt 27:22 Mr 15:12-15 Lu 22:21-23 Ac 2:23; 3:13-15 * Ac 7:52; 13:27-29 - Take. Pilate neither did nor could say this seriously; for crucifixion was not a Jewish but a Roman mode of punishment. The cross was made of two beams, either crossing at the top, at right angles, like a T, or in the middle of their length like an X; with a piece on the center of the transverse beam for the accusation, and another piece projecting from the middle, on which the person sat. The cross on which our Lord suffered was of the former kind, being thus represented on all old monuments, coins, and crosses. The body was usually fastened to the upright beam by nailing the feet to it, and on the transverse piece by nailing the hands; and the person was frequently permitted to hang in this situation till he perished through agony and lack of food. This horrible punishment was usually inflicted only on slaves for the worst of crimes. * Joh 18:31 Mt 27:24 VERSE 7 - We have. * Le 24:16 De 18:20 - because. * Joh 5:18; 8:58,59; 10:30-33,36-38 Mt 26:63-66; 27:42,43 * Mr 14:61-64; 15:39 Ro 1:4 VERSE 8 - heard. * :13 Ac 14:11-19 VERSE 9 - Whence. * Joh 8:14; 9:29,30 Jud 13:6 - But. * Ps 38:13-15 Isa 53:7 Mt 27:12-14 Mr 15:3-5 Ac 8:32,33 Php 1:28 VERSE 10 - knowest. * Joh 18:39 Da 3:14,15; 5:19 VERSE 11 - Thou. * Joh 3:27; 7:30 Ge 45:7,8 Ex 9:14-16 1Ch 29:11 Ps 39:9; 62:11 * Jer 27:5-8 La 3:37 Da 4:17,25,32,35; 5:21 Mt 6:13 Lu 22:53 * Ac 2:23; 4:28 Ro 11:36; 13:1 Jas 1:17 - he. * Joh 11:49,50; 18:3 Mt 26:65; 27:2 Mr 14:44 - the greater. * Joh 9:41; 15:22-24 Lu 7:41,42; 10:11-14; 12:47,48 Heb 6:4-8 Jas 4:17 VERSE 12 - from. * Mr 6:16-26 Ac 24:24-27 - thou art. * Joh 18:33-36 Lu 23:2-5 Ac 17:6,7 VERSE 13 - heard. * :8 Pr 29:25 Isa 51:12,13; 57:11 Lu 12:5 Ac 4:19 - and sat. * Ps 58:1,2; 82:5-7; 94:20,21 Ec 5:8 Am 4:7 VERSE 14 - the preparation. * :31,32,42 Mt 27:62 Mr 15:42 Lu 23:54 - the sixth. Instead of [hektos <1623>,] sixth, several MSS. and fathers have [tritos <5154>,] third, as in the parallel place. * Mr 15:25,33,34 - Behold. * :3,5,19-22 VERSE 15 - Away. * :6 Lu 23:18 Ac 21:36; 22:22 - We have. * Joh 18:31 Ge 49:10 Eze 21:26,27 VERSE 16 * Mt 27:26-31 Mr 15:15-20 Lu 23:24 VERSE 17 - he. * Mt 10:38; 16:24; 27:31-33 Mr 8:34; 10:21; 15:21,22 Lu 9:23; 14:27 * Lu 23:26,33 - went. * Le 16:21,22; 24:14 Nu 15:35,36 1Ki 21:13 Lu 23:33 Ac 7:58 * Heb 13:11-13 - Golgotha. Golgotha, of which [kranion <2898>] and Calvaria are merely translations, is supposed to have been a hill, or a rising on a greater hill, on the north-west of Jerusalem. * Mt 27:33,34 Mr 15:21,22 Lu 23:33 VERSE 18 * Joh 18:32 Ps 22:16 Isa 53:12 Mt 27:35-38,44 Mr 15:24-28 * Lu 23:32-34 Ga 3:13 Heb 12:2 VERSE 19 - wrote. * Mt 27:37 Mr 15:26 Lu 23:38 - And the. The apparent discrepancy between the accounts of this title given by the Evangelists, which has been urged as an objection against their inspiration and veracity, has been most satisfactorily accounted for by Dr. Townson; who supposes that, as it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, it might have slightly varied in each language; and that, as Luke and John wrote for the Gentiles, they would prefer the Greek inscription, that Matthew, addressing the Jews, would use the Hebrew, and that Mark, writing to the Romans, would naturally give the Latin. - JESUS. * :3,12; 1:45,46,49; 18:33 Ac 3:6; 26:9 VERSE 20 - in. * :13; 5:2 Ac 21:40; 22:2; 26:14 Re 16:16 - and Greek. * Ac 21:37 Re 9:11 VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - What. * :12 Ps 65:7; 76:10 Pr 8:29 VERSE 23 - the soldiers. * Mt 27:35 Mr 15:24 Lu 23:34 - now. Such was the [chiton <5509>,] or coat, of the Jewish high-priest, as described by Josephus. - woven. or, wrought. * Ex 39:22,23 VERSE 24 - that. * :28,36,37; 10:35; 12:38,39 - They parted. * Ps 22:18 Isa 10:7 Ac 13:27 VERSE 25 - his mother. * Lu 2:35 - and his. * Mt 27:55,56 Mr 15:40,41 Lu 23:49 - Cleophas. or, Cleopas. * Lu 24:18 - and Mary. * Joh 20:1,11-18 Mr 16:9 Lu 8:2 VERSE 26 - whom. * Joh 13:23; 20:2; 21:7,20,24 - Woman. * Joh 2:4 VERSE 27 - Behold. * Ge 45:8; 47:12 Mt 12:48-50; 25:40 Mr 3:34 1Ti 5:2-4 - took. * 1Jo 3:18,19 - his. * Joh 1:11; 16:32 VERSE 28 - Jesus. * :30; 13:1; 18:4 Lu 9:31; 12:50; 18:31; 22:37 Ac 13:29 - that the. * Ps 22:15; 69:21 VERSE 29 - was set. * Mt 27:34,48 Mr 15:36 Lu 23:36 - hyssop. This hyssop is termed a reed by Matthew and Mark; and it appears that a species of hyssop, with a reedy stalk, about two feet long, grew about Jerusalem. * Ex 12:22 Nu 19:18 1Ki 4:33 Ps 51:7 VERSE 30 - It is. * :28 *Gr: * Joh 4:34; 17:4 Ge 3:15 Ps 22:15 Isa 53:10,12 Da 9:24,26 Zec 13:7 * Mt 3:15 Ro 3:25; 10:4 1Co 5:7 Col 2:14-17 Heb 9:11-14,22-28 * Heb 10:1-14; 12:2 - and he. * Joh 10:11,18 Mt 20:28; 27:50 Mr 15:37 Lu 23:46 Php 2:8 Heb 2:14,15 VERSE 31 - because. * :14,42 Mt 27:62 Mr 15:42 - that the. * De 21:22,23 - that sabbath. * Le 23:7-16 - their. Lactantius says that it was a custom to break the legs of criminals upon the cross; which was done, we are told, at the instep with an iron mallet; and appears to have been a kind of coup de grace, the sooner to put them out of pain. * :1 Pr 12:10 Mic 3:3 VERSE 32 - of the first. * :18 Lu 23:39-43 VERSE 33 VERSE 34 - came. * Joh 13:8-10 Ps 51:7 Eze 36:25 Zec 13:1 Mt 27:62 Ac 22:16 1Co 1:30 * 1Co 6:11 Eph 5:26 Tit 2:14; 3:5-7 Heb 9:13,22; 10:19-22 1Pe 3:21 * 1Jo 1:6-9; 5:6,8 Re 1:5; 7:14 VERSE 35 - he that. * :26; 21:24 Ac 10:39 Heb 2:3,4 1Pe 5:1 1Jo 1:1-3 - that ye. * Joh 11:15,42; 14:29; 17:20,21; 20:31 Ro 15:4 1Jo 5:13 VERSE 36 - that the. * Ex 12:46 Nu 9:12 Ps 22:14; 34:20; 35:10 VERSE 37 - They. * Ps 22:16,17 Zec 12:10 Re 1:7 VERSE 38 - Joseph. * Mt 27:57-60 Mr 15:42-46 Lu 23:50 - but. * Joh 9:22; 12:42 Pr 29:25 Php 1:14 VERSE 39 - Nicodemus. * Joh 3:1 *etc: * Joh 7:50-52 Mt 12:20; 19:30 - a. * Joh 12:7 2Ch 16:14 So 4:6,14 VERSE 40 - wound. * Joh 11:44; 20:5-7 Ac 5:6 VERSE 41 - and in. * Joh 20:15 2Ki 23:30 Isa 22:16 Mt 27:60,64-66 Lu 23:53 VERSE 42 - laid. * Ps 22:15 Isa 53:9 Mt 12:40 Ac 13:29 1Co 15:4 Col 2:12 - because. * :14,31 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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