1 Job excuses his desire of death. 12 He complains of his own restlessness, and expostulates with God. VERSE 1 - Is there. * Job 14:5,13,14 Ps 39:4 Isa 38:5 Joh 11:9,10 - an appointed time. or, a warfare. * Ec 8:8 - like the days. * Job 14:6 Le 25:50 De 15:18 Isa 21:16 Mt 20:1-15 VERSE 2 - ernestly desireth. Heb. gapeth after. * Ps 119:131; 143:6 - the shadow. * Jer 6:4 - as an hireling. * Le 19:13 De 24:15 Mal 3:5 Jas 5:4 VERSE 3 - months of. * Job 29:2 Ps 6:6; 39:5 Ec 1:14 VERSE 4 - When. * :13,14; 17:12; 30:17 De 28:67 Ps 6:6; 77:4; 130:6 - night, etc. Heb. evening be measured. tossings. * Ps 109:23 Isa 54:11 VERSE 5 - flesh. * Job 2:7,8; 17:14; 19:26; 24:20; 30:18,19 Ps 38:5-7 Isa 1:6; 14:11 * Ac 12:23 - loathsome. * Job 9:31 Isa 66:24 Eze 20:43 VERSE 6 - swifter. * Job 9:25; 16:22; 17:11 Ps 90:5,6; 102:11; 103:15,16; 144:4 * Isa 38:12,13; 40:6,7 Jas 1:11; 4:14 1Pe 1:24 - without hope. * Job 6:11; 17:15 Pr 14:32 Jer 2:25 Eph 2:12 1Pe 1:13 VERSE 7 - remember. * Job 10:9 Ge 42:36 Ne 1:8 Ps 74:18,22; 89:47,50 Jer 15:15 - my life. * Ps 78:39 Jas 4:14 - no more see. Heb. not return to see, that is, to enjoy. * Job 10:21,22 VERSE 8 - The eye. * Job 20:9 Ps 37:36 - thine eyes. * Job 13:27; 14:3 Ps 39:11; 90:8,9 - I am not. that is, I can live no longer. * :21 VERSE 9 - the cloud. * Job 37:11 - he. * Job 10:21; 14:10-14; 16:22 2Sa 12:23; 14:14 Ps 39:13 Isa 38:11 VERSE 10 - shall return. * Job 8:18; 20:9 Ps 103:16 VERSE 11 - I will not. * Job 6:26; 10:1; 13:13; 16:6; 21:3 Ps 39:3; 40:9 - the anguish. * Ge 42:21 2Ki 4:27,28 Mt 26:37,38 Lu 22:44 2Co 2:4 - the bitterness. * Job 10:15; 21:25 1Sa 1:10 Isa 38:15,17 VERSE 12 - I a sea. * :17; 38:6-11 La 3:7 - a whale. * Job 41:1-34 VERSE 13 - My bed. * :3,4; 9:27,28 Ps 6:6; 77:4 VERSE 14 - thou scarest. * Ge 40:5-7; 41:8 Jud 7:13,14 Da 2:1 Mt 27:19 VERSE 15 - chooseth. * 2Sa 17:23 Mt 27:5 - life. Heb. bones. VERSE 16 - I loathe it. * Job 3:20-22; 6:9; 10:1 Ge 27:46 1Ki 19:4 Jon 4:3,8 - let me alone. * Job 10:20; 14:6 Ps 39:10,13 - my days. * Ps 62:9; 78:33; 144:4 Ec 6:11,12 VERSE 17 - What is man. * Ps 8:4; 144:3 Heb 2:6 - magnify. * :12 1Sa 24:14 - set thine. * Job 34:14,15 VERSE 18 - visit. * Ex 20:5; 32:34 Isa 26:14; 38:12,13 - try. * Ge 22:1 De 8:16 Jer 9:7 Da 12:10 Zec 13:9 1Pe 1:7 VERSE 19 - How long. * Job 9:18 Ps 6:3; 13:1-3; 94:3 Re 6:10 VERSE 20 - I have sinned. * Job 9:29-31; 13:26; 14:16; 22:5; 31:33; 33:9,27 Ps 80:4 - O thou preserver. * Ne 9:6 Ps 36:6 - why hast. * :12; 6:4; 16:12-14 Ps 21:12 La 3:12 - I am. * :11; 3:24 VERSE 21 - why dost. * Job 10:14; 13:23,24 Isa 64:9 La 3:42-44; 5:20-22 - take away. * 2Sa 24:10 Mic 7:18,19 Ho 14:2 Joh 1:29 Tit 2:14 1Jo 1:9; 3:5 - sleep. * Job 3:13; 17:14; 21:32,33 Ec 12:7 Isa 26:19 Da 12:2 - in the morning. * :18 - but I shall not be. * Ps 37:36; 103:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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