TSK - JOB 41


1 Of God's great power in the leviathan. VERSE 1 - leviathan. that is, a whale, or a whirlpool. * Job 3:8 *marg: * Ps 74:14; 104:26 Isa 27:1 - lettest down. Heb. drownest. VERSE 2 * Isa 27:1; 37:29 Eze 29:4,5 VERSE 3 * Ps 55:21 Pr 15:1; 18:23; 25:15 Isa 30:10 VERSE 4 - Will he. * 1Ki 20:31-34 - wilt thou. * Ge 1:28 Ps 8:5,6 - a servant. * Ex 21:6 De 15:17 VERSE 5 - play. * Jud 16:25-30 - bind. * Job 28:11 VERSE 6 * Jud 14:11 VERSE 7 - Canst. The Leviathan, [livyâthân,] described here, has been solidly proved by Bochart to denote the crocodile; and the description suits no other species of amphibious animals. It is a species of lizard, with a two-edged tail, large oblong head, small but vivacious eyes, short legs, and triangular feet, the fore ones having four, and the hinder ones five toes, armed with strong, sharp claws. Its length is usually about twenty feet, and its circumference about five feet; it has, in proportion to its size, the largest mouth of all monsters; moves both its jaws equally, the upper of which is armed with not less than forty, and the under with thirty-eight sharp, strong, and massy teeth; its voice is a loud, hollow growling, of the most terrific description; and is furnished with a coat of mail, so scaly and callous as to resist the force of a musket-ball in every part, except under the belly. It is a natural inhabitant of the Nile, and other African and Asiatic rivers; is of enormous voracity and strength, as well as fleetness in swimming; attacks mankind and the largest animals with the most daring impetuosity; and when taken by means of a powerful net, will often overturn the boats that surround it. Nothing that it once seizes can escape; and, shaking its prey to pieces, it is swallowed without mastication. - fish. * :26-29 VERSE 8 * 1Ki 20:11 2Ki 10:4 Lu 14:31,32 VERSE 9 - shall. * De 28:34 1Sa 3:11 Isa 28:19 Lu 21:11 VERSE 10 - dare. * Ge 49:9 Nu 24:9 Ps 2:11,12 Eze 8:17,18 - who. * Job 9:4; 40:9 Jer 12:5 1Co 10:22 VERSE 11 - Who. * Job 22:2,3; 35:7 Ps 21:3 Ro 11:35 - whatever. * Ex 19:5 De 10:14 1Ch 29:11-14 Ps 24:1; 50:12; 115:16 * 1Co 10:26,28 VERSE 12 - comely. * Ge 1:25 VERSE 13 - with. or, within. double. * 2Ki 19:28 Ps 32:9 Jas 3:3 VERSE 14 - the. * Job 38:10 Ec 12:4 - his teeth. * Ps 57:4; 58:6 Pr 30:14 Da 7:7 VERSE 15 - scales. Heb. strong pieces of shields. pride. * Jer 9:23 - a close. * Re 5:2,3,5 VERSE 16 - near. * Ge 18:23; 19:9 - air. or, wind. * Job 1:19; 4:9,15; 6:4 VERSE 17 - joined. * :23; 19:20; 29:10; 31:7 VERSE 18 - the eye-lids. * Job 3:9 *marg: * Re 1:14 VERSE 19 * Ps 18:8 VERSE 20 * Jer 1:13,14 VERSE 21 * Ps 18:8,12 Isa 30:33 Hab 3:5 VERSE 22 * Job 39:19; 40:16 - is turned into joy. Heb. rejoiceth. * Ho 13:14 1Co 15:55-57 VERSE 23 - flakes. Heb. fallings. are joined. * :17 VERSE 24 - as hard. * Isa 48:4 Jer 5:3 Zec 7:12 VERSE 25 - by. * Ps 107:28 Jon 1:4-6 VERSE 26 - The sword. * Job 39:21-24 - habergeon. or, breastplate. VERSE 27 - esteemeth. * Job 6:26; 13:24; 19:11 - iron. * Job 19:24; 20:24; 28:2; 40:18 - straw. * Job 21:18 Ge 24:25,32 - brass. * Job 20:24; 28:2; 40:18 - rotten wood. * Job 13:28 Pr 10:7 VERSE 28 - sling-stones. * Job 39:7 Hab 1:10 VERSE 29 * 2Ch 26:14 VERSE 30 - Sharp stones. Heb. Sharp pieces of potsherd. he. So hard and impenetrable are his scales, that splinters of flint are the same to him as the softest reeds. - spreadeth. * Job 17:13 - sharp pointed things. or, gold. * Ps 68:13 Pr 3:14; 8:10 - mire. * 2Sa 22:43 Ps 18:42 VERSE 31 When a large crocodile dives to the bottom, the violent agitation of the water may justly be compared to liquor boiling in a caldron; and his body being strongly impregnated with the scent of musk, the water is affected by it to a considerable distance. In the oriental style, great rivers and lakes are called seas. * :20 - to boil. * Job 30:27 Eze 24:5 - pot. * Ex 16:3; 27:3; 38:3 1Ki 7:45 2Ki 4:38,39,40,41 2Ch 4:16 Ps 58:9 * Ec 7:6 - deep. * Ps 68:22; 69:2,15; 107:24 - ointment. * Eze 24:10 VERSE 32 By his rapid passage through the water he makes it white with foam; and by his tail he causes the waves behind him to sparkle like a trail of light. - to shine. * Ge 1:15 - deep. * Job 28:14; 38:16,30 Ge 1:2 - hoary. * Ge 15:15; 25:8; 42:38 Pr 16:31; 20:29- Upon. VERSE 33 There is no creature among terrestrial animals so thoroughly dangerous, so exceedingly strong, and so difficult to be wounded or slain; and perhaps there is no creature so totally destitute of fear as the crocodile. * Job 40:19 - is made. Heb. behave themselves. * :24 VERSE 34 - he is. * Job 26:12 Ex 5:2 Ps 73:6,10 Isa 28:1 Eze 29:3 Re 12:1-3; 13:2 * Re 20:2,3 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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