TSK - JOB 39


1 Of the wild goats and hinds. 5 Of the wild ass. 9 The unicorn. 13 The peacock, stork, and ostrich. 19 The horse. 26 The hawk. 27 The eagle. VERSE 1 - the wild. * 1Sa 24:2 Ps 104:18 - when. * Ps 29:9 Jer 14:5 VERSE 2 * Jer 2:24 VERSE 3 - bow. * Job 31:10 Ge 49:9 - young ones. * Job 21:11; 38:41 Ge 4:23 - bring forth. lit. "cleave." * Job 16:13 2Ki 4:39 - cast out. * Job 8:4; 12:15; 14:20 - sorrows. or, pangs. * Job 18:10; 21:17; 36:8; 41:1 2Sa 22:6 1Ch 16:18 *marg: * Ps 16:6 VERSE 4 VERSE 5 - the wild. * Job 6:5; 11:12; 24:5 Ge 16:12 Ps 104:11 Isa 32:14 Jer 2:24; 14:6 * Da 5:21 Ho 8:9 - who hath loosed. * Ge 49:14 VERSE 6 - barren land. Heb. salt places. * De 29:23 Ps 107:34 Jer 17:6 Eze 47:11 VERSE 7 - scorneth. * :18; 3:18 Isa 31:4 - driver. Heb. exactor. * Ex 5:13-16,18 Isa 58:3 VERSE 8 * Job 40:15,20-22 Ge 1:29,30 Ps 104:27,28; 145:15,16 VERSE 9 - the. * Nu 23:22 De 33:17 Ps 22:21; 92:10 - or. * Isa 1:3 VERSE 10 * :5,7; 1:14; 41:5 Ps 129:3 Ho 10:10,11 Mic 1:13 VERSE 11 - trust. * Ps 20:7; 33:16,17; 147:10 Isa 30:16; 31:1-3 - leave. * Ge 1:26,28; 9:2; 42:26 Ps 144:14 Pr 14:4 Isa 30:6; 46:1 VERSE 12 - he. * Ne 13:15 Am 2:13 - gather. * Pr 3:16 Hag 2:19 Mt 3:2; 13:30 VERSE 13 - peacocks. * 1Ki 10:22 2Ch 9:21 - wings and feathers unto the. or, the feathers of the stork and. * Job 30:29 *marg: * Le 11:19 Ps 104:17 Jer 8:7 Zec 5:9 VERSE 14 - eggs. * De 22:6 Isa 10:14; 59:5 - in dust. * Job 20:11 VERSE 15 - crush. * Isa 59:5 - break them. * Da 7:23 VERSE 16 - hardened. * La 4:3 - as. * De 28:56,57 1Ki 3:26,27 2Ki 6:28,29 La 2:20 Ro 1:31 - her labor. * Ec 10:15 Hab 2:13 VERSE 17 * Job 17:4; 35:11 De 2:30 2Ch 32:31 Isa 19:11-14; 57:17 Jas 1:17 VERSE 18 * :7,22; 5:22; 41:29 2Ki 19:21 VERSE 19 - the horse. * Ex 15:1 Ps 147:10 - clothed. * Ps 93:1; 104:1 - thunder. * :25 Mr 3:17 VERSE 20 - the glory. * Job 41:20,21 Jer 8:16 - terrible. Heb. terrors. VERSE 21 - He paweth. or, His feet dig. * Jud 5:22 - and. * 1Sa 17:4-10,42 Ps 19:5 Jer 9:23 - he goeth. * Pr 21:31 Jer 8:6 - armed men. Heb. armor. VERSE 22 * :16,18; 41:33 VERSE 23 * Job 41:26-29 VERSE 24 - He swalloweth. * Job 37:20 Hab 1:8,9 - neither. * Job 9:16; 29:24 Lu 24:41 VERSE 25 - Ha, ha. * Ps 70:3 Eze 26:2; 36:2 VERSE 26 - the hawk. {Netz,} Arabic {naz,} Latin {nisus,} the hawk, so called from {natzah,} to shoot away, fly, because of the rapidity of its flight. It probably comprehends various species of the falcon family, as the ger-falcon, goshawk, and sparrowhawk. * Le 16:11 De 14:15 - stretch. Is it through thy teaching that the falcon, or any other bird of passage, knows the precise time for taking flight, and the direction in which she is to go to arrive at a warmer climate? * So 2:12 Jer 8:7 VERSE 27 - the eagle. * Ex 19:4 Le 11:13 Ps 103:5 Pr 23:5 Isa 40:31 Ho 8:1 - at thy command. Heb. by thy mouth. make. * Jer 49:16 Ob 1:4 VERSE 28 - upon. * 1Sa 14:4 VERSE 29 - she. * Job 9:26 - her. The eagle is proverbial for her strong and clear sight. VERSE 30 - where. * Eze 39:17-19 Mt 24:28 Lu 17:37 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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