TSK - JOB 21


1 Job shews that even in the judgment of man he has reason to be grieved. 7 Sometimes the wicked prosper, though they despise God. 16 Sometimes their destruction is manifest. 21 The happy and unhappy are alike in death. 27 The judgment of the wicked is in another world. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - Hear. * Job 13:3,4; 18:2; 33:1,31-33; 34:2 Jud 9:7 Isa 55:2 Heb 2:1 - let this be. * Job 15:11; 16:2 VERSE 3 - that I may. * Job 13:13; 33:31-33 - mock on. * Job 12:4,5; 13:9; 16:10,20; 17:2 VERSE 4 - is my complaint. * Job 7:11-21; 10:1,2 1Sa 1:16 Ps 22:1-3; 77:3-9; 102:1 *title * Ps 142:2,3 Mt 26:38 - if it were. * 2Ki 6:26,27 Ps 42:11 - troubled. Heb. shortened. * Ex 6:9 *marg: VERSE 5 - Mark me. Heb. Look unto me. be astonished. * Job 2:12; 17:8; 19:20,21 - lay your. * Job 29:9; 40:4 Jud 18:19 Ps 39:9 Pr 30:32 Am 5:13 Mic 7:16 * Ro 11:33 VERSE 6 - Even when. * Ps 77:3; 88:15; 119:120 La 3:19,20 Hab 3:16 VERSE 7 - Wherefore. * Job 12:6 Ps 17:10; 73:3-12 Jer 12:1-3 Hab 1:15,16 - mighty. * Ps 37:35 Da 4:17 Re 13:2-7; 17:2-4 VERSE 8 * Job 5:3,4; 18:19; 20:10,28 Pr 17:6 VERSE 9 - safe from fear. Heb. peace from fear. * Job 15:21; 18:11 Ps 73:19 Isa 57:19-21 - the rod. * Job 9:34 Ps 73:5 VERSE 10 - their cow. * Ex 23:26 De 7:13,14; 28:11 Ps 144:13,14 Ec 9:1,2 Lu 12:16-21 * Lu 16:19 VERSE 11 * Ps 107:41; 127:3-5 VERSE 12 * Ge 4:21; 31:27 Isa 5:12; 22:13 Am 6:4-6 VERSE 13 - They. * Job 36:11 Ps 73:4 Mt 24:38,39 Lu 12:19,20; 17:28,29 - wealth. or, mirth. VERSE 14 - they say. * Job 22:17 Ps 10:4,11 Lu 8:28,37 Hab 1:15 Joh 15:23,24 Ro 8:7 - for we. * Pr 1:7,22,29 Joh 3:19,20; 8:45-47 Ro 1:28 2Th 2:10-12 * 2Ti 4:3,4 VERSE 15 - What is. * Ex 5:2 Ps 12:4 Pr 30:9 Ho 13:6 - and what. * Job 34:9; 35:3 Isa 30:11 Mal 1:13,14 - if we. * Isa 45:19 Mt 7:7 Joh 16:24 VERSE 16 - Lo. * Job 1:21; 12:9,10 Ps 49:6,7; 52:5-7 Ec 8:8 Lu 16:2,25 - the counsel. * Job 22:18 Ge 49:6 Ps 1:1 Pr 1:10; 5:8 VERSE 17 - oft. * Job 18:5,6,18 Pr 13:9; 20:20; 24:20 Mt 25:8 - candle. or, lamp. distributeth. * Ps 32:10; 90:7-9 Lu 12:46 Ro 2:8,9 VERSE 18 - as stubble. * Job 13:25 Ex 15:7 Ps 1:4; 35:5; 83:13 Isa 5:24; 17:13; 29:5; 40:24 * Isa 41:15,16 Jer 13:24 Ho 13:3 Na 1:10 Mt 3:12 - carrieth. Heb. stealeth. VERSE 19 - layeth. * Job 22:24 De 32:34 Mt 6:19,20 Ro 2:5 - iniquity. that is, the punishment of his iniquity. * Ge 4:7 Isa 53:4-6 2Co 5:21 - for his. * Ex 20:5 Ps 109:9-31 Isa 14:21 Eze 18:14,19,20 Mt 23:31-35 - he rewardeth. * De 32:41 2Sa 3:39 Ps 54:5 Mt 16:27 2Ti 4:14 Re 18:6 - he shall. * Mal 3:18 VERSE 20 - see. * Job 27:19 Lu 16:23 - drink. * Ps 75:8 Isa 51:17 Jer 25:15,16; 51:7 Re 14:10; 19:15 VERSE 21 - For what. * Job 14:21 Ec 2:18,19 Lu 16:27,28 - the number. * Job 14:5 Ps 55:23; 102:24 VERSE 22 - teach. * Job 40:2 Isa 40:13,14; 45:9 Ro 11:34 1Co 2:16 - he judgeth. * Job 34:17-19 Ps 113:5,6 Ec 5:8 Isa 40:22,23 1Co 6:3 2Pe 2:4 * Jude 1:6 Re 20:1-3,12-15 VERSE 23 - in his full strength. Heb. in his very perfection. or, the strength of his perfection. * Job 20:22,23 Ps 49:17; 73:4,5 Lu 12:19-21 VERSE 24 - His breasts. or, His milk pails. * Job 15:27 Ps 17:10 - moistened. * Pr 3:8 VERSE 25 - in the bitterness. * Job 3:20; 7:11; 9:18; 10:1 2Sa 17:8 *marg: * Pr 14:10 Isa 38:15-17 - never. * Job 20:23 1Ki 17:12 Ec 6:2 Eze 4:16,17; 12:18 VERSE 26 - alike. * Job 3:18,19; 20:11 Ec 9:2 - the worms. * Job 17:14; 19:26 Ps 49:14 Isa 14:11 VERSE 27 - I know. * Job 4:8-11; 5:3-5; 8:3-6; 15:20-35; 20:5,29 Lu 5:22 - ye wrongfully. * Job 32:3; 42:7 Ps 59:4; 119:86 1Pe 2:19 VERSE 28 - Where. * Job 20:7 Ps 37:36; 52:5,6 Hab 2:9-11 Zec 5:4 - dwelling places. Heb. tent of the tabernacles. * Nu 16:26-34 VERSE 29 - go by. * Ps 129:8 VERSE 30 - the wicked. * Pr 16:4 Na 1:2 2Pe 2:9-17; 3:7 Jude 1:13 - day. * Job 20:28 Ps 110:5 Pr 11:4 Zep 1:15 Ro 2:5 Re 6:17 - wrath. Heb. wraths. VERSE 31 - declare. * 2Sa 12:7-12 1Ki 21:19-24 Ps 50:21 Jer 2:33-35 Mr 6:18 * Ac 24:25 Ga 2:11 - repay. * :19; 41:11 De 7:10 Isa 59:13 Ro 12:19 Jas 2:13 VERSE 32 - he be. * Ps 49:14 Eze 32:21-32 Lu 16:22 - grave. Heb. graves. remain in the tomb. Heb. watch in the heap. VERSE 33 - sweet. * Job 3:17,18 - every man. * Job 30:23 Ge 3:19 Ec 1:4; 8:8; 12:7 Heb 9:27 VERSE 34 - comfort. * Job 16:2 - seeing. * Job 13:4; 32:3; 42:7 - falsehood. Heb. transgression. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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