TSK - JOB 19


1 Job, complaining of his friends' cruelty, shews there is misery enough in him to feed their cruelty. 21 He craves pity. 23 He believes the resurrection. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - How long. * Job 8:2; 18:2 Ps 13:1 Re 6:10 - vex. * Job 27:2 Jud 16:16 Ps 6:2,3; 42:10 2Pe 2:7,8 - break me. * Ps 55:21; 59:7; 64:3 Pr 12:18; 18:21 Jas 3:6-8 VERSE 3 - ten times. * Ge 31:7 Le 26:26 Nu 14:22 Ne 4:12 Da 1:20 - ye reproached. * Job 4:6-11; 5:3,4; 8:4-6; 11:3,14; 15:4-6,11,12; 18:4-21 - make yourselves strange to me. or, harden yourselves against me. * :17 Ge 42:7 Ps 69:8 VERSE 4 - I have erred. * Job 11:3-6 - mine. * 2Sa 24:17 Pr 9:12 Eze 18:4 2Co 5:10 Ga 6:5 VERSE 5 - magnify. * Ps 35:26; 38:16; 41:11; 55:12 Mic 7:8 Zep 2:10 Zec 12:7 - plead. * 1Sa 1:6 Ne 1:3 Isa 4:1 Lu 1:25; 13:2-4 Joh 9:2,34 VERSE 6 - God. * Job 7:20; 16:11-14 Ps 44:9-14; 66:10-12 - compassed. * Job 18:8-10 La 1:12,13 Eze 12:13; 32:3 Ho 7:12 VERSE 7 - I cry. * Job 10:3,15-17; 16:17-19; 21:27 Ps 22:2 Jer 20:8 La 3:8 Hab 1:2,3 - wrong. or, violence. no judgment. * Job 9:32; 13:15-23; 16:21; 23:3-7; 31:35,36; 34:5; 40:8 VERSE 8 - fenced. * Job 3:23 Ps 88:8 La 3:7,9 Ho 2:6 - set. * Jos 24:7 Pr 4:19 Isa 50:10 Jer 13:16; 23:12 Joh 8:12 VERSE 9 - stripped. * Job 29:7-14,20,21; 30:1 Ps 49:16,17; 89:44 Isa 61:6 Ho 9:11 VERSE 10 - destroyed. * Job 1:13-19; 2:7 Ps 88:13-18 La 2:5,6 2Co 4:8,9 - I am gone. * Job 17:11 Ps 102:11 - mine hope. * Job 6:11; 8:13-18; 17:15; 24:20 Ps 37:35,36 VERSE 11 - kindled. * De 32:22 Ps 89:46; 90:7 - he counteth. * Job 13:24; 16:9; 33:10 La 2:5 VERSE 12 - His. * Job 16:11 Isa 10:5,6; 51:23 - raise. * Job 30:12 VERSE 13 - put my brethren. * Ps 31:11; 38:11; 69:8,20; 88:8,18 Mt 26:56 2Ti 4:16 - estranged. * Job 6:21-23 VERSE 14 - kinsfolk. * Ps 38:11 Pr 18:24 Mic 7:5,6 Mt 10:21 - familiar. * 2Sa 16:23 Ps 55:12-14 Jer 20:10 Joh 13:18 VERSE 15 - dwell. * :16-19 - count me. * Job 31:31,32 Ps 123:3 VERSE 16 - my servant. * Job 1:15,16,17,19 VERSE 17 - breath. * Job 2:9,10; 17:1 - body. Heb. belly. VERSE 18 - Yea. * Job 30:1,12 2Ki 2:23 Isa 3:5 - young children. or, the wicked. VERSE 19 - my inward friends. Heb. the men of my secret. * Ps 41:9; 55:12-14,20 - they whom. * Job 6:14,15 Ps 109:4,5 Lu 22:48 VERSE 20 - bone. * Job 30:30; 33:19-22 Ps 22:14-17; 32:3,4; 38:3; 102:3,5 La 4:8 - and to. or, as. and I am. * Job 2:4-6; 7:5 La 3:4; 5:10 VERSE 21 - have pity. * Job 6:14 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 Heb 13:3 - the hand. * Job 1:11; 2:5,10; 6:4 Ps 38:2 VERSE 22 - persecute. * Job 10:16; 16:13,14 Ps 69:26 - and are not. * Job 2:5; 31:31 Isa 51:23 Mic 3:3 VERSE 23 - Oh. Heb. Who will give, etc. my words. * Job 31:35 Isa 8:1; 30:8 - oh that they were. Rather, "Oh that they were described {yuchakoo} in a book, with an iron stile and lead! Were graven on a rock for ever!" Pliny observes, "At first men wrote on palm leaves, and afterwards on the bark or rind of other trees. In process of time, public monuments were written on rolls of lead ({plumbeis voluminibus}); and those of a private nature on linen books, or tables covered with wax." VERSE 24 - graven. * Ex 28:11,12,21; 32:16 De 27:2,3,8 Jer 17:1 VERSE 25 - I know. * Job 33:23,24 Ps 19:14 Isa 54:5; 59:20,21 Eph 1:7 - he shall. * Ge 3:15; 22:18 Joh 5:22-29 Jude 1:14 VERSE 26 - And though, etc. Or, After I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh shall I see God. * Ps 17:15 - in my flesh. * Ps 16:9,11 Mt 5:8 1Co 13:12; 15:53 Php 3:21 1Jo 3:2 Re 1:7 VERSE 27 - I shall. * Nu 24:17 Isa 26:19 - another. Heb. a stranger. though my reins, etc. or, my reins within me are consumed with earnest desire [for that day.] * Ps 119:81 Php 1:23 - within me. Heb. in my bosom. VERSE 28 - Why. * :22 Ps 69:26 - seeing, etc. or, and what root of matter is found in me? the root. * 1Ki 14:13 - in me. Instead of {bee,} "in me," {bo,} "in him," is the reading of more than 100 MSS. VERSE 29 - ye afraid. * Job 13:7-11 Ro 13:1-4 - that ye may. * Ps 58:10,11 Ec 11:9 Mt 7:1,2 Jas 4:11,12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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