TSK - JOB 16


1 Job reproves his friends for unmercifulness. 17 He maintains his innocency. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - heard. * Job 6:6,25; 11:2,3; 13:5; 19:2,3; 26:2,3 Jas 1:19 - miserable. or, troublesome. * Job 13:4 Ps 69:26 Php 1:16 VERSE 3 - vain words. Heb. words of wind. * Job 6:26; 8:2; 15:2 - what emboldeneth. * Job 20:3; 32:3-6 Mt 22:46 Tit 1:11; 2:8 VERSE 4 - if your soul. * Job 6:2-5,14 Mt 7:12 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26 - up words. * Job 11:2; 35:16 Pr 10:19 Ec 10:14 - shake mine. * 2Ki 19:21 Ps 22:7; 44:14; 109:25 Jer 18:16 La 2:15 Mt 27:39,40 VERSE 5 - But I would. * Job 4:3,4; 6:14; 29:25 Ps 27:14 Pr 27:9,17 Isa 35:3,4 Ga 6:1 VERSE 6 - my grief. * Job 10:1 Ps 77:1-9; 88:15-18 - what am I eased. Heb. what goeth from me. VERSE 7 - he hath. * Job 3:17; 7:3,16; 10:1 Ps 6:6,7 Pr 3:11,12 Isa 50:4 Mic 6:13 - hast made. * Job 1:15-19; 29:5-25 VERSE 8 - And thou hast, etc. Some render, "thou has fettered me," as {kamat} signifies in Arabic; but as it signifies in Syriac to be wrinkled, the common version seems, from the connection, to be more correct; and if Job's disease were the elephantiasis, these words would apply most forcibly to the wrinkled state of the skin in that disorder. - is a witness. * Job 10:17 Ru 1:21 Eph 5:27 - my leanness. * Ps 106:15 Isa 10:16; 24:16 VERSE 9 - teareth me. * Job 10:16,17; 18:4 Ps 50:22 La 3:10 Ho 5:14 - he gnasheth. * Ps 35:16; 37:12 La 2:16 - mine. * Job 13:24,27; 19:11 Mic 7:8 VERSE 10 - gaped. * Ps 22:13,16,17; 35:21 Lu 23:35,36 - they have smitten. * 1Ki 22:24 2Ch 18:23 Isa 50:6 La 3:30 Mic 5:1 Mt 26:67 * Joh 18:22 Ac 23:2 2Co 11:20 - gathered. * Ps 35:15; 94:21 Ac 4:27 VERSE 11 - delivered me. Heb. shut me up. * 1Sa 24:18 *marg: * Ps 31:8 Ro 11:32 *marg: - to the ungodly. * Job 1:13-19; 2:7 Ps 7:14 Joh 19:16 2Co 12:7 - turned. * Ps 27:12 VERSE 12 - at ease. * Job 1:2,3; 3:26; 29:3,18,19 - broken me. * Job 4:10 Ps 44:19 La 3:4 Mt 21:44 - by my neck. * Job 15:26 Ro 16:4 - shaken. * La 3:11 Eze 29:7 - set me up. * Job 7:12,20 La 3:12 VERSE 13 - archers. * Job 6:4 Ge 49:23 Ps 7:12,13 - he cleaveth. * Job 19:27 La 3:13 - doth. * Job 6:10 De 29:20 Eze 5:11 Ro 8:32 2Pe 2:5 - poureth. * Job 20:25 La 2:11 VERSE 14 - breaketh. * La 3:3-5 - runneth. * Jud 15:8 Ps 42:7 VERSE 15 - sewed. * 1Ki 21:27 Isa 22:12 - defiled my horn. * Job 30:19 1Sa 2:10 Ps 7:5; 75:5,10 VERSE 16 - face. * Ps 6:6,7; 31:9; 32:3; 69:3; 102:3-5,9 Isa 52:14 La 1:16 - on my eyelids. * Job 17:7 Ps 116:3 Jon 2:1-10 Mr 14:34 VERSE 17 - Not for. * Job 11:14; 15:20,34; 21:27,28; 22:5-9; 27:6,7; 29:12-17; 31:1-40 * Ps 7:3-5; 44:17-21 - my prayer. * Job 8:5,6 Ps 66:18,19 Pr 15:8 1Ti 2:8 VERSE 18 - O earth. * Jer 22:29 - cover not. * Ge 4:11 Ne 4:5 Isa 26:21 Eze 24:7 - let my cry. * Job 27:9 Ps 66:18,19 Isa 1:15; 58:9,10 Jas 4:3,4 VERSE 19 - my witness. * 1Sa 12:5 Ro 1:9; 9:1 2Co 1:23; 11:31 1Th 2:10 - on high. Heb. in the high places. * Job 25:2 Ps 113:5 VERSE 20 - scorn me. Heb. are my scorners. * :4; 12:4,5; 17:2 - poureth. * Ps 109:4; 142:2 Ho 12:4,5 Lu 6:11,12 Heb 5:7 VERSE 21 - plead. * Job 9:34,35; 13:3,22; 23:3-7; 31:35; 40:1-5 Ec 6:10 Isa 45:9 Ro 9:20 - neighbor. or, friend. VERSE 22 - a few years. Heb. years of number. * Job 14:5,14 - whence. * Job 7:9,10; 14:10 Ec 12:5 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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